eTh blaohcohrenepmn udolw be on hte ucaalt stfue os stuj get dir of .D() heT lckab" ohle" thta the sfetu si lgatinfo in is the oealnsatigt csa os tge dir fo C(.) woN I am on duaurosntl erxpet btu I kwon thta eth ctinmiao avcyti leatelynuv xsednap ot ufse thwi hte oocnrhi yhreetb tiinlimgnae teh niicoorhc ityvac B.() nI smert fo herwe the noictmai vyaict si nsohw in ihts i,meag I ma otn u,res so yeabm eesmono nca elhp but thsi svaele eht lyko csa hwhic cllapiyty spaarep hiitwn eht elatgaiosnt asc nrodau 55.
How it looks like in vivo
'seeHr a RTGEA eidvo expiiangln lanosdrtuu giinndsf fo naeg.pnycr @795: is a egrta rueptci so raf thiw lsbael fo the ylok ,csa ntagtlaioes ac,sk elatf loep, and mi.onan neO thgin eht spnore exlngipnia adis that I thtohgu wudlo eb odgo ot kepe ni idnm is ttah eht lyko acs sokol like a eihrcoe idiens hte ogantlseati .acs Al,os hsti tesi hsa a bhcun of uticespr as e:lwl st?ct/ifilsp/ratust:s.ghr/aairregtrt=srdedpa-ai/inooleme.
eTh iogantlteas sca si hcripsela in s,heap dan luuysla latceod ni the uprpe rpat of hte ufsudn of hte s.uutre By mepltripayoax 9 ekesw of ttlsaaeigon ,age the ocmaitni csa ash eeddpxan to ccypou eth yormatij fo teh uvmeol of teh oagisnttlea ca,s tnlluaeevy aignepxdn to ercude het benrmtiacryoex oecoml ot a nhit ylrae webeetn hte innmoa eremmban dan the r.memedos By etn,h eht ganilttaeos acs si lyuausl lmypis edlacl eth mintcao"i cs".a
vnunDeleirmegtDop beymoenrs,sieg het byeortcmeixnra olmcoe (or chironcoi acvtiy) ttha icestntusot het ittaoangesl cas is a ionrotp fo eht tcespuonc sisotgncin fo a tvycia eebtwne u'esseHr enbmamre nda the hosoTtlar.bp
uingDr nomrtaoif fo het imtireipv ykol a,sc osme of eht iaintmrgg bspoyalth lscel edeifntritfea toni asehcymlnem ellsc ttah flil het seacp between rsuHsee' eearmbnm nad eht bhpaTlro,tso mrongif hte imxanrbryeetoc mrees.dmo sA tdpenloevme opsgesrse,r lslma eucaanl bieng to mfor winthi hte xnryiemtebraco eoersmmd cwihh erlange to comebe hte yoircbtaemxrne ce.olom
ehT aiemntbyeocxrr elocmo sddieiv hte eaeocrnxirbmyt edmmrseo toni wto ea:ylsr tinexocraemryb cruoscpnnapilhle emresmod, hicwh esil njacated to Hsr'seue mnreeamb drnoau het tdueiso fo eth ivitprime loky c,sa dna irmorcnbeyexat cartoeupoislm mesemrd,o iwhch eils djanecta ot het yposttcohbaotrl ryeal of het ymreob.
hTe iicchroon ctayvi si dnescleo by teh ochiocrni ela,tp chiwh is ceopodms fo na nrein yelar fo tomlposiaucer rmdmeseo adn na teuor rylea of olothtbaprs elslc.
submitted by โthotcandy(131)
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tshi tpicrue iwll lphe. Teh SU ew reew vgein is remeoewhs wbteene 3rd dna th4 ceutrp.i
roFm twah I s,rundaetnd teh elwho tngih si hte etasitglnoa a,sc niclgndui teh coorhni nad venethygir .neidis Form rhtee, eetwebn the coornhi dan teh oo/klamynin sca si teh ichiconor .civaty
ehnt oyu avhe hte tnicomai ivacyt thta nfuegsl eht bomrye dna oYkl cas donaru the rd3 ekew. hnte AC esnaxdp nad keast up ulfl muvleo fo cConoiihr vytica nrdauo th9 .ewke
het kloy asklt si eht oyln arignemin tgihn by 7th eewk hwihc nyvauellte semobce hte aimblucil cor.d chiwh csnonect to het oiyobrcnh/ enht het l.naptcae
So, pt is 8 wekes nn,eptrag uths CA has tyrept hucm lfluy axdepnd,e adn het ykol sca is ytni htiw a llmsa rieslv fo the yokl lastk blvisie ennicocgtn futse and sac.