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Retired NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 3/Question#1 (reveal difficulty score)
A 32-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Yolk sac ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thotcandy(131)
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htis tirpceu will h.lep ehT US we reew evngi si emhorewes wbeente dr3 adn ht4 t.upcire

romF waht I ,dstradenun eht hlowe gihtn si the noaalgttsei ,acs igucnidnl hte ocinroh adn nrvhyeetgi ormF er,the tneeebw eth ncoirho and eth onlokya/inm sac si the inhiccroo

then uyo heav eth oiicmatn caiytv atht gnseufl eth moreby dan olYk asc uardon eth rd3 kewe. ehtn CA nasexdp adn akset up llfu ouemvl of Cnihrcioo ictvya unador 9ht ewek.

the okyl lskta is het lyno gennamiir ghint by 7ht eewk chiwh enyvteulla oeemsbc eth lmiulicab rc.od wihhc nconcest to eht nhyo/obcir ehnt teh el.cantpa

S,o tp si 8 keesw ap,rgnent usht AC hsa peytrt cmuh ulfyl edpdaxn,e nad teh ylok csa si tyin whit a lamls virsle fo hte lkoy ltska vliiebs iencnogctn efstu adn ca.s

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—wutuwantbruv(52)
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eTh anohechbnolmrpe owudl be on het utaalc eusft os ujts egt ird fo (.D) The alcb"k "loeh atth eth etufs si iltfngoa in is the gsnatotiale csa so egt dri of C(.) wNo I ma no odtlunaurs pxtere but I ownk taht het citnmiao iycatv nlyuvtleea daxespn to usef ihwt teh rcniooh eebrthy nmailintieg teh icnoiroch tvcaiy B.)( nI sermt fo hweer teh imnctoia yvacit is sownh in iths maeg,i I am otn use,r os aybme mensoeo nac leph ubt isth aveles eht kyol asc ichhw ltayypilc aparesp itwinh het snogelaitat asc duoanr .55 .seekw

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kateinwonderland  tA the den of hte hortuf wek,e hte koly csa npeersts hte rnacepaepa fo a allsm rshapea-ped ionepng dlari(atloitny lecadl eht cmlbuiial ee,cvil)s iton eht esviegdit tbeu yb a nlog arowrn et,bu eht veinlliet .tucd (kWi)i +5
tallerthanmymom  But hwy dsoe ti oolk lcelyetmpo cdhdtaee orfm hte ?fsuet I dnlemeaiti lyko cas ftrsi ceesuba of isht +
makinallkindzofgainz  If you lkoo eeyreleeaele ylcleo,s ylo'lu see semo asngli enebewt hte okyl cas dna eth Ahugtloh oyu ac'tn see eth nretie ncoinno,cet tyhe aer cceeodnn.t +5
thotcandy  Pt si ruyoghl 8 kwsee nretganp so dna ytlcilpay yb 9ht ekew, mioAticn tyviac sah npedeedx to llif eitern vloemu of aneltasGoit sa.c So eht reenit lcbka tpar oudrna het tsefu is A./SGC +2
euchromatin69  and oasl yb 7 eekw iliteevnl tdcu sotetlriabe ebwenet lmusbciuli nad klyo asc +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—nwinkelmann(366)
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'sreeH a ATRGE vdoei lxpginaeni arulsountd gifndnis fo aegc.nnyrp :@597 si a aegtr euciprt os raf hwti bellsa of teh yokl ac,s snegoaitlat skc,a fteal l,poe dan mnino.a neO nhtig het epsorn innpgxaeil sida hatt I gothhut owldu eb ogod to pkee in ndim is htat het lyko csa lokso keli a erhocei diisen teh stlotgaenia .asc Asl,o tish itse ahs a uhncb of iuseprct as wle:l ostcirsitm/erl:eroattesaadlp?r-/rf.=dtgeaiirssihtanup/g/.

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zpatel  hwta ve?doi +9
usmlecharserssss  nrpo diveo ohw teyh ekam tish emyrbo adn ylok cas +1
samsam3711  rreShto evido atth nsaxlpei sthi trtype e:llw 0sw=etuhV1ouvw/tyw.BD.ampEom?/cMthtbhwc:8/t +8
focus  s1a73sm@1am thta dievo si B.MOB Tnhak o!!!uy +

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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Teh taeglsanoit sca si plsechiar in ,ehasp dna sualyul ltocdea in eht repup tpra fo teh ufdnus of eth ute.sru By opaixetarmpyl 9 kwese fo atstinlgoae ,age eth tcoamini acs ahs ededpnxa ot ocupyc eth ajmoiryt fo het uvlmeo of hte titansagoel as,c aeunlteylv ednipaxgn ot ceredu the ciarbexyrotmen looemc ot a tnih yaler neetbew het nmnioa marebnem nda eht rdsmo.eem yB t,hne het tagotalnise csa is yslauul lpsimy lldace eth "imantoci "acs.

imoD rgpevnnDeuetl eesmyngeori,sb eth mayxrecirtneob oloemc (ro iorhnicoc )ivtyac hatt itsuntectos teh tgasiaonelt sac si a otpinor of eth pencuocst itcisngson of a itacyv bwetnee Hserus'e mreenbma adn teh tlTrhoob.pas

rungDi roamfoitn fo eth iitmievpr koyl c,as smeo fo teh nmtriaigg oslaypthb slcel eeidrefianttf noit lmshycaemne llcse htat flli eht caeps ntwbeee Hr'sesue ebneamrm and het sprt,hoabolT imgfnro the eirabmtocyerxn omeedrm.s sA eteonpevmdl grrseposes, lalsm uancael ebing to fmro wntiih the oimetranbcyxre odesemmr ichhw lnargee ot ocmeeb the xoaemtrbiyrnce cem.olo

eTh tmycireobxaner ooeclm dsedvii teh ymeoxriatrcben rmsoemed toin otw laeyrs: rrynxmtoeebica pnuecpoiahcsrnll ermm,edos cwhhi slei ctjndaea ot s'rHseue emarbnme noadru teh idteuos fo het vpiiimrte kylo cas, and xocrtibmyreean ieluasotcropm d,resoemm hiwhc eisl atendjac ot eht tsrhooalcotytpb ayerl fo eht b.meory

The ooirhncci aiycvt si edcleosn by eht coiirchno pl,tae hhwci si epmdoosc fo na rnine ylear fo rmasolcpituoe eomrsdme and na eortu rlyae fo aoslthorpbt l.cles


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notpennysboat  tGera loaapt!niexn +

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