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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 3/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
A 19-year-old woman is severely burned over ...
Increased metabolic rate ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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knSi sdpverio otnlaiisnu and nstvrepe teha oss.l hisT 'stipatne ybod wlil mpoaencste orf cenrdeasi aetr of thae sols by grsiacnien etbmcolai .ater

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davidw  hisT si iderlcty orfm aljGon I) mHoivplcyeo hskco may ucrco eud ot osls of lapasm omfr the ubrn ceasufr er(fre aCerth pto 5. )โ€ข ossL of epniotr mofr het splmaa osls may tsuelr in gerlaizedne pntgtii ea m.IIde) oecnintfI of teh nuodw etis dna ssesip mya o.cruc)a( pssSie ude ot Punmoosesad oaneurisag si het somt mnoocm esacu of eicinnfot ni runb ait.(tpebn )s etOhr hgastnpoe elcdnui ihintsl-mniselitcraet .S auseur adn iCnaadd )(.cse e3sip lgnuirC rcsule yma rcuco ni the prilomxa dmeuduon rreef( ot htCaerp .41()8) cyeriHalbopmte drmneosy aym crocu if ;0g%4t& fo hte yodb uefacsr is n.bedur +16
yex  aCn snooeem palxein ywh si ti tno arcneedsi ?CFE +26
charcot_bouchard  i kdepic .esam sdeenacIr CFE btu ntca meeremrb .yhw nCa oyu elixapn YHW it si seniadcer C?FE twah was ru niraonegs +3
isotopes  uBsnr uwdlo deal ot a csareeed ni FCE eeucabs eth ottcinrpeo omrf fdliu lsso si etbs;an ti nca dael to kh.sco ): +4
tinydoc  yM gnnrisoae nheidb igkpnic โ†‘ ECV swa that uroy ginlso fiuld tub tno eteosltelrcy ihtw het unrb โ‡’ het vce wlduo evha adeecnris orayitmls,o os eth fuldi fmor eht VIC dlouw eb dsphue the eht EV.C tI adem nssee ot em at het tei.m I gsues ntllaicceyh sit ogwrn eeaubsc eth ssol fo ulsifd and eht gain fo fdulsi udwlo natuom ot pyertt hmuc het easm utB eth inuintsoal nda athe sosl tignh mesak nssee I +
yex  Inrdeaesc ,FCE bc I saw ntiighnk otuba het eeadm ..o.iornm.taf :-/ +3
atbangura  I kcepdi rieedncsa EFC aeebucs unbsr snerciae the lrapalcyi myelbtrieipa nitieo,cfefc utb nwo that I ma giogn rveo it I ileezadr that isnaegrnic eht mitpaeiebrly dlwuo yoln fatesnrr laaspm uoemvl to hte tisltntareii vlu,oem ihhwc rae tbho a ratp of het ECF so ehfrereot FCE lowdu nto enhca.g SMH +10
aisel1787  ahnstk +
69_nbme_420  nsurB da(n )aDahierr cause coImstiSO olemuv t;rcocianotn ozatsonC RSB Piohsy +
tiagob  ni evesre urnbde tp,eatni loas sha asdrenice dflui ni hrtid cgnipsa or titriinatesl (igadenl DA.E)ME Diterfefn tarlcelrluxea cspea is niitalittsre adn lasuarcv +1
peridot  I oals aetwdn ot da,d renotah ghue bjo fo hte nski si ot rtnevpe lsos fo ldfui. uBnr atsptein rea sailey ddderayhet caseebu h'etevy slto ttah rairbr.e shiT dehelp em enla wyaa rmof sndreieac CEV - pdiseet eht maeed orfm( neo rocmmnteapt to ar)thneo sa hroset vaeh mdeionent eoba,v eehtr si a sols in llvoear ECV deu to vroeonitaap mfro doby. +
chaosawaits  oS I'm eht lnyo diito hwo guothth s"sol of B mvi"inats odsenud like a odog nawrs.e eNi.c +

Increased ECV is a very attractive option as Third spacing is a very common complication in Burn units However , please take note : The ECV consists of two compartments , the interstitial space and the intravascular space . In Burn patients fluid moves out of the blood vessels into the interstitium ( which decreases the intravascular volume and can lead to hypovolemic shock ) . So even though burn patients may have edema , there is no actual increase in the total contnet of fluid in the ECV ! it just moves from one of its compartments into the next

+8/- andro(269)

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submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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loL I wsa dsupit nad upt eniacresd smeru oeollsetchr actnrniontceo seubcae I ghuttoh tath the ifdlu loss lduwo alde ot a ntncoeaontcir fo abcstsneus ni the CEF .(e.g kile hwo tenryaihdod acn grteirg o.ut)g IRP.

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focus  hTe" rubto-spn beoaylrpmcieth nrsepeso eiesasncr eth ibaeoltmc trae ot maetnepsco rof hte poudrfno aterw nda eaht slos rseeev urbn eatitnps e.sffru artWe sols apeorhscpa 0400 itrislilmle erp rteme eqdrsua nrbu reaa pre yda [.8]14-3 ehT dโ€™ybos tnurala epssnore ot this si,tlnu tlyiaalpr atdiemde yb eirdesnca TAP omnpiosuctn dna tabesrstu ndtoaii,xo si to isare coer nad sink tptmarereues 2ยฐC evaob nrolma mcradepo to uuenndbr ptasinte 4.][2 Tshi npsoerse si lirasmi to eht pseeorns snee grindu dloc acnaiizmatcoilt. In ,tcaf ptasntei ttha do ton munot hits eesnspor are lkeyli eictps dan or haev dsteuxeha pocyoighlis iiatcpiaselb to tiamnnai ndeede ybod trareuepemt "3[4.] :wclhmp//.mn.p.hc/swc/Pgwib3oa0Mi/r63viCt7n/t7t.e6lsn +2

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submitted by justherefortheyield(3)
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uod'nltC mliyohnuibmapae ldea to hcyeraoplmioelhet?ser I alrlec asttir nigtlka tuaob sith ni eth etcnxto fo ipuinteraor but 'tdcnluo sthi litsl ayplp?

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frustratedllama  I tthugoh so oot tbu did a tteill nigiggd dan tunsr uto tihs nphesap ni thrceinpo rsynomed cb low ccootin rureesps erdicytl uatelimsst ooppoiinpaeltr B tssyin.hes heTy ltisl 'otdn nowk yhw lo.l utB ni urnb icsvmti 'tsheer uatalylc cnidasree lidpi milbstaoem, so gtninho to do htwi plsoartirmeh.cyoeehle +

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submitted by kungfupanda(5)
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aneIsrec in yobd msaemoibtl si salo due to eht fiamanmoitnl tsath enes rafte eht snubr ni nay iettpan epceesrirvit fo het rivtesey. uh otgh sti npixleade that eugh isnk sols 3(5% un)br eisaerncs hte body momsltibae to isotocpnanme ofr eht xsesec ateh slos ued to eht uhge ksni sa(sosl lnpexdeai by sor)t,eh htis iantaxnpeol neepdds in who eevser eth rnbus .ear

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