The eoamehbnnrplcoh oduwl be on the laatuc feust os sujt gte rid fo ).(D hTe acbl"k el"oh ahtt the sutfe is ilatngfo ni is het ntlaeaiostg cas so get rid fo .)C( wNo I ma on ralouundst prxtee but I oknw ahtt hte ctinomai actvyi veanluylte andpesx ot seuf ithw het oinocrh eytrbhe nnlietmigai het ciiooncrh ciaytv B).( In setrm fo ewher teh amtonici tviyca si hwnos ni tish ,egmia I ma nto ser,u os eabym oomesne acn hpel btu hist seavel eht olky sac hciwh pycyitlla rspepaa niwhit eht eoliattnsag acs aroudn 5.5 s.week
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s'Heer a TGARE divoe ixpnnleaig nauutolsrd sinfgdin fo ae.ncpryng 5@:79 is a atreg irtcpue os arf htiw slbael of eht olky ca,s ntaoaietlsg ka,cs tleaf e,lop nad .onnmia neO tgnih eth nrsope egxainnpil iasd that I ugtthho lwoud eb doog to epek ni dimn si that eth yklo sca lokos keli a erieohc edisin teh iaeloatgnst .csa ,sAol isth site sah a buhcn fo tsuicpre as lw:el /urhrianraiga:t=sasfo/m.-rtsgpldrrecieeeao/idltttp?isst/.
eTh talgaostein acs si phalrsice ni aep,hs dan sayuull doaclte in eth ppuer artp fo hte sudnfu of hte e.tusur yB eiraylopmtapx 9 skewe fo esltnoagati ,ega the inmitoca sca has eadxepnd to ocupcy eht joarimty of the veolmu of hte tgonasaitel cs,a evlneaytul indngxeap ot reeucd the rxmnoaycbieter eoocml ot a nhti ealry entbeew hte oinnma eeammnbr nad het e.oedmrsm yB ent,h het aseoigttanl sac si ulsuyla lspymi lleadc hte n"tcioiam ca.s"
l ngpeDoevtuiDmern rymeieesgbo,sn het tainxrerycebmo oocelm or( ircohinco vcyat)i ttha tesutnoctsi eth alianetostg cas si a oipntor of het cpsnotcue gsctioinns fo a tyvaci twnbeee sesu'eHr rmeembna adn eht pobtl.ahoTsr
rnuiDg aotinfmro fo the viprtmiie yklo csa, smeo fo eht agniigrtm ysalobhpt lsecl etiinedreatff onit eschnlemmay clesl atht llif teh pasce entweeb reH'essu aembnmer dna the hsolabTo,prt rifognm eth bcotxryeamerni d.mesremo As tmeenvpodle rp,seseorsg llams naaulec bnieg to omrf hntwii het rmeyeintxrcboa rmsdeome ihchw leanger ot mobcee teh rtiayrmxebonce meco.lo
Teh aecmtnrrxbyieo olmoec dvsdiei eht rbtaexrmyecnio sdmmeero tion wot :lsraye nboxmaiyceertr crchnlsoilapnpue mee,somrd hciwh siel taedjacn ot usHres'e manbmeer nrdaou teh etodius of eht repivmtii ylok c,as dan roibytxcmnaeer miuclstooarpe seemrd,mo ihhwc elis nejactad to eth tootashyrptbcol aeylr of teh mrb.eyo
The hicocnrio vytiac is seledcon yb teh honirocci l,tpae chwih is mdosopce of an nreni ayrle fo psieoctalumor merosmed dna an uorte rylea fo tbpltorahos .slcle
submitted by โthotcandy(131)
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sthi treciup llwi le.hp ehT US we erwe vinge is eehwmsero nwebtee d3r and th4 uptcier.
Fomr tawh I ddnetra,usn eth lwhoe tginh is hte alogensaitt a,cs unldngici hte oohricn adn grnthyevei dns.iie Form ht,ere tebeewn eth ocrhoni nda the okilnynma/o sac is eht oconiirch .ivyact
enth you vaeh eth imcointa iatcyv hatt ngeufls the erbyom and kYol csa nuodra eht dr3 .ekwe neht AC epnsxad nad taesk up lluf lmuveo of Chioicnro yaicvt dunora h9t .eekw
eth loky tslka si the oyln gnreiiman htgni by 7th ewke ihchw uneltlevay bemoecs hte lcmubiail cihwh netccosn to eth ioho/ynbcr enht hte tn.paacle
So, tp is 8 seekw n,tegrpan tshu AC sha rpttey mcuh lluyf xepdndae, nad eth lkyo sac is ntiy tihw a lsmla slrevi of hte loky akstl ibseivl cgnncneito tsufe dan a.cs