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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 3/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 19-year-old woman is severely burned over ...
Increased metabolic rate ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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niSk eodvpisr salninutoi nda revnestp hate osls. sihT sepa'titn doyb will apmeonects ofr siaecnder tear fo thea loss by rsaiengnic ticbaemol

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davidw  iTsh si ctidleyr from oGjnal I) epyocovlmHi cskoh mya urcoc eud to lsso fo amspla ofmr hte urbn uerscfa rfer(e e ahCotprt โ€ข.) 5 soLs fo oternip rfmo hte lasmpa osls yam lterus in girldenzeae nipitgt I )mIeae.d tcnIofien of the ownud iest and psisse mya a orcu(c.) pisesS edu ot Psdmuoenaos unaiaesrgo si teh ostm onmmoc eacus of infconeit in nrub bsp.(n tat)ei terhO anhspetog dunelic mnlriinilestaehi-tcst .S easruu dan ddainCa e(s )p3isc.e lgirCnu usclre yam ouccr in hte oxpralim uoednumd erf(re to eCrhpat .48 )(1) Hepayorbictlem mesydnor aym ccour fi &0gt;%4 fo hte dyob ufacesr si eudrn.b +16
yex  Cna oosenem pixnale yhw si ti tno ideacnser FEC? +26
charcot_bouchard  i dckpei sadcIneer FEC but tnac rmbermee why. naC you lapxnie HWY it si necaiders ?CEF hwat wsa ru nsigoarne +3
isotopes  rBnus dwulo dale ot a seradcee in CEF buascee het cooteprnit romf ifdul ossl si betas;n ti nca dale ot kh.cso :) +4
tinydoc  My seingrnoa nhideb gckiipn โ†‘ VEC saw that oryu lgonis filud ubt otn lcesoylreett iwht eht bnru โ‡’ het vec wolud eavh crneeisda oyatslirmo, so eht ufild mfor het CIV uowdl be hpeuds the hte V.EC tI emad esesn to em ta het .imet I ssueg lhlctaeiync tis orgwn useebca het lsos fo suflid adn eht niga of ulfdsi uodlw ouantm ot etrytp chum the amse ig.nht uBt teh aoitnnsuli adn thae sslo hngti semka neses I gseu.s +
yex  rcanedIse CFE, bc I asw tihnnkig autob het eaedm forn.i.mao..t /-: +3
atbangura  I epcikd adecriens ECF aeesucb nbsru nsaieerc eth lpiclarya mitraelyibpe onctce,ffiie tbu won htta I am gingo vreo it I ezedlair htta resgiincna het iprlaitebyem owdul onyl ftsanerr masapl meovul ot teh ienitttislar meu,olv whhci rea both a prta of the CFE so reroefhet CFE wloud ont a.hgenc SMH +10
aisel1787  snathk +
69_nbme_420  srBun a(dn eahDri)ra easuc mOSciotsI lemvuo cionant;otrc ooaztCns BSR hoPysi +
tiagob  in svreee enbrud aip,tent aosl ahs recnaised lifdu in tdhri pasgnci or tariileistnt ilenagd( .EEAMD) neirtfeDf elellruacarxt aespc is itretalitsin nda vcrasual +1
peridot  I lsoa waendt ot a,dd oahrnte ghue boj fo hte ksin si ot netprve sols of f.udli Brnu iptatnse era lyiesa drtdaheyed ausbeec thv'eey lost hatt .rarbeir Tish lpdeeh em ealn awya form ciaenreds CVE - espdeti het meade (frmo eno crtmnetamop to a)rnthoe as otsehr ahev nndimtoee aev,ob rthee si a slos in rleavlo ECV eud to tarvpeiaoon morf dby.o +
chaosawaits  oS mI' the nyol todii how hgothtu os"ls fo B tnvamiis" douensd klie a odog anwsr.e c.eiN +

Increased ECV is a very attractive option as Third spacing is a very common complication in Burn units However , please take note : The ECV consists of two compartments , the interstitial space and the intravascular space . In Burn patients fluid moves out of the blood vessels into the interstitium ( which decreases the intravascular volume and can lead to hypovolemic shock ) . So even though burn patients may have edema , there is no actual increase in the total contnet of fluid in the ECV ! it just moves from one of its compartments into the next

+8/- andro(269)

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submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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lLo I aws pitdus adn utp ceedrnias mrsue oehseolrclt oicnnnceotatr ubeaecs I thuhtog tath teh ldfui lsso uowld aeld ot a otioncanetrnc of snustbceas ni het FEC g.(.e lkei how oihdtdrneya nac ergtrig ).ugto P.RI

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focus  e"Th s-tpunobr ymltiabcroepeh eorenssp niecrsase eht itemcloba eatr to aetcpsenom for eth fodnrpou atwer adn tahe sols esvree ubrn naetipst esr.fuf Wtrae olss haopsearpc 0004 mliliisletr rpe ertme sraueqd nbur eara pre ady -4.1]83[ eTh โ€™dboys uraltan onsprees to thsi tsluni, yiptraall amdtdeei by ersncdeai PAT tsncoupiomn dan stusatreb oixantid,o is ot rseai ecor and niks rmeeutstpaer ยฐC2 vbeoa lroamn dromceap ot nbuunrde esttapni [4.]2 This enreopss is iramlis ot het rneeposs nsee indugr clod tcziti.cnaaoimla nI ftac, sitnptea atht od tno nmtuo this rsepseno ear iklyle pietsc dan ro vhae dxahsteue hiicoplgosy iiaetaiclspb ot nnitaaim eedend obdy ertampeetru 3][ ".4i6.ivtn76nhshe.Crt.n//Pa.mwcb70lc3i/s/3/pwg/wlopMmc:t +2

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submitted by justherefortheyield(3)
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otlCu'nd mmpoleaiuiyahbn aeld to ohe?esplrehartyolemic I relacl sratti kgiantl aobut htis in teh tcoetnx fo anutoipeirr btu dn'lotcu htsi sitll l?pypa

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frustratedllama  I guotthh os too btu ddi a tillet gngigdi nad snurt tou htis spphaen ni citeorphn esnryodm cb wlo ctooicn uersrspe celidrty uemasttsil pioeptoprnolai B se.sishnyt hTye sllit 'ntdo wnko hyw .llo tBu in brnu ivtismc ehtse'r ulltyaac iarcnseed lpidi bslae,omitm so htignno ot od ithw lrasphc.otyeiorlhemee +

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submitted by kungfupanda(5)
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Ieacrnse in doby eiatsbmlom is oals eud to the fltanamnioim ahtst nsee eratf the burns ni any ietatpn trvpeeicrsei fo the e.riytsve uohht g its dpilxanee tath uegh inks slso 3(%5 u)rnb iecenarss the oydb mamolietsb to eisaopctmonn ofr het xscees htea slso ude ot the hgue skin (lssaos dxpelanei by rs),theo hsti xpiaonnatle psdened ni ohw sevree het subnr .are

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