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NBME 23 Answers

nbme23/Block 2/Question#39 (reveal difficulty score)
A 39-year-old woman with obesity and recently ...
Gemfibrozil ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm lipid_disorders fibrates

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 +10  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—monkd(21)
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mA I arzyc ro did wdorUl tno heva a nuostiqe ttha tsedta nattsSi rea eht msto fetevifce grdu realresdsg of esebnail ilidp.s siTh gciol rwthe my fof.

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adisdiadochokinetic  Yuo era tno yza.rc I gto tish seoqtuni ognwr rof eht smea enoasr tbu hsree' hyw I ihknt ENBM aws going ihwt uoY can seu eht ddwlarFeie oeauinqt to cceaultla LDL ohceetrosll rmfo eht vsuael ehty iveg. ishT iuqoetan is DLL= atlTo oLeHos-thDrClle Teh iried5gr/sTecly rmet si an iaetmets orf .DLLV If uyo cltcealua ti in tish ecsa you get na DLL fo 210 iwhhc is frymil nomlra dan sthu het pntaite lduow esysotinlb tno eibfnet form stanit y.ahrtpe +14
hello36654  omg ewnh eht hlle am I iggon to breermme thsi t?eaoqnui uses,suJsssss siht kidn of sieadtl mseka em wnta ot vegi up no TSPE +4
almondbreeze  rHe gola DLL udohls lltis eb lt10;0,& cb hes has 3 HDC riks e nuivtlqase(.23031pph.pg8/p0a30p22ta7wra/0-1w/0/wh:.t7f11ft0/02tsa/ol0p#fm8 DCH) ksri vtieeaheq=lnut oajrm skri atsforc ahtt modfyi LDL salgo )1 t4Mgg&5,e;(a g;Ft),55& 2) kinmosg su,stat )3 &g)pe(ohe/yn4;1int9r,s00t 4) ow DLH elelv &04tl,(); nad )5 iflamy oirysht. (:pf/8#/.1rtaa/e-wp/h/powtmhs/1s0.0lp0t4cg72af.2w03) +
almondbreeze  low* DLH evflrlre( ee ot tbael 3 of eht lrcatei) +
makinallkindzofgainz  seehT gysu aer itntghi up ia-dnelnvegtlet asoclaiadurcrv isrk rotfca alsiotu,cncla ewnehamil I ekpicd tasntis cebuaes I nitkh I meebmrer ttah yhte lehp eht ethar +14
jimdooder  oS I eendd up niogg hwit itsfbrae ecsuabe of reh eag (39.) I auvlgye mmeebrer gneib ghttau tath sistant rae rllaey lyno mdeernceomd fro aitstenp 0tg;4& abecues the big sytud atht caem out ubaot meth was ni the 0574- ega o.gurp I hknti ihts mhitg biuoctetrn ot teh uitqsone btu I'm tno ytalolt es.ruerivrnwpkpyntk/ii_nritst#a/hSi.w/png/tPearom:oiediate.i +
ytho  hsTi snuoietq idiernps ym ecerns anme +2
cbreland  atsinS"t are lsyaaw eth e,swrna" "aFt mFleae 04 "iertlF,e sea"rFbit cna caseu ogt.s"ellasn I leef ldie ot +
brise  'Im tno user fi tsih qtusieno is e.ccrrot I coshe nitsats caorncgdi ot wath na gtneandit lodt em nda DROWLU 2, I jstu ewnt kbac to khcec nda on worldu ,2 yuo lnoy ernoicsd nigivg tersfaib if hitre GT lelves rea aovbe .0001, oS kid wtha hte mben is nsmg.iok Or if ootrdcs tyaclalu tewri ethes ioesqsn.tu +
kavarthapuanusha  hWy ear ew iongg adostwr itlcoemcpda enuo?ats?qi eW evha reeasedc crtdrieigsyle adn isercaen ldh treefhoer bisftaer ... If it eerw scaegndrie DLL tnhe woudl go rfo nsta...tsi lOyn enreasic ldh imlnay og rfo naiicn .ist. ni wlurod and fa +1

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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Fzerlbioimf is a ift,rbae eusd rof nrlgewoi GT velsl.e

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mousie  I asol hcose fmzbriioeGl oto bseecau tis teh tesb GT eglorniw drug dtlies but I anc ees weher erhet tgimh be oems erd lgfas rfo this dgur ni teh yaw ehty eskad eth s...inouqte 40 arye dlo eboes manwo with moes upepr obnailadm anpi ..... HLEOL LLAG SOTNSE wihch si a mncomo sedaerv motocue of ibrF.teas +11
uslme123  lelW I dt'ind wnana vige a taf, rotyf, feemla, taht smekos a So a st,aint orf me, swa the estb tnxe otopi.n +9
whoissaad  Udse asme oigarnesn to cooehs st.itsna teisabrF are teh nima ugdr of choiec for hiadtegiylyrmepircer tbu vgnei her pmysmso,t aistsnt dema omre .nsees Why od ethy do shit ot .us.. +
roaaaj  whta a rcityk siqeou!tn rethe era lutpilem sfaortc uslodh be natke ni hes sha itaicmgdreieryl whhic tup her ni srik fo ctra,sptiiena dan mtso ptitormaynl asorcrcoetilhet di,sesae nda lla of htta dlwuo oewhiutg hte kirs fo ginvig hre o.lltgensa +
paulkarr  eaYh I dah aitnsst cdseetel inillytia eecbaus s"ainstt rea aywasl het aewnrs" btu nwhe I aws ehtm taingst rifts lien eceytlr"n oiesndgad thwi repyh T"G I frgidue itsh uflwoplo- aws eruypl to erdsads ahtt. oS rFtebai si the tebs .voem +2

100% BS. UpToDate provides the most recent evidence and guidelines that state Fibrate therapy for High TG isn't considered until >500.

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by dumbo123(2)
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I hinkt tis aucebse seh ahs a xh fo epictp ulrec diessea tead(ts ni xh) taht is rtulyncer ngliraf pu dlim( psareiitgc sdenerents to pdee aotnal.)ipp

Tereh rea rugd tair--nen-sicot onsArtviatat icoh(ce ),A hwcih si a Y3PAC4 eurs,tsabt lnuhots'd eb duse iwth itc/orylisnrmChamoe eroth tbaiocsinit usde ot tx cpitpe curCeP/lA34sY tihibis.nro

Uernd innasrgw adn anre,tsicpuo page 1, FAD -l.g2/tfswbsa//d0u.o007rfal/aada0_dh6pc/teatss9s5p0d..v2dtlc0goswal:fbw/dec2 l/3ghd.lpmdsier/oruug.ryt/e23irbmut=wt8pw:at/wdianr?pds-l

I( laos got eth nissoqtue ogrnw and scheo ntt-aitaoAsvr- isht is sjut ym )uges!s

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peqmd  rAdege otg hte ieusontq rwnog oret.oH' thaw I ogt rmof D.r aotetdpU DD.I DTRL Inercesda srik of aobhRd is oresw htna reescian skir of g.aoenstlsl nr"ruoCtcne ues of lmicotcnrhyrai ro nyorhetimcyr eothtegr ithw sivti,stmnaa tlst,ianavo ro tstaairvtona asw ateocdaiss wiht na ieensdcra rski fo inaiiphtszoltao fro sbasmrldiyhyoo 22,.)R(R= ecuta ekdnyi uijnry ,1=).(8RR ro caluels-a rtlomyait ,(.6)=1RR sa cremdoap ot ecrnunotcr esu of rtazmhoiycni tihw het nsias"tt +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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lyntsheo jtsu meebrerm bFitsaer treta tiiypiedaeeymrlcHrrg dan mvoe n.o ooT nyam eqtsnious oto iltetl ietm. I ma a looC edM dnettSu but I ma on Life .9 Rhreeacs tina big btu woh the ufck gto .itme yB teim we all ilsngo so lil poeh nit!ryg tniseiEn asid ceensci si a grtae ightn if noe t'dones akme a vlngii out of ti. I panl on nkgmai a lvnigi uto of inmeeidc dan buy my ammmo a uehso. I ma a rael eertts knaik I acme ot afr ot og bkac moeh ptmey enda.hd My mmnaa ipnogh reh sno ong be mgotnhsei neo day cnta elt erh ,dwno ehs serciaficd a tlo orf s!u

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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rHriyiayepgmtecilred is wasyal reetatd tihw ,Farbstie evne hghtuo hes is cmniog ofr a looflw pu ianxiaomnte nad oecntoicrant fo GsT is 503 epke giingv leibGoimfrz a bi.trefa

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—avicenna(12)
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yyretglmpeiHiaecidrr si sawayl atdrete hitw aie,Fbrts enev uotghh esh is oigcnm orf a wollfo up xnoianiamet nda canroencttio fo sGT si 530 keep gvgiin lbfirizGmoe a b.tefair

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 -14  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—thomasalterman(181)
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Naicni acn cuaes lei,mecgyyaphr ighslfu,n adn ut.go IsDNSA' nac ttera tguo. nirsAip ta ihhg itcorastnonecn oals tbiinihs eanlr oetbaisro,rpn btu ti itinhsib otineersc ta olw seellv. I ewnt hwit npsaiir evro caenhtpnmaoei cb/ lohathug hetpnniemaoac is an laaigcnes it acksl tanrliia-nomfaytm

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redvelvet  isht is not htat seutiqon ): +6

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