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NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 2/Question#25 (reveal difficulty score)
A 14-year-old girl is brought to the ...
Mitochondrial tRNALeu 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: MELAS Biochem

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by sympathetikey(1600)
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otuasMnti in TTM-1L hyloMdolaicr(itn decndeo ANRt euclnie 1)

A mmnooc nttuioma is 3AG3.24 Cna sltuer in ltelmupi moioahlrndtci esiiecfidcne adn acedstoisa rrdsse.doi It is aetocidssa tihw:

  • iotdohrniacMl tcapeapholyeyomhn
  • actiLc cdioisas
  • kkoSrlieet- dspesoei ()AMSEL

ESALM si a erar limcrnatdioho isrderdo nkown ot ectaff nmay pasrt of het ydob, yisealclep het evusrno msesty nad hte .inrab pSosymmt fo SALME nelu:dic

  • rrRteceun eevres hhsaedcea
  • lceusM knwaeess aotymh)y(p
  • rnHagie lsso
  • Sereklkoit- desoeisp twhi a loss of cssc,soiensnuo erzsse,ui nad tohre rbepsmlo anffgctie the vsoneur mystse.

Seu:cro Tig.1-i:pM/ok/kdihrtwi/np.TeLa/seitw

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j44n  i utsj saw htat erevy seutis htta aws efteafcd ahd a hhgi 0T2Pa/ rqtnmeuriee and imxed hitw hte tclaic adci hatt etmna she wntas ngsiu rhe erntlcoe ttonsparr incah os i pedikc hte noyl earnsw thta dha dcitihanroom in it +6
topgunber  ehT adeeiss si EASLM. trodoliacMnhi odendce RAtN niuelce 1 is teh ttoni.uam tarlyppneA sedcsitoaa hwti hhig onte .edeanssf It is nteappra tis nmdarcotoilih tihw mtranael sm,oirsinnast tuoghh nluoyruaftten the iteygolo is tuetr mmoznetarioi / sospcer of enoaintm.lii ebayM extn teim eht agsrty lwli ucosf oerm on rmltahnicoido essaides dan see ahtt hits cohcie is teh ylno mhinctrlooaid arsenw dniihoohtacrc co.leMi aoynahothecpmpylE iacctL icAssdio Storke ekil moMsLpSmE.At"sy si a arer dcnohitroiaml idordsre knwno ot etaffc aymn sartp of eth byod, cesaypleli het oreunsv stmesy nda eth .anbir otmmspSy of LAMES lcedniu enuecrrrt eserve ,chaahsede lcesum eknsseaw mt(ahpyyo,) hagenri sslo, elrotskik-e oespides with a osls fo soscu,iescnosn eze,iruss adn ehtor plsoemrb ngeitacff the norsvue ]ts[y5es".m rcuoSe kW:ii +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by mrmassador(12)
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I hitkn teh ntipo of eht iuqnotes si ot zneciegor htta thsi is a taidonlicrhom aseesid rtmeo(h dan tmralane oegdmhrnrta eerw .fceadeft) ucdrPose dwie gearn of sfce,eft tbu lemscu wseenkas nda emos onulrcgeoi cftsidei todos uot to me. Also it:sh hMdttonToe/mlgc:pnsi/e.1.hngt#/TrLing-o.sinhv/

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sympathetikey  sYe, utb 'ntsdeo ttha mnea alatrnme nrnas?omiisst neM acn heav teshe esdaisse ,oot tyeh tjus tnwo' assp ethm on. +32

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by hayayah(1212)
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Thsi si a senointraetp fo rohdniciotalm .pamhyyot yheT eontf pesrnet htwi hyoytmap, tcicla adicisos, dna NSC aesdsie. °2 to lafruei in aedoiitxv tsoo.napopylrhhi uMlsce pysboi nfoet osswh agdr“eg der eir”fsb.

reTeh si ibrealav xneposrsie ni a piuoptnaol ro nvee twihni a lfaiym due to emtorslphaey in intiaoclmhrdo .rniincteeah

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by thomas(3)
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t'Is a ndcilrahtimoo e.e-dsas i pnteser ni sceucsives sio,tngeeran wasaly ithw altnmaer -nt osnirssmai meagda to ihnregh-egy tisessu - FCS ccltai oisdisca u(ed ot dceisnrae rcbaioaen iesomlmbta eud ot pariimde oxaetdvii ohtpoyoisnah)lpr

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by topgunber(67)
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heT ssieade si L.ESAM anldthMiiocor dceeodn RtNA lnuceei 1 si hte .utntmoia yltprnaApe dasceaiost hwit ighh onet aeneds.fs It si raapntpe sit tnroahdlimico thwi ntlmeara sstni,imoasrn tohugh foeuruyanltnt the oliyeogt is euttr eoiozimnramt / coserps of ioeni.tlnmia Mbeya ntex tmei teh aystrg liwl fosuc remo on crtoanhdoimil easdises dna ese ahtt this cochei is eht ylon nrlamditoohic snawer oe.hicc

  • dMtirialhcono payhyclEteopoanmh taLcic osidsiAc reSotk ekil .mE"ymSpMLsAtso is a arre tnaocrdmiiohl redsodri nkwon to tffeca aymn ptsra fo het ybdo, llyaepecsi eth sevroun ssmeyt and the b.irna ytmpmSso fo MSELA neiulcd ecrntruer veseer chs,haedae luecsm nwksease hmoyp,t(y)a rgeaihn ,ossl iotek-esrlk osieedps tiwh a ssol fo siuses,csonnoc szerisu,e dan oreht esbprolm actfgeinf eht usrneov [s"ste.]5ym oeurcS i:iWk
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