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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 63-year-old woman develops flank pain, ...
ABO incompatibility ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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Thsi si tuaec heotilmyc snstfaunroi oeinract, a tyep II iettveisspnyrihy werhe rroeed-pmf IgM bntoseidai dibn to mnceiailtbpo BOA ntaegisn no ondor Rs,CB ihcwh essacu nclvisaratrua ylmi.eossh Rh nytao,bmiictliip kile lelnec_rdoo i,asd scmoe omre onit ylap whti tilRbhyoiti-camp of gnpncerya dna ti is ude to IgG iotb,asdeni chwih rome etofn sceau sealravtarucx solesyimh esnci pscenil egpchsraamo vahe steho -F-Raacmgm eopertrcs ot indb etvrahwe GIg sah cgu.aht taxrruacEalsv et'osnd ucaes ttha oeih,tynpnos vf,ree nflak iapn saosictdae wthi erbmgilonaiohu inces het cosrmahegap ldoh on ot the daedgrde sRBC and noervtc it ot lviibdre,in wchih anc leyasf be dercetxe yb eht ei.lvr

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mousie  oudlC ouy phel me hitw ndgnneatrdusi ywh itsh ts'ni a epTy I R?SH I nsnretaddu tath BAO iicpotyimabntli is ypTe II RSH tbu I tdon' wkon owh to tell het nrefecefid eeetwnb a eitaptn hwo is IAg cdeeifnti adn ingvha a pTey I Rnoiteca to an fisnnoiu vs AOB tntyipcoiibmlai .... +16
sympathetikey  seo@imu - rXsy.sCEtmQhiui/m/llcBaHta:c/g o,5pr kthni fo pyTe 1 SH lkie a aolnrm areliglc caitenro y(cit,h ewz,ghnie et).c. ,rheesaW thwi AOB itlinmiybotciap you tge eht usi'qotnes orentnaitsp.e +10
medpsychosis  Wnhe it scoem ot tuecA yhoicemlt nsatfusionr acit,ernos teyh aer Tpye II sitrhetypinyives dna dididve ntio aarranuIsvtcl (BO)A dan raraaEulcxvst (tsho bA anatisg nofgrei naignet no odnor BRC.) Teh iiefneaidtfgntr tfrcao enbwtee mthe si cvutnrlraIsaa (OAB) wlli trspene whti nmolrigabuiheo deoingsla lal teh ehrto cmnmoo ytosmsmp etvnsi,(rnpfoeoehy, ehtancayp e.)ct txarvsaalEcru smsloeyih liwl asntd out htiw cdaJneiu sa neo fo hte tiegnnrpes ym.tpsmso Hepo itsh sepl!h +11
cassdawg  loAs ustj to dd:a Rh ipoittinlcaiybm uesacs a ayeeldd lotehcimy nsasfonrtui atonir,ec isth oeicnrta was emdaiteim so ti si vticiedian rmeo fo teh BOA oodlb rpgou btyitoaimicpnli A0F2(02 411p has all hte bodol nsoinftsrua etsariocn) +4
ooooopss  I stju awnna ays doG sblse all fo uoy uczI dnedee stih +2
drdoom  ^ knilyfi epsyt@akmhtyei up.rHQgX:5om/CtEh/sitcrm/ +1

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submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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To clneuc: )1do :BAO IMg -&g;t mmolCeepnt tg;-& a)srltcun va2arI Rh: gGI gt;-& leinpcS aeoaMhcgpr g;&-t rtaclraEvuxsa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—roygbiv(25)
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hWy duloc htis otn eb aaxtavescrulr ?mioesylhs nI AF ti ayss uacte ymlchioet nrstiuafsno tnreaioc can eb ude ot BOA icylaiitipotmnb or carrlasxeatvu l.oseimyhs

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niboonsh  ebeuasc arrvtsueclaax smolhesyi is aoeisscadt w eunia.djc tnsrcaauaIrlv yissmloeh ldowu evah rinobhoelgiamu but stath' ont na wsnrea +2
niboonsh  i mena thta si the anserw lol +1
krewfoo99  ndiorcAgc ot ohmp:taa slcntavraIur hmlisoeysa wlil dela ot hainobmelog nndgibi to labptnho.oig ihsT pxomecl will rtvela to het ensdiyk dan be .edrteexc Tsih llwi edla ot edr ocordel ueinr dna aaieidumsrho t(No:e hsTi nca lsoa dlea ot uacet luubtar osxiraEtascacenur)sr lv hsiyaelsmo si wneh oaescgrpahm breka odwn het CB.R Tehn the Heame is tonvcdree to iidveirlbn hetn uinilibbr and cjonaguedt in ilrve, nda ehtn tceer.xed +5
paperbackwriter  If uoy olok rnedu the ailnlic"c n"ernsetpotia nomluc fo teh bldoo atfurssnino anriocest atrch 4),11g(p ti asys that biuaigelorhomn si hwit ruislnavcraat oyhslmeis and deajicun si ihwt arvuctarl.saxe Msake senes acbseue ithw aclusaatevxrr shmelisyo ruoy encpsli maagsroehpc are ear nhiwcge pu het CBsR dna rsgueeeqsnti ti ni teh eepnls so uoy tdno' teg irolve"lsp" -- e..i clena .iurne +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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FA 0127 astets taht rasvrtualxace hsyisloem sah jneiaduc erhew BAO iimiioatltpycbn dwluo o.nt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—medstruggle(20)
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hWy asw eth eatcu lytmcoehi anrnusosfit arnoicte deu to AOB itapmbtclyniiio, btu otn hR miynbpiiittcoal?

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colonelred_  Rh ociiatitnlibymp smoce mero tino plya itwh Rh- ohrmte and +Rh i.bseab +2

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submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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utecA cotthrf rsniilyonconae eimsuta

eTyp II atiivsniechyiyosnet trpre

lpaiylTyc sa reiuvtualsrcasnca iyoB(lOh essAm obdol atigcompiobinult)rypi

uiDnrg raorsfisno utn wiihnt 24 (u rdhe ot deeor osdeirm)nbpiaft

evr,eF arpphnchyyi noh,d cot ey,ealfcna,aikaastnt itov(enjicuuu arilp mitcal) rarenas(boxaa,a ehaaunir)n,rvlcgsd

rnooD BRC tihw A adro/ n B gupro eitgsnan ctera itH wstho iA,tan- -tBnia .gMg,I IG

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—weirdmed51(30)
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olodB rsoftinnusa acint:oers

  • eypt I / rAlelcig tcyAnaapichl R- eefvr, aa,itrruic ptsurr,ui wzhee,e tnyosopihen (-n3)mi2 gI[ A dcfe]
  • yetp /2 Ac. ctHiyleom R- erfve, npdes,yaynaiic,raottchoh ,aahtcpeyn kalfn nia,p uri,Hab aue.cijnd iWn(thi 1 hr)

  • rFbeeil nno iyohetlcm R- csvehrl,iF,le haacde,eh ubt no uiHbar ro iudjcnae 6hr)(1-

  • ILA-RT ets,.rssdesRpi iaodncrno uplm .deaem h(6)r
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