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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#30 (reveal difficulty score)
An investigator is studying an outbreak of ...
Only cookies are independently associated with E. coli cases 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +67  upvote downvote
submitted by niboonsh(409)
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hsti nteouqsi kesam me tnaw ot eta na e loci ocioek and peoh i leebd tou

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caitlyncloy  kipc C adn ovme on asw my gstretay :P lhep oll +2
thegooddoctor2  lol gdoo noe +1
sparta  LOL athnk yuo for hsti mntcome +

 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by doodimoodi(74)
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dDi on neo cnetio atth het Odsd ritao no eht pot elft is wn?ogr Am I ngssimi mieosh?tng fI uyo cceluaalt ,ti 'sit 6 ustj lkie het pot hrigt n..e.o.

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mjmejora  tthas cylaltua erlaly nyunf +
yex  Beuecsa I sdai so, iaselpp :-/ +1
doodimoodi  natC leebvie we pya 06$ orf itsh crpa +50
aisel1787  bste mncomet odmdiod)oio +1
b1ackcoffee  tath ifguknc ewhtr em ffo no xma.e I wsa keil si trehe na ceffte iiamidfocotn yb N"ot nrgdnkii k.lim" teh !kfuc +2

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by sne(59)
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RO &tg;1 scidineat eesnacdir eurrcoeccn fo t.vene hTe nylo OR teragre ntah 1 was in hte bleta hatt teddaiinc hatt eth utjcebs ate cskooie tub 'tiddn idnrk .iklm Tshu, taht is eth only noe whti a tgniasfnici uccreecnro

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For a more systematic approach. First look at cookies p-val is sig when not stratified, the top table is stratified the OR > 1 => sig => cookies have association.

Then look at milk p-val is sig when not stratified, the bottom table stratified the OR = 1 => loss of significance => milk have no association.

+1/- peqmd(74)

Uworld ID 1173 has a good explanation for how to look at stratified analysis.

+/- peqmd(74)

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by qiss(20)
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roF ppeeol ohw agylereln hda boreltu ardeign het wot t:cashr

Fsrit r:tach eW saeetpdra het itnree apltioponu ntoi two msllera aponlpituos ot ttse rof the sikooec teaffc. In ontupaloPi A (adknr )mkli teehr asw an dsdo troai fo 6 to(yp ni teh atacul tha.rc) nI lipanoPuto B idd( nto idkrn lik)m reteh swa an sodd oiatr fo 6. cneSi het dods tairso aer nto 1, we anc ldeuoccn ttah het coekois ahev na teefcf dslgrsraee fo teh npolaotuip ie( ardkn ilmk loppee vrsseu din'dt nrdki limk p.lop)ee

dceonS ar:cth wNe tse of onapptliosu to ttse for the fecfet of .kmli nI ianultoPop C (aet eikc)oso etrhe wsa na ddso riota of 1. nI naopoiluPt D did( nto eta )oiekosc teehr asw laos an odsd otari of .1 shiT snmea htta ilkm did nto ehva an ftfcee eevr nda n'itdd retuciobnt ot eth eieasd.s

ly"nO scoioek ear eenyndptdneil aossdicate wiht E. coli eascs" nsame thta only eht ieocsok ceaus teh asseide wthtuoi het cfsefet of nhteomigs

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by pg32(218)
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eTh fcta htat the odds orita in the otp flte si iteocrnrc samek hist qoensitu eryv diifcluf.t tI meksa ti repapa sa if eht ckoiseo era ietvaacus but het klim dha msoe opvecrteti rftcao. oS s.xbouoino

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drpatinoire  dGo I uotthgh totylal het aems ayw as yuo ddi. I aetsrd ta isth siqtneou rof at lseta i5mn dna sdkea slyfme hsa'tw ngrwo wtih ym tcisst.iast +1

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by youssefa(162)
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tlylnIaii lkim kdgrinin wsa dtsaoesaic ihwt oEcil. ktrbeoau wiht 9R3.O= adn t0&l0;P10. f.n..ani(gSitc)i rAetf itiattfrocasni iotn tea eckoios dna idd ont eta koeocis RO eaecbm 1 edtisna of .93 ieagnnm hte asaoctiinso edps.paeidra fheoreTer, itngea cskoieo was a oduornefnc nda rehet is on laer ciaoitanoss eewetnb gnkridin mikl nda .toids.E.,il..ance kl'sim hte( dnfurcenoo) tuntniiboroc saw pisrseonlbe rof het OR of 93. in eth fistr lpc.ea sThi swa teuhferdr nsotdmdetear ihtw OR fo 6 in eth ioesock aolen rpog.u

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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hsTi noe treeh reew uorf sdod oastri, eno devdriop rdenu hcae be.atl eTh nylo one tath dha an osdd traio tgerear tnah .01 was eht tealb in eth pto ghtir (sOdd aotRi = 6, I iebeelv,) hichw whne yuo odloke at teh al,lebs dle to eht ihtrg .renasw

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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nA" odds toria of 1 sedictina atth eth toonniidc or evnte uernd ydtsu is lelyqua elkyli ot ocurc ni thbo .pgrsou An dsod triao etagrre anht 1 dceiniast that teh nioicdnto ro veten is omre lklyie ot rocuc in het trsfi .opurg" (/tdi.epp/r/.reiawkgshOwsokdnttia:/oii_id)

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by xw1984(8)
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eTh OR ni the prpeu ftle 22 aelbt is rt,ierocnc hwcih suhdlo be 6 72(3/266* 6)=, ont .1 sTih namse eht RO fo et"a oe"cisko soed tno gehnac afret arisctafnittoi by "nrkda lm"ki, so kdna"r kilm" is ton a fne,oncuord nad ea"t "iscooke is ieetdyepnndln osas /w EECH ruaoekb.t

nO het ertho dnh,a OR ofr rkd"na lkim" adhgnec a lto (ormf 39. ot .10), hichw iscntedia "nkdra l"mik mhgti be a fonernduoc ,and h,rreetfeo si ont ddietenlnypne osas /w cEEH eu.robatk

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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A iouqtnes i orem elarygenl aevh .i..s

Is it bpolssei atth enwh uoy rityftsa eth ,data .(ei. ringpcaom het fetefc ttah atneig ckeoosi hsa, ni oleppe who drikn imkl or loppee hwo do tno kdrin k)lim that hte dsdo ioatr wlli wohs niacncgiifse fro eon but not hte ro?het

iaSd e,erflfdiytn in eht xelmepa oabv,e oldcu tangei keicoos ni lppeoe owh ikrdn lmki ldae to a iannfsctigi ecersnai het skir of iefctionn, tub not in eelpop hwo how d'idnt ndrik kml?i

v'eI kdoleo oarnud in tihs mtmocen hrd,ate adn vhea esne poeelp emtnoin the ertm ftece"f icifmaotn"dio; si hatt ahtw my pexlaem eobva wdoul owh?s

In ohtre wrsod, fi genait kecosio + gndkrnii lmik adesl to a ngaitcisfni is,rk but taeign sooicke + ont gndirnki ikml hsa no osisaadetc sir,k luwdo htta enma htat the mikl sah na c"ftefe "ocimiftinoad on eht sikr of gitnegt ceinnfoti ni peelpo who eat ocosie?k

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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hsti is a bsnuo ontqeiu.s

wehn dods roiat si ,1 enagnmi no nt,sioosicaa

sodd &oratg;ti ,1 whchi ni itsh qeonutis si ,6 ansem oaicsinsota

ewrhe si odsd toira ? a) ta eth tea iioo-otcddenk kdnri kmli .nclmou ceneh eht ena,rws yonl ikcooe endntynpilede ss.a whti e iocl

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submitted by tyrionwill(22)
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we nac akem intshg esmpil lkei tish :ayfiw we ntaw to konw etrewhh ,1roX X2 reltrsecao ,Y we sjut peytarelas tste X1 dan Y, dna 2X dan Y cio.ryagnlcd e hnW sett 1X htiw Y, ew qrieeru no 2X xu;peoser eh Wn stte 2X ithw ,Y we qrieuer no X1 esoe;prxu

eW tset iooekc hiwt aa,hdierr ewhn klmi aws otn rkdun p(to h:)rtgi stivoipe We tste lmki tihw daah,erir enhw on kieooc swa netae olerw( it)g:hr tagvniee

lcunioco:ns noyl cooeik crtaeoselr ot eht rehdraai

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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hTe woyedrk si NEEPacYDDe.)No"LiEst(saTNId" hWihc ni hmnua egalnaug sname TN"O OD"TASSCAEI.

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I agree it's a poor choice of words but what they mean by "independently" associated is that which of the variable is the only one associated with dz without any confounding.

+1/- peqmd(74)

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