eTh mpalhenbhcooren luwdo eb no teh utcaal usfte os just etg ird fo (D.) ehT acbk"l leoh" thta eth uftse is ogaintfl in si teh titanlseoag acs so get rdi of ).(C owN I ma on ursanoldtu rxepet utb I kwno tath eht omnaiict ctvyia uyentveall xdaepns ot sefu hwit teh hoocinr bhyreet maeiiitnlgn eth cohirionc iyvcta .()B nI merts fo rewhe hte oimnctai caityv is owshn ni isth magei, I am not ur,es so yabem eesmnoo cna pelh btu sthi evales het koly csa wchhi lycaptlyi apresap niwhti eht atelotsniag acs urdnoa .55 ee.wsk
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ee'sHr a RETGA eivod eaigpinxln dauurtslon diinfgns fo gnpcyrnae. 7:@95 si a regat etpicur so arf whti slaelb of the oylk a,cs satnogietla s,kca eltfa ploe, nad imonan. enO hgtni eht osnpre ixnlgeaipn sadi hatt I hugttoh luwdo be oogd to ekep in idmn si tath the okyl sac lsook ilek a oeiecrh ndesii het ogtanteails sac. ol,sA isht esti hsa a uhbnc fo estiurcp sa l:lwe /?rrla/tagtsutoril=dsectedpas-egftai.n/sip:tiisam/orrrhe.
hTe tlsangoieat sac si spireachl ni ,shpea nda uauylls oaltecd ni het uprep tpra fo the uufdsn fo het suure.t yB ltreaxyoppaim 9 ekews fo tsntoalgeia g,ae the mianotci cas ahs edaxednp to copcuy eht tariomjy of teh vueolm of eht tsalgieonat ,asc vuetaynell pxneagidn to decreu hte einetmracyorbx melcoo to a hitn ayelr tewbene het mannoi namrembe adn eth mme.osred By n,eht teh oaalgeitnts acs si ulyalus ipmlsy aldecl eth inaoc"tim sac".
mnDonilrveteeu pgD nye,mrsseigeob eth rmariobeetncyx ocoeml r(o oicchorin a)tcviy ttah netuoisstct eht getolsatnai acs is a otiporn fo the cenotcspu snisncgoti fo a ciavty eenwbte Hseesr'u renmameb nda eth thsoTapborl.
rgniuD atnoofimr of eth vemriiipt ykol ,acs moes fo teh imggrinat psybhalto sclel eerinteafidft tnio eenclhymsma llsce that flil teh acsep wnbteee Hurssee' eamnmrbe nda eth hbrasooTtl,p igmrofn eht ieynexrmarcbot eesrmdmo. sA neeemdvoptl rpsse,regos lsmal aunaecl bgine to mfor whiint hte icmtaoerexrbyn doesmrme whchi eelrgan to emcbeo teh anxrirmeeotbcy moole.c
The yrrbxomtaceeni oolecm idesvdi the imnrxartcoeeby mdoermse otin wot aeslr:y rormyceeintxba hlcrnppcineoulsa rseomdm,e cihhw slei dtjceaan to rHuess'e bermaenm rdoanu eth eustdoi fo hte iteiiprmv oylk sa,c dan roeyntrbxcamei oepiutsalmcro dsmoree,m chhiw elis aatdncej ot eht tochostrobpaytl lryea fo het .bmoyer
heT ncocihrio tyviac is scneldoe by het hioicncor ,tleap hcwhi si csmoedpo of na neirn eaylr fo lrotuieapcmso oemrsdme nad an teoru elray of lbaortphsto
submitted by โthotcandy(131)
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sith ecuiptr illw h.pel eTh US ew erwe ignev is eeorwhmes teeewbn rd3 nad h4t cerpiu.t
mrFo ahwt I tdnsunaerd, het lhoew itngh si hte seotignlaat csa, glidiucnn het ioornch and etehnvgiry insie.d omFr het,re eentbew the hrincoo nad the lmiankoy/no asc si teh icrcnohio taci.yv
ehtn oyu eahv teh ainitcmo yiatcv that fneslgu eth rybemo dan lokY sca noudar teh r3d e.wke enht AC saxndep nda keast up flul lmeuvo of ncooihriC itcavy oardun ht9 eke.w
hte olyk alstk is eth lony rnneimgai ngthi by h7t week cwhih lyaeuvnelt oembecs teh lculiabmi cr.od ihhwc netnsocc to teh ooy/rhnbci etnh het ctlaenap.
,oS tp is 8 seewk nrtg,npae huts AC sha pytetr humc ylflu pneex,add nda eht oykl csa is iynt thiw a mslal islver of hte kloy astkl ilvsieb entnocignc uestf nad as.c