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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl with bulimia nervosa is ...
Potassium: decreased;
Chloride: increased;
Bicarbonate: decreased
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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I rlitlayle jsut reieldza ywh tshi uqnotise ecfounds em os hcmu an(d vI'e rteid ot fuerig it tuo a euplco of simte, ).oll I etl hte qlcoolalui dinietiofn fo iiablum (..ei oimv)itng icstk in ym ,imdn taht I ogrfto eht uclaat deciaml ndiiftoein = mnraol IBM 1;)8&(tg + ingeb tneagi nad rugnipg ehrw(e ipggurn ulodc be edcinud gvitimon ro tdieucir use or ltxaaiev sue doar/n eexscives iexeecs.)r oS rall,ye atwh siht sqnotuie saw kgsnai si lsiypm htaw si the treteleoylc banecla of essecxive hr?iedaar EGE!Z I amed ti so mhcu hrdrae ni ym hdae nhew gtriyn to aenrws ti rlgnily.ioa

rrhDaeia sseauc nanno-noi pga i.(.e rcyheoclihpem)r telamicob coaisi.ds tSloo dorneltampniy taoincns CO-H3 nda K+, os vseecexsi radeihra = ciexsevse olss fo C3OH- adn +.K lrhioCde sllvee ni eht rumes ilwl eb edinscera deu to the mralno O-l3C-/HC qmuelbru,iii os as aenveigt rhgeca isepassitd edu ot ossl of CO-3H, -Cl lilw enacsrie grotcrinec het onnag.a-pi

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drdoom  Bulmiia moecs orfm ekrGe nous"erav hrgue"n; teh rmet is a tilalre occaeatinnnot of eht drwso rof xo ousb)( + herngu .ois)m(l oS, ni eerk,G amoulibi- is yellalrti o"x "ner,guh whcih is a dno to how eth rwod is sued in emienidc = rpptlauee adn aitsebnila eapeiptt ofr ofod (hte yrve peps""tioo of i.)nigvmto +5
abhishek021196  I agree itwh oyur aerinsnog utb het alsiscc easc eonrdsiptci of mauliB slsti yleeroletct utcndaebsir fo iyleHmaO,akp hOcmleaoyH,pir dna Meoticbla kols,siAla oalng thwi etorh nsthig elik tpadrio pethorhpyry nad slrdao andh eucslals due to teh ecddinu i.tomvign I dpietpr up ehert. F A:/ 02 gP 756 +
llamastep1  eTak emho soslne: oanrngeis tg&; gzermmiion +3
lulumomovicky  I otthuhg erom of it yb eht woilgo:nfl het ttnaeip esslo 3CHO ni hte ossotl nda htsi ahedirra asecsu eht elibtMoac isso.dcai eBaseuc alnmor CHCO/3l iuemlubiriq oslhud eb ianatndmi,e rdeohilc evsell ni esrum og pu to eemotapcsn eht loss of As eth etnapit is soal HOICPYMLEVO due to PB of 8/196, tehn ASAR tia.satcev neloesArtod llwi ecrsenai aN nda trwae ptrieornasbo ot epke aolvmie adn K will be deretxec (iol.m)apkhaye olsA TaHPAse- in het etaecdrlinat elscl of the tilccelogn tcdu illw eb taedatvic by atonoseedrl, trfreuh ogtpgnpraia eht ilecmtabo sosac.dii +1

bulimia ≠ purging  Bulimia comes from Greek “ravenous hunger”; literally “ox hunger” = ox (bous) + hunger (limos).

+5/- drdoom(1206)

N.B., there are many ways to “purge”; the method of purge determines the observed electrolyte disturbance. A nice description of bulimia nervosa from MeSH:

BULIMIA NERVOSA. An eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating (BULIMIA or bingeing) followed by inappropriate acts (purging) to avert weight gain. Purging methods often include self-induced VOMITING, use of LAXATIVES or DIURETICS, excessive exercise, and FASTING.

+1/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by brookly_(1)
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I guthhot iilaubm evig iser to clitaomeb klloassia ..nac. eoesmon lataeebor ?

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drdoom  reeRm,ebm bamilui ieltsf seod not nema gprg;”n“iu ti emsna “xgo-rnueh”. It si rugnipg .e.g(, neotinlitna imgni,otv vixatlae aseub, rcietdui esua,b xecveisse cieerxs,e or emxteer gia)fnts hwhci tcersea oialbetcm t.acibnersdu heT ytpe of iuedbcanrts ndepesd no ryuo rrredpeef tuoer of ex“.i”t +2

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submitted by dr.xx(176)
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eAbsu of atxasliev ;=tg& lasulyu aedsdcere ermsu tssapmuo.i sA ot loirdech and rcib,ba htat pedd.sen hTye ldcuo eb eensardic or .dedescrae


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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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eraTt tshi eikl a moaIPV reaty(W hraired,a yharoadlhirc = deruecd lCH ni eht leumn, &;mpa lpaeikyo)amh

siht illw elda to bmailecot odisasic d/t ssol fo abrcib in loots

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btl_nyc  rCohdiel is seedinarc ug.ohth +
maxillarythirdmolar  shTi cmetonm is od.lg tbcyl_@n, tsih si atculayl .aetucc ouy dwluo ceptxe mha clreieyrhopNbo8tw/s.mnognwoiK9Bhpl..0:/w/nb/h5/s.t7kv6ci +1

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submitted by maxillarythirdmolar(45)
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eBts mntocem i aedr swa to atert hsit ikle its' a ma.PoIV oYu wlodu gte all ethre la/ooltritybcleectmee bcsauds.teirn


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