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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 4/Question#42 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy with a karyotype of 47,XY+21 ...
Excess lymphoblasts ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—brise(86)
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I gutthho that a dlhci itwh onwd mneyrdso uernd the gea of ,5 hda a ncehac of ginettg uetca klmocabteagryisa ea?iuemlk dna rvoe ,5 atceu lhomptslyaibc e?lekumia

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mittelschmerz  I wsa csutk webteen teosh sa el.wl My hthtugo orspecs saw atht oceyoatrsaiksygm wolud eb umatre rgaasmcokyetye tu,hohg hhwic owudl nto phenpa in a akigeastobmlyarc aklmeuie nsiec htey era kutsc in eth tbals sa.egt aTth flet ylno oblylhasmpst, adn I eupemsr ewilh oen mya eb OMRE yellki eag 5, a pnettia hwti Donw rdnoSmey is tllsi at higreh skri rfo hotb. +4
cassdawg  ssslegio"aoaMt"lb as ni eth rsnawe cochsei feerrs ot clseligbtaoma iaeanm in 12B and elafot cyniicfede, os ti is otn aitsaodcse iwht ekmotayasgyerc or lmraebatakgoycsi in!meaa eHop hsit ph!sle +14

"We ALL fall Down" to remember Down syndrome is associated with ALL

+2/- fatboyslim(118)

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submitted by โˆ—cheesetouch(250)
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cuteA ytpacmolhlbsi mamiaoleyhpkl/meu LA)(L is atdaicoses wiht noDw Semndroy and tsmo nfteo ocsucr in lricdnhe [02A1F8 2.p4]0 LAM dan LAL rea aeserndci ni oeths thwi woDn omrdnyes 6[3]p ubt ineamd gea fo tseon of LAM is 65 asrye dlo .0)4p2( lmlastosaibgseo eefrsr to llcbmtoaigase ainm.ea

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