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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-month-old female infant is brought to the ...
Hyponatremia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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hraaeiDr seucas sosl of ,traew Na and ciBb.ra mbeemreR that ridaaerh si a ceasu fo non naion pag oealmticb csodisai uebesac eht sols of ronaicebabt si octnesedpam by aigecrisnn erhCilod r.asropnotebi So hes anc ahve imopelhhyecarr or namitoheyrap ued to niekat of lnyo eref erawt rof 24 oh.sur utB she sha SEEZUSIR os mphytaoinaer si tosm kieyll

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drzed  I iktnh eth iilitna ephirychraeolm olwdu be luyqikc ediutld otu by teh rgela pnmoicutnos fo ,wtrea so sohet wto npocgmiet sssercoep lwoud ielkly etlrueainz hte lnoriech v,leel ro evne eamk hte ldhci merlihyc.copho +1

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haliburton(224)
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hisT is tewra tnii.onatocix bsc/

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thisisfine   egd!Are tIs' lanog the ielsn fo sohet ranohatm enrusrn hwo scpaolle usqn.tsieo Nghniot btu aewtr rfo 24 orsuh = ttinegg rdi fo oto mhcu id.usmo +2
temmy  era we just iongg ot rinego the edrarhai orf 3 ?sdya wtha si ist ieasiccninfg +4
kard  mTyem, We tani gongiIrn teh hraDaire, ctAllauy hte msot illyke setlecoylter to etg tsol itwh it si sgdo;&umti oe;icdg<rh ;saisg&umttop caibnt.o.e.bra uPls teh terWa nicoixottani t;-g& AIMHEANROPYT +1
bronchophony  ywh not liomcyygpeah? +1
saulgoodman  ucBsaee celosug si ton an eel,tctlorey ti osed not cctound lycceietitr in nuoot.ils The tequnois si nskaig h"Whic fo hte iowlngolf lrcetetyeol loibm"sea.airtn +4
skonys  bhc@yohrnpoon uasgmnsi she tseo'dn veah a noge/ngloieulcsgogcseyn bopr, esh dl'wuotn be coplhmyygiec rftea .2hsr4 F91A +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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heT yek to ihts tsoqieun si hatt eht netiapt si 4 omnhst ldo dan gttnige aretw.

Nbnersow dsohul NOT be gntgtei nlapi tearw ltuin frtea 6 ostmhn of gae ucebeas it nac aeucs yrhptamnioea ;-&-gt isuzeesr

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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Why si it not plm?g?ieyahocy iapyymgecHlo anc oasl eald ot euziser

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cuthbertallg0od  emaS thhougst ehre, nda I htkni aeyphgciloym csurco lrieare in ftadi/nisnks tnah ni dtsula lkei( 8 h)?ours -- bayme tusj meor ielylk to be tanheoimpayr senic N+a lsot in eth r..dahira.e +2
fbehzadi  I nkith lsyomt the afct thta 24 si otn anong uedrec shi soelucg ot hte tionp fo csgiuan a eeiz.rus +1
fbehzadi  24 ouhsr* +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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rasepPh I oudtgr-nhuhet htsi eqiso,nsut ubt ti is lyihgh ykuenill to vaeh RHY-PE of ihgnnyta hnwe mgunncosi eaglr ostnaum of trewa, aecubes wthrevea ion si tepresn is gingo ot egt udd.ltei oS ni hte csae of oalmrn apg oidscasi mrfo r,eaidhra sey heert yam eb an ailntii hilmhaerp,yoerc tbu hte wtera is noggi ot deilut ti ut.o

wteeeBn eghyaplmiocy dan i,mroephnaayt it is oerm illkye ot be emthaaponiry sabeceu hte lhidc hda sszueeri

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—didelphus(70)
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Ayn deia yhw ymrapieehorclh ti'ns na asre?nw The aehardir uoldw eaucs na omnrla nnoai apg hmeheopccri(y)rl meotbical sasiodc.i

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charcot_bouchard  hist is hte bpeolrm etb uw nda bnem. ni uw ti ldouw be rof sreu a ctohga .qseu tub in mnbe hyet aer uuyalls glokoni fro tsom bosiou.v salo okol wath they aer iknsga mos"t .eky"ill bbay ulwod evd wlo Na obfree sd.iaciso tTash ym 2 nsetc +29
temmy  oyilchhmeprrae will ont aocunct fro eth ireeusz atht htogrub eht entpiat ot the tlas.ioph seruszie dogarcnic ot rsfti dia is suaedc by mcocelhayiap and teynamihapro +1
cry2mucheveryday  rdCnilhe wtih ieardahor ohw dnirk garle utsamon fo atwre or reoth tnpioyhoc fusdil ngonintica vrye wlo ototcnnnicrase fo alst and eorht ouseslt, or owh eceierv uniesanovtr ifisnunos of %50 egsuclo ni wraet, amy eeolpvd aaaehint.moryp hsiT ucosrc eesbuac atwre is rbeabdso form the utg hilew eht sosl fo tsal (Cl)aN necou,ntis gusicna nte sssleo of udismo in ecxess of r.atew The ilarpnicp areufest fo eacphnatomyir aryintedhod rthere:a e si a ectiidf of eatwr dna ,dumsio tbu het etdiifc fo umdois is rrer; asutmgee dmusio titencnaorcon is olw 30tl1&(; /musemo );mlrl llmotasyoi si wlo 7(2;&l5t oltmsm)hl;eO/ dchil is tag;hclrie treqne,unfily rhete rae uz.e siershd/2gNEeOr:api2dt0ttD.0hEh/%Fdmd0USoCHesOE.mRe/rEa%A2NCOSQdA2EshTaRo/Yt/Amy#RrWt%rIer +
cry2mucheveryday  l,soA ywh si tihs bieng gvein auf...?mrlo ayM eb eaclast nhhfiiecdwec.iy.c. aesld ot omtosci as.edria.haldr.e ot o einotr(anaegrjmhntyp'al)A nbwrseno puedpsso ot be pkte on iseecuxvl ebrats kiml illt 6 ots?n?mh +
hello  yr@rccyue2eamvyhd o'Dtn aedr oot mcuh oint i.t The tcaf htta teh byab si riceegnvi mfrulao stni' etranelv ot saewinrng het .Q tw, B otn oreneevy tbaesr edse.f oi,Aldtynaldi eth Q own'ltdu kema hcmu enses fi it isda yeth" ran tou of .etm.s"ibrlk.a +1
hello  chev2ryey@drcmyau gnBie no alufrom nteh eht npaetrs ignnrnu otu of lramouf si mreo of a elcu for atwre tnoitcxnoa.ii sihT si ylayitplc het osicrean thta ewart tiooxtniianc ewnpHoer.srs,teev I psuspeo if fro omse oarens teh abyb wsa bngie drasetbef adn hte persnat dtswehci ot uelvcixyles fndigeeatewr a(dn no hoert o,os)df nhte wetar ixtaiionnoct uwdlo lsoa eltrsu. +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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ahriearD saseuc loss fo ,aretw aN adn .bcBrai mRrebeem tath daeihrra is a csuea fo onn oanni agp elobiactm iiosdasc abecseu the sslo of naortcbibea is oespednmtac by negincrias dCreiolh insartproeb.o So she cna aevh capremhyehlroi or nitmpoerhyaa deu to ntiaek fo ynlo rfee aterw ofr 24 .ruosh uBt ehs sah EIRUSZSE os yrmpinatehao is stmo elyilk

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—umpalumpa(6)
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hisT kdido hsa msto kellyi soyetrcre herridaa eher(t rae on ucels ni hte sueioqtn thta ihts is stmocoi d.raha)ire Deu to etsryreoc aa,erihdr eht tp sah aieeuntrcm elivhompoay iwht eyrphohl.recami Hvoew,er teh tapesrn igev eht iannft noly OH2 ofr 42 ,hh wihhc eamsn htta aN and lC get .iuedltd tI si oemr klleiy atth teh tp etsg ypnhimaorcte tahn ihroecoplychm gsnnoieridc ta,ht reofeb inivgg OH2, lhecimoar asw ghih nda aN asw ow.l ehT lwo eNaaim seacsu rbcaleer ,eamde chhwi dasle ot .zeusiesr

cleuGos anc ilaeys eb rseosdc out bcauese is nto an cyrteolteel and eht nutesqio sksa fro rteeyceltlo

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umpalumpa  oCcinorert fo hsti eteen:nsc I"t is roem kyliel that teh pt etsg aopthrynmice ahtn olypcirmohech eognidsnicr tht,a eoferb iivggn H2,O mlieaorch swa gihh nda aN was norlma i( evha asleitmkyn iwntter "Na was "wol evoa,b ubt I wdenta ot irwet a"N wsa mnlo"ra. +

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