bulimia ≠ purging Bulimia comes from Greek “ravenous hunger”; literally “ox hunger” = ox (bous) + hunger (limos).
N.B., there are many ways to “purge”; the method of purge determines the observed electrolyte disturbance. A nice description of bulimia nervosa
from MeSH:
. An eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating (BULIMIA
or bingeing) followed by inappropriate acts (purging) to avert weight gain. Purging methods often include self-induced VOMITING, use of LAXATIVES or DIURETICS, excessive exercise, and FASTING.
I guthhot iilaubm evig iser to clitaomeb klloassia ..nac. eoesmon lataeebor ?
eAbsu of atxasliev ;=tg& lasulyu aedsdcere ermsu tssapmuo.i sA ot loirdech and rcib,ba htat pedd.sen hTye ldcuo eb eensardic or .dedescrae
eraTt tshi eikl a moaIPV reaty(W hraired,a yharoadlhirc = deruecd lCH ni eht leumn, &;mpa lpaeikyo)amh
siht illw elda to bmailecot odisasic d/t ssol fo abrcib in loots
eBts mntocem i aedr swa to atert hsit ikle its' a ma.PoIV oYu wlodu gte all ethre la/ooltritybcleectmee bcsauds.teirn
submitted by ∗nwinkelmann(366)
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I rlitlayle jsut reieldza ywh tshi uqnotise ecfounds em os hcmu an(d vI'e rteid ot fuerig it tuo a euplco of simte, ).oll I etl hte qlcoolalui dinietiofn fo iiablum (..ei oimv)itng icstk in ym ,imdn taht I ogrfto eht uclaat deciaml ndiiftoein = mnraol IBM 1;)8&(tg + ingeb tneagi nad rugnipg ehrw(e ipggurn ulodc be edcinud gvitimon ro tdieucir use or ltxaaiev sue doar/n eexscives iexeecs.)r oS rall,ye atwh siht sqnotuie saw kgsnai si lsiypm htaw si the treteleoylc banecla of essecxive hr?iedaar EGE!Z I amed ti so mhcu hrdrae ni ym hdae nhew gtriyn to aenrws ti rlgnily.ioa
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