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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 1/Question#13 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Proliferative glomerulonephritis 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal nephropathy Renal

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by usmile1(154)
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Mbnearsmou yothpeahnpr dna amlmini gaench diasees cna be syalie rdlue uto sa ethy ear rthcoiepn el madlrit.oiyienssTnotbutsur isrhenitp k(aa ceuta lntirteasiit rpii)ntehs nca be drleu uot sa it cueass BWC tcass ton RBC sa snee ni tsih iestq.uon rlp Pyaial snsciero - erihte sah no tassc or it imgth swoh CWB tcssa but nto BRC ueeasbc eth lembpro si not ni teh uemrogil.l

aletb of nmcnuelroeat on epga 852 elisaxpn htta iafvtipreelro just asmen preyh cllleaur glmi.rouel eiv nG het ietstnap yhsiotr fo reos rttaho tow kesew oa,g wno nrtpgneies whit phNteciir odSenyrm ithw CBR ,tcass riftploarieev nlsuierergilophtom is het lyon lsoerebnaa .wrenas

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medguru2295  hTsi saw ym pceirse olgi.n I oudnw up tgginet it by ieaiontin.lm utB, dnit'd lkie ttah esawrn sa ist cmunomon in lamls chndiler adn the chidl nilgeemsy had no sirk srfoa.ct +1
thotcandy  5m2gr2u9due@ FA sysa it's mtso olmonmcy nees in nderhcil dan 'tis eisditmllef sv lstuad si arre dna nca aeld to ealrn isffun +2
peqmd  T'ehery ugisn hte roabd etgyacor fro GNS,P aaohtPm pg 301 ICI. SNGP = pu,Hcrellrlaey leminmafd ilomlgeur on &EH itsna dan ocsrs gceererinnf eth AF bltae mntdnieeo luprearlclhey ;t=g& laiPoi.trrevfe +6
unknown001  that asw the saerno hwy i osceh hist .e nrasw to enbm : hastt otn cool rbo +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by nbmehelp(49)
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hsTi si BS cb NSPG is liek eht onyl rhipitrcneiectonph/ emnysdro I uhthgto I hda ownd olcd

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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CBR s=;=gt=&tsac ilisglerpmhorteonu the ynol otopni r.tehe

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thotcandy  I was rN/cUB t&;g 02 nda tlayntnis ghtohu rrnpleae tg-&-; ihcmseic app iesrocns due ot caaeisl.gsn rAe erihtnicp smosynrde jtsu deuexlcd rmfo htat ehlwo gnith? AF says BUN nda rC are edsecarni rfo eihrptcni denmrossy but eosd het artoi jtus tno ?tmrate +2
fatboyslim  ceshmIci app iosnrecs uldwnto' hvea RBC ctass +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by failingnbme(3)
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anc icrpnehit rsnoemdy be iutwoth HNT?

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yiqi  I otg gwron for het esma roa!s!e!n +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mousie(272)
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is isth ebuaustc rncoidtaesdi assacedoti neM-eforpomitaelabrrvi N?G

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jus2234  Teh utinosqe secrsdibe hwo eh hda a erspt tnicfioen 15 sday ,goa dna won ihst si coslespacotrtptco prresme,lilnugohoit wichh cna saol be rdsbideec as ofirlpairveet neosliouiemrgrthpl +13
seagull  heT iusneqto wolud eb oot rifa fi it usjt disa .NSPG dseaInt ew eedn to elslm rou nwo tfrsa rs.itf +73
yotsubato  dnA htye dseu iogtolnremy ONT duonf in FA +8
water  ohw dais hyte eerw tiedilm ot F?A +5
nbmehelp  FA sseu hte noocmm tunlncmroeae adn eth caft smto of uor eroth ucsoeserr esu the maes nluaonemcter rof tshi, I thnik we anc arege atht si si het apdeectc remt.s If erhey't ogann ceeidd ton to eus het ecltuearmnon ahtt stom limaedc tedsstun era htgatu enth hyet dhouls ervdipo rhtei own utsyd elrasatim ta hatt iontp for su to sue. heT etst dslontuh' eb sthi oldnvcutoe fro on ornas.e +11
alimd  .Ok eyhT acn esu oiynelotmgr thevarwe thye .ntwa tBu ;0tBCNgR2&U- is CLLAYRE prenaelr rti?hg +2
an_improved_me  I iknht uoery' atnklig eassdp ahec r.hote Teh cfta of het mretta si thta BMEN ntoed's eralyl earc who we r.reppae tI arcse ot tytiafrs edsntust gunsi ewvrahte disutp cstmrie it seedm senye.csra 'sIt tno delmiit ot t,fridai-s nda htat tdoens' amne htta ti to'usdlnh e.b +3
utap2001  toN yoln RCB a,stc btu hte rC/NBU 02titoarg;& anc phel eurl out etrho otisii.psbly ;2r&gU0C/NBt g&;-t nga-l&tpr;ree- N.PGS NIA or NTA rea lenra or .rpesnol-at +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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Why ear rehte tsol fo sRCB utb few BRC tassc? htaT adem em nikht tauob a psto ltubeu pescors.

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boostcap23  nAy atumon of BRC sasct is na natliorbaym nad ecstdnaii lrbutua loho.pyagt rllymoaN hudslo evha .enno usJt ilek woh vnee a inelgs etnopilrhu in SFC is baaor.nlm +2

 -6  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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So c.aylt..aul. pMdsecae asys taht PSGN can isergvrosep ot a vrltifoareeip liminrohpeesltugro smeiacmnh dna os roitieflervap prhsmuliotirnegleo usdhlo be ecridnedos sa a treeianiffdl sanisgdio fro PS.NG

aa56nod/cr/ir0se/c-oc#tmpmv.c85t9:wp.eihivedaele8/:esiemet "eTh nescerpe of eutca inkedy yjurni yam sugestg na anrelttea dngaiosis ,ge( oiamfpevnebmariotelrr erpiretmhlgouisoln [NM,P]G ihe-lScnneHohcön urpurap ,]SPH[ csyteims lupus utesrtoymhase [S]EL) or a esveer ro nwsoigern N,GSPA cush as srdbeeov in hsote wthi isecctnecr eiurgotenormhllpsi or aypidrl sorervepisg lh.mrsoun.epi.iorgetl tDfneeilriaf Diog:snisa shiT cinsdeul tmos rheot yestp fo dcldhhooi onoh.mrllrpeedisutieg eeThs dluneic IAg y,atpphneohr tnioreervemmfabpliroa ulnpogotrserhei,iml ryidahtere ,pnsirithe nad rheot fomrs of ossepuitfnocti oimnothge."pusllerir

lyaIoincrl e,gohun tshi mstu be wath ethy eerw gnika,s i.e. iomanitpcscol of GNSP, beauecs ASOMBS rhaet(on etpS rercsoue) ycetldir nkilde hte abvoe aietlcr I fndou reofeb noiolgk tarfreh nad ncoigm srosac het SMSOAB etis.nco

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