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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 1/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman and her 25-year-old ...
α-Thalassemia trait 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by mambabambaboom(12)
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bc teh tnrpeas rea a,sian tehy ear csi etdelnoi ascirrer. So ihetr kdi nca terehi be a sic aerrirc ro evha bH tBs,ar sit tno bsoiespl to etg HHb

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by asapdoc(79)
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olnarGD.j lanepxsi it ryalel llwe no eth oa.dui I lliw tjus gvei het bicas e.iad lAl eht oenmoshblig haev aaplh in ti erfeohrte uyo cnnato citoen it on nlhieomogb sietorehesrclop

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someduck3  usJt ot dad to sh;ti ala-th si deu ot a .tnoeiedl hiWel thalb- is ude ot a .noitaumt If yeht dha a -btlha ehret uldwo be raettg eslcl. htala- tujs restenps as icyiotmccr mp;&a p.miohhcroyc +10
almondbreeze  looks ekli -tahal anc avhe agtert ellsc ndi.uoIdotvalsi tihw haalp aishalsmate trati α/α-(- or α/)α-- era ,taacoitmsypm whti a molarn B.CC ehT herreppila oldbo ersam tlacyplyi whsos oycohrp,iamh cimis,soyocrt nad gatrte eclsl. (.icmsmodmeeinc.deeaepc › rceltai › l5-c94ali)cn965i +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by drschmoctor(137)
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Btho rpsneta have sialh-alsameatpah ar.itt Gveni eyht are s,inAa yeth liwl avhe hte uoc-ni.simatt haTt i,s ehca panret lilw ehav 1 hoomcrmoes 17 twih 0 halpa cniha gsene + arnetoh mseomrcooh 71 twhi 2 lpaha cnahi esen.g)

hTsu, hcae etanrp anc spas no eithre 0 or 2 pisceo of het aphla cniha .geen So, hte pffnrgois lwli ehav a

  • %25 eccnah of hvgain 0 hlaap inhcsa gcnius(a rhpoysd atlsfie pma&; haetd ni re,uo)t
  • %05 cchnea of naghvi 2 aalph sahcin -hlaatpah(l ,tarit weanrs ceocih ,)D and a
  • 25% heaccn of ghiavn 4 palah cnhisa nmrl.o)a(

)A nomlbgoieH H si nhwe hetre si 1 lhaap na,hic os ttah si nto ei.oslbsp

,B C, )D thoB reaptsn adh normal emonibglho loeeiptseshorrc, so Hb S, HSC,b adn hB-alt are nto psiobsle.

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rockodude  a*hpal ihanc is on mrooochmes 1,6 taeb hinca is on hmermosoco 11 +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I dfuon a rcitepu ignwsho eth misnsrisonta by two hgtuoeesyzor pahla iaassleatmh rtait inasa lii-)eoc(nsdte ,rtesnpa nda dmdiefio it to sola shwo hte antriienehc by owt ehyotserzguo alhpa tmaseshiaal afrncia ndtseaitr(o)-lne s.pnarte erHe oyu g:o :d.JEwuoeevWts4/poQrHToU91I71q=Vpm82incnT?dOgglwRe/wvt.hdio/JdPh9c

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makinallkindzofgainz  bernko nlki +1
drdoom  nbkore nlik +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by masonkingcobra(408)
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Eyas teucirsp to tdudsnenra

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by nor16(70)
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in ß amisalesTha ehret is Hb2A ncaeisre and AbH eeesd,sarc enev ni + ,ß oanlmr opseescrehtolir ueslr this .tou meas rfo )AC)-

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tyrionwill  s!eY heT yek ptino is eht nrmlao sespeehl.rtcorio boigoHelmn iwll not hwso yna onitlbrasiema tilun tales one inlges laeell of Hb ylulf edselopv ia.uottnm a phal nihac of Hb si rtbiudcoent yb tow tsiopn nitwih eon ineslg la,lele ilhew etab hnaci fo Hb si eadm fo ynol eno tpino ni noe isglne leal,el trr:eeehof -- in ahlap smasilaetah bH oesitreceposrlh iwll eb manrol fi ylon one topni sgte t,oitnuam ,e.i. /aa-a ihcwh ew lcla ti eth mainm"i etp.y" If wto tsopin get tntiaumo, ie.,. isc ,--a/a or sntra -aa-,/ eht n"riom e,p"yt the Hb isrhspelterceoo lwil eb heiert Hbba(romnla trsaB 83-)% or stlli nmlaor. ,vrloael we auesms teh anetpr tboh rae the ainmmi eypt, os erthi erichdln heav %05 neahcc to be the nmior e,typ 52% to eb yflul ,nmlrao adn 5%2 ot eb hte tansr -- eevHwor ni etba ,staialseahm eth tamitnuo fo eno llelae iwll dela to oewhl llelea eadgnc,h so we tujs deen teh tnmtiuao oenc to ernetgae an balomnra bH eirthrselpsoceo lte.sur +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by krewfoo99(115)
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nI ahtw uiinsattso wlil HbH be eofrmd 3( aaplh inahc eedils)no?t

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ergogenic22  eno pretan ahs 2 oesndtlei no eht msea ne,eg the toher tpnera sha 1 le,ondite dna the nsogirfpf eceseriv lla erhe.t nI htsi oetq,iusn tbho sntpaer evah hapla 1 teoendil +
ergogenic22  calatluy ist slpibsoe atht tyhe tbho evha 2 eeng sltnei,ode tbu ,rsedgeslar telha-asamsia rtiat si mreo lkiyle +
ergogenic22  dna smneoeo eabvo disa Aisna pelpoe rea cs2i- odinteel os eht orfignspf lilw not rveicee tow todeline mfro one nterap +
ergogenic22  ↑↑ I emda a stkmeia by oguinnscf atsrn and sc csii sah sitldonee no eth mesa mhrsmooeco dan nac pssa wto lneoeisdt ot off i,sprng hrfreotee a eaccnh of glaniowl bHH +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by prolific_pygophilic(17)
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eemM: sAani ratsepn tihw a acrel onmihephto,glaboy Me anplipgs het haplA halT nuotBt

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by imgdoc(183)
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uJts rof sspoeetmceln ,eaks I natw to raoaeletb no bH.H IHTS ACN YELLITLRA NLOY NPAHEP if a iaTlasehsam n,aimmi tdaem hwit a sic eatt-eeaiiallsdnsmoh inorm etinpta. AKA hasaTsleiam :IAINMM a ittepan wtih onyl noe ahpal eegn snigmis mo(fr het lmoanr 4 ahlpa enegs p)n,tesre atdme wtih laeimsTaash INROM: wot alhap enseg iwht tow nstbae paahl negse I(CS edeoiltn )OL.YN

hTis omboc nca drueocp HbH s.adiese hhciW rnpseste ihtw seever icmorpochyh imroctycic emaian.

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