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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 28-year-old man is brought to the emergency ...
Inferior rectus and inferior oblique ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—dr_jan_itor(87)
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npoitO A is eth only otnoip erweh tbho ssumcle aer tpra of eth alobrti losl.Af or,o eht alst estcnnee in the unsoqtei mtse is a atotl fmoeiyrd of htwa eno oduwl cpxeet eht otesniuq to eb si.nagk It is otn nksaig rof oyu ot smesua atth eehts cslsuem vahe ebne serd,eve rzlepada,y ro rnddeere .lafdci It si giskna yuo to museas taht they ahve eomebc etrd""ppane if eth eslmuc is n,edaetprp then it ontacn llawo het eye to meov oint whrteeav nipstooi ti udolw eb in hnew teh msclue is ta ist elgdnneeht initoo.sp So in tsih as,ec It si the frerinio ruetcs nbige treadnppe ni a ncnlaolyuitf tneohserd opstonii htta si vneitgnrpe aurdpw .gaze

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cjdinurdreamz  im teh RI maek eth yee lkoo down os if ist dpepatr hnte why si wruapd ezag eftefadc dan otn drnwo?daw +
nutmeg_liver  @jdaudecrnrmiz ti oeds mkae yrou yee ookl w,nod os scnie 'ist dterppa in a lnotnyiufacl trorseh niitpsoo 'yureo apperdt ogknoil nw,od not u.p +5

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—burak(71)
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rbOaitl oorlf e:rrtcauf

-1 roanfitalrbI nveer un:ryji sesubNmn adn ptasieasher of eht rppeu ehce,k euppr p,li pruep n.aiggvi

2- pmnaeErntt fo teh ieriforn csruet :cseulm rediaIpm udpwar gzea

3- iEoonmplsasth

4- sngoilCu of mirylxlaa ss:niu darproeT ngis

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minion7  if IR eumscl is feadfcte it is eimdaipr onadwrwd ez!a!!g +
makinallkindzofgainz  i@imn,o7n fI the finreIro utcRse sclmeu is amdrepii eg..( evren ou,nnst)yidcf enth ,esy dndoawrw zgae loudw be actff.eed ,Hreevow het oiesqtun tsstea that reteh is EPNNTTEAMR of pnaigrTp hte rrefiino uecrts uemslc lnsilaeytse ksolc het yee itno a nadrwdwo zgae, rftrheeeo miprigina dwupra ea,zg sa eth iofiernr turcse mslcue si ayllsnsieet predpat in coontita.ncr +5

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—soph(84)
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tsi bc hits rae teh olny 2 usemlsc on the toralib olrof ggleoo baotril lforo lemsusc in oleggo sm aeigesOopclFo/mc+ls.mPmhhmlws=iLt=a:MsR/oO?beiboN&uc#NtN:arsuew.hqrtagrEi=gctg1cw/

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sympathetikey(1600)
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efrironI luqioeb = psehl ouy kloo up &p;ma .ni

As,lo yeth said orlfo fo teh irbto, so ti aemks eessn atht eht nifoeirr lussemc lwoud g.ademda

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sahusema  I wnok uyeo'r grhi.t I was jsut os reltfbaunomco gpicnik an resawn tiwh oirifrne" ercu"ts ceeubsa admgae to eth ieorrnif uesrct eods hginnto to neplxia teh ilcailnc dinngisf fo mdreiipa rudpaw lnessU hte suelmc si yylhslcapi cstku and natc' lxrae ro nmotgehis +7
emmy2k21 yWh dowlu a infdluyatncos iironfre tcseur btriuecotn ot iemrdapi rpwaud ?ga?ez? I etidileanm htat aenswr ociehc dan tgo it gronw :( +2
dr_jan_itor  ni the tasl ncesneet it sask you to eumsas na rt"nmeapnet", os ti si lytacaul eth oiifnerr usretc whchi si het caues fo teh urdawp geza spal.y Teh napdteper ecmlus si ontnifyalluc etppadr ni ti's osdnrehet npiisoot, rebyeth not ownaglli the obirt to azeg r.wapdu +16
chandlerbas  am!b rjidnoat__r sujt dlneeac pu taht ofuncoisn +2
weirdmed51  hWy rferioin qubiole ?hnet ntsDoโ€™e IO hples ot olok pu ? +1
freemanpeng  Mya eb RI is trogensr nath IO ni nddowarw z?gae +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—blah_blah(1)
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rnoiIfre ueboliq dan renIfoir crsteu umelcs aer ohbt ni teh lirboat .orlof Epanretmtn of ehtse cmlessu wlli nto lowla shete adiiniuvld semlusc to do tihre oc.ufnint

IR = yee tnnoac olko noOI dw = eey aoctnn loko up

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—freemanpeng(7)
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Can aonyne nxpaeli ahwt "iipad"pol lmiis?pe I ogt tkusc be"styeh clailcni ignfdn"si kghni(tin wpduar a+zeg .lp.a.di).ipo rO is ol"piiDpa" ujst a eiucfspnic rdwo ni xem?a?

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—niboonsh(409)
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hTe oelqbusi do hte oopesitp ntcaio of ethri nema. fIrorien boulieq omvse the eye PU and TOU e(ioxnrtot, iaenotelv, .Bdt)Aiconu cenSi teh qiesotun ysas htat three is a refcurat nviigvnol teh rotblia rol,fo that luamctaolytai rseul out D ami(eld cruset nda iorrenfi ub)l,eqio vngalie het ynlo gliloca asernw to eb eth nofeirri truesc and iferrnoi .lequobi uwEov?oeW/D:b.t/uhptIkwm.HawWw=stchlc/IyWKt

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aishu007  i,h but efrorini blieoqu osevm pu adn ni adn tno out +
d_holles  pwtw=wwK/t?hmo2ZiuAv/LtUety:hc.3/VaosuZJbc. In csae plp dene a hererrfes +

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