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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A 63-year-old woman develops flank pain, ...
ABO incompatibility ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—neonem(629)
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hiTs is etuca cehilmyto otsifunarns rea,tonci a etyp II ietnvsyisreptiyh heerw erf-deporm IgM dtnieioabs ndbi to iamiecotbnpl BAO egainstn on ornod BRCs, hihwc acuses cvaanlarurits yslm.osihe Rh iaition,tblymipc ielk re_noelcdlo dia,s scemo rmeo ntoi paly wiht to-hbRilamipcyit fo nngyrecpa nad ti si eud ot IGg ndetbsoia,i hicwh ermo nfteo ecuas cexrvraaulats hesyilosm scnie ensilcp hesraamcgpo vaeh hstoe --gRmmcFaa oreptscer ot nibd erwehavt GIg sha tuach.g scxEuaararltv 'ostdne saeuc hatt sph,tynneoio evfr,e lanfk naip taadcioess iwht ubimhalgeonroi nesic eth oghspcearma hlod no ot teh aededdrg BCsR adn nrocvet it to ilndr,ibevi wichh can lsafye be xerdctee yb hte erl.iv

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mousie  uodlC uoy elhp me hiwt uirstdnadnnge hwy hsit i'nst a pTey I S?HR I dutendnras that OAB lyictmnpbitoaii si ypTe II SHR tub I tod'n know ohw to tlle het ecrffeeind bneewte a ntteapi owh si gAI incefidet nad gihnva a eTpy I icoeRant ot na ionnufsi sv OAB itnacoipblimyit .... +16
sympathetikey  is@omue - m5msiuQo/grl, sit:E/ at/ rCc c.phXaHyBl ktnhi fo yepT 1 HS keli a nmlora reiglalc cteaoirn ,(tiych ghiz,wene c).et. sWehar,e with OAB nmyopaiilcibtit uyo etg teh ousnqteis' +10
medpsychosis  nWeh it semco to ctAue otmeilcyh strnoiausnf ,asrnitoce hety rae ypeT II vhspeyiiiyrnttes nad ddvidie otni aIvrsclrnauat ()OAB dna avrcxatrulaEs t(hos Ab atngsai eoinfrg tngenia on orond RC)B. hTe nrfdiiegnaittef oftacr weteenb htem si pies.lm ataIunalsrrvc A)O(B lilw prstnee ithw ouiamhgnierblo lngiaeods lal the herot mncomo smypmost oytinpver(sno,ef,he eaatyhpcn ce.)t crEaatlaruxvs lmsoeihys wlil dastn otu htiw uaeidcJn sa eon of teh pntesneirg mty.pomss peHo ihst e!lhsp +11
cassdawg  Aslo stuj to da:d Rh miaiyblocpttini aeucss a yadedel hmilctyoe tsnasforniu iorane,tc htsi noriceta wsa demmtiiae os it is vniicaidet eomr of eth OBA obdol opurg cymbiiianloiptt F(0202A p114 hsa lal eht lobdo antunrsosif a)snoietrc +4
ooooopss  I sutj aanwn asy God esbls all fo oyu uzcI ndeeed itsh +2
drdoom  ^ lfinkiy ekyhympase@itt 5/Qptgrsmh:/.EtmrHouXC/ci +1

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submitted by โˆ—lilmonkey(63)
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To lunecocd)1: AOB: MIg t&-g; omlenpetCm gt&;- s2ctrI alvu)rnaa h:R IGg t&g-; pilencS rcMapgaohe ;gt-& txcusEavlrraa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—roygbiv(25)
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Why uodlc sthi nto eb avrxsrtceulaa sshel?yiom nI FA ti ysas ueact eocmyithl sraoinftnsu tenocair can be ued ot BAO nttamcioibiliyp or rscteauvxraal semy.shilo

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niboonsh  cubsaee aelcrratsaxuv iyosmselh is aisedaotsc w jaicdenu. arscanvrIutla hsleyoism wudlo evha uomhlonergiaib ubt ta'hts otn na aewsrn +2
niboonsh  i anem atth si hte ransew oll +1
krewfoo99  gioncAcdr ot pa:oatmh anrIulvartsc oahlmseisy iwll deal ot iomghneoalb idbgnin to gphlo.ontabi hTis oelpcmx lilw ertavl ot hte esynkdi dna be rxtdeee.c hTsi iwll aled ot der lodcoer iernu and hasadimiureo e:No(t Tihs nac also elda to taeuc buatulr irEc)sraotssvrcxaanlu e ilssmeayoh si wehn epasahomcrg rkaeb wond eth C.RB neTh the maeeH si nvecderot ot ieinbirlvd ehtn lbuiirbin dan uctadejngo in l,riev adn hetn eeedcxt.r +5
paperbackwriter  fI uyo olok endru teh lac"inicl "pnrisoteenat muolnc of het ldobo asrtiosunnf rsntaocei ahctr ,)411p(g ti ssya atth lboimugahioenr is hwit anclursarvtai yissmeolh adn ineudjca si hitw eavcsrlxtaau.r eakMs eenss aebeusc ihtw atrsraxavulce oeslhisym rouy lsicpen pemhraocasg rea rea gceiwhn up teh RBsC nda segruqstiene it in het slnepe so yuo no'dt tge sllpvi"oe"r -- e..i elacn iunre. +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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AF 0712 tstase ttah xlsaeatrrvuca essmoilyh sha enajidcu heewr BAO yiltmcpitnbioia doluw .otn

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submitted by โˆ—medstruggle(20)
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Wyh was teh auect htlmoyice iotnurfsnsa toeianrc eud to AOB iticyniabilmotp, ubt ont hR tniaipybmcitloi?

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colonelred_  hR tioticayilnipbm omces orme tnio lypa htwi hR- roemht nda +Rh ibabs.e +2

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submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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Acuet stot rafcncluoin nehiiosetmyar

pyeT II t tycoeihyaniisvteerrpsni

Tailcyypl sacsauiu ralastnevrc sOhs iBolym(Ae ooldb poli oc)pityrtnigiumba

urnigD suroinro atsfn hnwtii 24 (rdheu ot tmedfrd)eoeisprbna oi

veFre, ypeociotcyaalc eaathkr,dhn,tyfn ns nia,pha gvledcbpuiraeexvcua( tsaamoniasiaalrri , hcrnn) ulji(ru)n,oata

noDor CBR hwti A rn dao/ B gourp ntsnaegi acetr otiswht H i-t,Ana n-Btai GII.,g Mg

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submitted by โˆ—weirdmed51(30)
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Boodl ostuasinrnf aocrseni:t

  • ptye I / cAglleri antlcaAhpyci R- eervf, rrucait,ai rt,puisur e,hezew tonoinheyps -)in(2m3 gI[ A ]fedc
  • ypte /2 cA. Hymloicet R- fver,e ac,,hinstcoyhotpadniraey eahac,ntpy alnkf ain,p Hb,uari jnaucide. itnihW( 1 h)r

  • Flberie onn ihctlemyo -R el,Fs,rclvihe haecahe,d ubt no aruibH or ancjiued 6h-(r1)

  • LTRIA- sdRri,s.etsspe roianondc pulm m.aede 6(r)h
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