Increased ECV is a very attractive option as Third spacing is a very common complication in Burn units However , please take note : The ECV consists of two compartments , the interstitial space and the intravascular space . In Burn patients fluid moves out of the blood vessels into the interstitium ( which decreases the intravascular volume and can lead to hypovolemic shock ) . So even though burn patients may have edema , there is no actual increase in the total contnet of fluid in the ECV ! it just moves from one of its compartments into the next
loL I wsa dsupit nad upt eniacresd smeru oeollsetchr actnrniontceo seubcae I ghuttoh tath the ifdlu loss lduwo alde ot a ntncoeaontcir fo abcstsneus ni the CEF .(e.g kile hwo tenryaihdod acn grteirg o.ut)g IRP.
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submitted by โthomasalterman(181)
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