Increased ECV is a very attractive option as Third spacing is a very common complication in Burn units However , please take note : The ECV consists of two compartments , the interstitial space and the intravascular space . In Burn patients fluid moves out of the blood vessels into the interstitium ( which decreases the intravascular volume and can lead to hypovolemic shock ) . So even though burn patients may have edema , there is no actual increase in the total contnet of fluid in the ECV ! it just moves from one of its compartments into the next
lLo I aws pitdus adn utp ceedrnias mrsue oehseolrclt oicnnnceotatr ubeaecs I thuhtog tath teh ldfui lsso uowld aeld ot a otioncanetrnc of snustbceas ni het FEC g.(.e lkei how oihdtdrneya nac ergtrig ).ugto P.RI
otlCu'nd mmpoleaiuiyahbn aeld to ohe?esplrehartyolemic I relacl sratti kgiantl aobut htis in teh tcoetnx fo anutoipeirr btu dn'lotcu htsi sitll l?pypa
Ieacrnse in doby eiatsbmlom is oals eud to the fltanamnioim ahtst nsee eratf the burns ni any ietatpn trvpeeicrsei fo the e.riytsve uohht g its dpilxanee tath uegh inks slso 3(%5 u)rnb iecenarss the oydb mamolietsb to eisaopctmonn ofr het xscees htea slso ude ot the hgue skin (lssaos dxpelanei by rs),theo hsti xpiaonnatle psdened ni ohw sevree het subnr .are
submitted by โthomasalterman(181)
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niSk eodvpisr salninutoi nda revnestp hate osls. sihT sepa'titn doyb will apmeonects ofr siaecnder tear fo thea loss by rsaiengnic ticbaemol