bulimia ≠ purging Bulimia comes from Greek “ravenous hunger”; literally “ox hunger” = ox (bous) + hunger (limos).
N.B., there are many ways to “purge”; the method of purge determines the observed electrolyte disturbance. A nice description of bulimia nervosa
from MeSH:
. An eating disorder that is characterized by a cycle of binge eating (BULIMIA
or bingeing) followed by inappropriate acts (purging) to avert weight gain. Purging methods often include self-induced VOMITING, use of LAXATIVES or DIURETICS, excessive exercise, and FASTING.
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stBe mecomnt i adre wsa ot etrta sthi ikel s'ti a maIPo.V ouY lwodu teg all reteh crlbtem/teyaeclooelti acerssin.utdb
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I latrleyli tujs ierelzda hwy hist uitesnoq fcsuonde me so ucmh (dna eI'v retdi ot rfugei ti otu a lpeuoc of e,sitm oll.) I tel the qlaioolucl neidfnioit fo uaimbli i.e.( ig)ivtnmo tcksi in ym mdi,n that I ftroog hte tuacal idecaml difiinteon = rnlmoa MIB 8&g)(1;t + ngbie itgnea nda rguinpg reehw( ggurnpi duclo be iucdend oigvntmi ro reiutdic use or iavltaex esu r/dano icevsexes cieexr)e.s oS l,rleya wath iths soneutqi wsa nakigs si syilmp htwa si the oeyrtlecetl nabcale of sxsvcieee iard?rhae EEZ!G I eadm it os umch haedrr in my eadh ewhn ityrgn ot rnewsa it arigolynli.
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