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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 4/Question#33 (reveal difficulty score)
A 16-year-old girl with bulimia nervosa is ...
Potassium: decreased;
Chloride: increased;
Bicarbonate: decreased
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submitted by nwinkelmann(366)
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I latrleyli tujs ierelzda hwy hist uitesnoq fcsuonde me so ucmh (dna eI'v retdi ot rfugei ti otu a lpeuoc of e,sitm oll.) I tel the qlaioolucl neidfnioit fo uaimbli i.e.( ig)ivtnmo tcksi in ym mdi,n that I ftroog hte tuacal idecaml difiinteon = rnlmoa MIB 8&g)(1;t + ngbie itgnea nda rguinpg reehw( ggurnpi duclo be iucdend oigvntmi ro reiutdic use or iavltaex esu r/dano icevsexes cieexr)e.s oS l,rleya wath iths soneutqi wsa nakigs si syilmp htwa si the oeyrtlecetl nabcale of sxsvcieee iard?rhae EEZ!G I eadm it os umch haedrr in my eadh ewhn ityrgn ot rnewsa it arigolynli.

arDeihar cuases innaoon-n pag .e.(i em)herchcpiroly eimltboca saoc.idsi otoSl rinnodpyaltme nintocsa -H3CO dna +,K os xsvesicee irdhraae = sxesveice sslo of H3-CO adn K+. elhoiCrd esvlel in the msure iwll eb csriandee eud to the lnoarm 3C/-O-HlC ebiiluui,rmq os as gitaenve hegcra pidiatesss ude ot loss fo O,C-H3 l-C ilwl icsnraee cgtncroier the onia-.apng

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drdoom  Blmiuai meocs mfro ereGk suenrov"a hn;"uger teh tmre is a atlerli acoeinntcntao fo het srdwo ofr ox usbo() + hunger is)mlo.( So, in reG,ek mlbaiiu-o is yielrltal xo" "ge,hunr wichh is a don to who eht wrod is edsu in iednemic = earpuetpl dna aiasinltbe tepitaep rof odfo eht( rvye "tpeipos"o fo m).ntoiivg +5
abhishek021196  I arege whit uryo saieogrnn tub teh csailsc aecs oniecrsidpt of Buamli stlsi leoeetlctyr artibnsdceu of mHpaea,kiOyl rchy,OepimHaol dna cbialMoet oAiak,lsls nalgo twih otehr hnsgti ilek raptoid ohpyptyrreh nad oladsr andh lacsuesl edu ot the udindec itmo.gvni I trpiedp pu th.ree FA /: 20 Pg 567 +
llamastep1  eakT eomh no:ssel ioaenrgns tg;& mmenizriog +3
lulumomovicky  I hgtutoh oerm fo ti yb the ng:lliofow het atptien lseos 3OHC in the ootsls nad hsti riardahe asecsu eth tlcMoibea c.soadiis eceauBs ormlna lO/C3HC ibiuiqelmur lsuodh be ainmia,endt hecrdilo lslvee in merus go up ot aseonepcmt eht loss fo ba.Bric As eht aittnep is salo LHPEMCYIOOV edu ot BP fo 689,/1 tehn RSAA t.cesitava oAdensotelr iwll eaeicsrn Na dan waert tarsrioenpbo to eekp iavoelm and K wlli be eceedxrt paohaely).(kim losA THasAP-e ni the ttldariceena elscl of eth oelcngitcl utdc wlil be ietacdtav yb n,eorasltode hfretru pangtgporia het mcetoliab .icasiods +1

bulimia ≠ purging  Bulimia comes from Greek “ravenous hunger”; literally “ox hunger” = ox (bous) + hunger (limos).

+5/- drdoom(1206)

N.B., there are many ways to “purge”; the method of purge determines the observed electrolyte disturbance. A nice description of bulimia nervosa from MeSH:

BULIMIA NERVOSA. An eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating (BULIMIA or bingeing) followed by inappropriate acts (purging) to avert weight gain. Purging methods often include self-induced VOMITING, use of LAXATIVES or DIURETICS, excessive exercise, and FASTING.

+1/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by brookly_(1)
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I htohtug umibila giev srei to aoelctmib lasoakisl nosemoe lroeaetba ?

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drdoom  rb,eRemem iliubma tifels sedo otn nmea ipg;“run”g ti nmsea “geor-xhun.” It si ingrgpu eg.(., aetitnnnilo otiim,ngv xvaeialt ea,usb critiude ,sueba esxvciese iecree,sx or exrmeet nitag)fs cwihh aecters cmtielaob tsudb.rcaeni heT tpey fo tcainbuerds dpensed no uory eprredefr oteru fo x.eit“” +2

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submitted by dr.xx(176)
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Asbeu fo lavtiaesx &t;=g yuallsu edceaesrd sumer simaus.opt As ot oredilch nad ,rbibca ttah sep.endd eyhT udcol be ecedsanri ro rdde.cseea


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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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atTer htis ekil a mPoVIa yrt(aWe raheia,dr laryoiahrhcd = eercddu HlC in eht ,uemln &;mpa kpmoeaail)yh

htis illw dela ot lecmbaoti scidoasi t/d ssol fo acbibr in stool

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btl_nyc  iherCldo is sieacrned thu.gho +
maxillarythirdmolar  iTsh tmconem si .glod @_bncyt,l hsit si aulylact .teccua you lwuod cpexte hrapycmri oehelg/ks.bKocBwn/o5i/nhspow9.m7N86n:l.t/0t.b/ivwh +1

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submitted by maxillarythirdmolar(45)
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stBe mecomnt i adre wsa ot etrta sthi ikel s'ti a maIPo.V ouY lwodu teg all reteh crlbtem/teyaeclooelti acerssin.utdb


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