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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#28 (reveal difficulty score)
A 1-year-old girl is admitted to the hospital ...
Disruption of the secondary structure of collagen molecules 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: biochem

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 +16  upvote downvote
submitted by wasabilateral(47)
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I tihkn it sah nhetmsigo ot od wiht clgeyin de(u to tis amlls esiz ti cna tfi ni namy lecspa wrehe thoer onami adsic cna ton nad cheen it pedivsro “luautsrrct oscces”tamnp to teh lgolace,n ie.. ptu a nikk in teh lahpa xe.hli) fI cgniely si aelcipdms by etghsmoin ese,l I ’odtn tkinh -pnearlcolog can fmro sti tecrorc eysodrcan uu.tstrcer

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jotajota94  !ruTe a,ols yielcng si 3/1 fo gloeanlc aafl ashci,n so it msaek esesn hatt obtiuuttnssi twih liannea h(hicw is cumh ge)rigb duolw aeld ot poidsurtin in teh alhpa hielx atfmo.oinr +2
jotajota94  rTe!u ol,as neiglcy si 13/ fo lcgolane lfaa isn,hca so it easkm seesn ttah suisutobtitn thiw ninaale chihw( si umch begi)gr odwul ldea ot ouirntpdis in the aplha hexli aotm.forin +
thepacksurvives  ceiGnly is mllsa nad ,dneby chhwi llwaos it ot ofrm teh frsblii fro the lipret hxeli +
brasel  lsoA ni arlngee A(F 0218 gp 50) IO si form mrplebos gmonfir het pliter ehilx cwihh si yaerocnds rcuruttes. ,etoFyultarn yeth gvae su mhegnotsi to srenao hwit ni het isntueqo gty&GA(l)l-a; +3
amy  Cna omeseon leph em ranteddsnu yhw A is ce?otrncri 00F22A egap 50: eTpril ielxh of 3 clogneal a cnhsai is mrofde rfom nalooplcger iva rogednhy dna esdiulfid Is htsi yerv mirlias ot wtah A is ? bienAdircg. searecedD bhenod-gonydr oraitmofn wbeente egnalloc ulceml.eos +
umpalumpa  The iaxonntaelp ivgne by ewlratsiaabla dclou wkro fi the iesnqtuo wlodu sya -aG-&ygAtl;l taiounmt. Hrowve,e the ntoiqeus esstat htat eehtr is na &l-;ygl-GAta t.imuntoa +

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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I ,eguirfd Xgey-lcYi-n si lcylcaihten erdiesndoc a iyrpr“ma onmai caid usetrutcr of a ”oreipnt icesn teh nneidftiio of a aimrPry serutctru of a rpetoin is a“ neialr cahni of nmoai adis.c” If uoy esms htiw eth rPriaym etusr,utrc sa in het qoineuts ,mtse oyu noactn rofm het dncrSaoey ttrrusuce of teh enip,otr hhwic si tmdreneedi yb the goydnbng-ohinred hhiwc urccos weebent het dpitepe oaebnckb, pdeeentndni of het R rgp.suo I ophe tsih deam sseen.

rmoF iediiapwk: nS“eaocyrd secrrttuu is floylrma defnedi yb the netrapt fo yondegrh sbdon entbwee het aionm dgheyrno dna albcryxo xnoeyg sotam in teh pidetpe bobnceka.” asi(mhpes men)i

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From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Biologists distinguish four levels of organization in the structure of a protein. The amino acid sequence is known as the primary structure of the protein. Stretches of polypeptide chain that form α helices and β sheets constitute the protein’s secondary structure. The full three-dimensional organization of a polypeptide chain is sometimes referred to as the protein’s tertiary structure, and if a particular protein molecule is formed as a complex of more than one polypeptide chain, the complete structure is designated as the quaternary structure.

+5/- drdoom(1206)

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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ok ugsy nad i teoqu rmfo c.ccand1be:osfpas-/or/

"%90 vhae na ibdtefinieal enicgte taomnuit OLC 1A1 adn LCO A12
ssa uce abralmon lnglaeoc snosi-cnlirgk aiv a eclgniy sobttsuintui in the aeonolpclgr lecmoule "

which msaen hatt IO has a ylcnieg iusstnttoiub and erohfetr its ablneu ot ofmr a sdrecoyna urct.uurtes

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 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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ueD ot 'nlsygice mslal s,zie ti rsatcee i"kksn" in hte nioma cida e.csueeqn Teseh skkni are ndeede to rleorccty rfmo the cenrsydao t.euucrstr

tOreh :sanwsre

  • wea"dnkee otnnticiaer nbwteee eclnaolg dan nolp"ayetgrco - eclognal + gcloytraepon = rgciaal.elt eTh otuseqin mets tnoimnse ynam edtcsfe ni OENb (ypte I alecn)log but no nminteo fo cedstef in aTclrOageWl ytpe( II oelga)cnl
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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by basic_pathology(25)
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-XGy-lY is ekoanbcb orf elcaglon ahlap ai.chn 3 colalneg ahpal sainhc ialprs to romf teiplr hleix. iylnGec ash on R r,upog nilwlaog ofr febyillitix nad oafitnmor of elrpit .ihelx No ncygeil nresvpte isth unntiosocu lsgrinp,ia erpinvtegn hte nfrtaoomi of lacelgno dncraoeys rtu.trecus

aellRc atht eahapslcilh-e dna ss-eteethab aer epmsexla fo dneyosrca reutts.cusr Tish anc eb oguthth fo a foaieinatstmn of the apahl ihx.el

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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otheArN yaw to etg at ti si vai tioinaenlm:i

A. renogydh obgdnni luwntdo laylre heangc niecs reineth lnnaiea nro cinegyl are Blpo .ar Gly t;g& lAa nudl'tsoh gachne owh opinerl is efmiiodd (I mena ti CLUDO, if etehr asw a rcites echinrnad or nmogeis,ht ubt tno a taegr ns)rw.eD a intnohg to itdnciae atht goalceln oendtgeradi si eertdal ni nreoepss to an AA ons.siitutbtu lo,As ni eht xentcto fo IO hc(wih is the nrnetegisp cm,aptilo)n ew dryalea kown tath hte orempbl tdos'en aveh gyntinha ot od wiht gaere,tonddi orme iwht het ngecah ni cn/.rterucstnft iuouE Hnsoetly dnto' .kwno

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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ere’Hs noe yaw ot ecf-ai-selormitesonp edcrds“eae ro-gdeobnhndy otir”:onfam mI’ not a bgi nfa fo htis elni fo ,oanisegnr btu actlehyncli nleaian as a esid gopru ash rmoe shdno*yger rof nlpoaiett ghyonedr nbindgo hant lniyceg:

lnaai:ne C—H3
gci:yenl —H

So, c”hlcl,nt“aeyi ailnnae dlouw prmeti ermo hnndedy-grboo tnfmao,iro hhicw ghimt llwoa uyo ot eiiamtlen thta oi.hcec

htaT s,aid it smsee ltoasm piissleobm ot urle out touit(hw yver clteicahn wlokdgnee or omes riveoddp ietaelnpxrme at)da tath eth shtllgiy leagrr nneiaal esod not piirma ongyhrde odnbngi wetbnee elcanglo celemslou iav tercsi )aap(itsl ceefe.einrnrt In lriespm mts,er enisc lneniaa is ,rgrlae ouy dolwu thnik htat it tusm ohomwse etfeirrne ihwt eht i-nnryohbegoddng that cusocr twih hte wtpie-ydl iyelgcn.

itltS*yrc gskepnia, ’tis ton eth munreb of dgyhrneos btu osal eht genthtsr fo hte pdoeli atht tcsieiltaaf heoyrgnd iondgnb: a droehygn odbun ot a ronsygtl eavrolncieegett euellocm eilk luoirenf iwll ”e“parap rmoe ioipstev ,nda stuh, gn-drboneydoh rmeo syonlgrt ihtw a erbany xongey acodprem( iwht a ronhdgey cnodetcen to a,cnbro for amle.)epx

uthreFr :igrande

  1. wedt/hdswmil.uh/hgliehursh.m:q/dp.tbp/ultoeuncepcw/.d
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hungrybox  Aeptareicp het ftfoer utb isht is rfa too olng to eb +30
drachenx  gnbrxuhoy si a fkeaigrn ehtra +
drdoom  rhe@acxnd ,ahah an,h igmnco bakc ot tshi i izreael i aws prybaobl roggviek-nee llo +1
blueberrymuffinbabey  it'ns hte gehrdnyo nbignod dndeepent on eht oaehydrxdtly rleinop adn ls?iney so taht owuln'td rlleay be het eusis heer isnec eohst eart'n eht asa engib ?eetlrad +
drdoom  e@bryluerb onicArcdg to ’Aletsbr CBMo (ees nsgenTta ta )gtrhi, leyxyodynihrs nad oydrxloienphyr crituotnbe oneydrhg osdnb atth orfm eteewnb eht achnis cehni”tra“(,in sa oopespd to rci-in;ntaah eht s,nhaci of cr,suoe are ptareaes ptiposyelp;de htta ,is eseparta lalcenog eo;stnipr and riastceionnt bwenete teaspare niashc t[apearse ppts]depyileo is ahwt ew llac rretq“aayun r”;ttcuruse see aTnnget evbao). And ni shit ecas, as you otinp out, eht emst rbdcisese a ;aAgyllt-&G tttuso.biinus ahtT msese to eman tow gth:ins )(1 hte eethr etparase ngclloae esypoeppdilt wlil tno pa“ck as[] lgtyh”ti to rmof het itperl lheix rau=yq(tanre ct)rruuset ew lla nkow nad loev adn 2() loeiprn ingsr wlli alfi ot ylear iqteu sa gyl,uns ornmmgsopcii hte illceha cnamirnoofto that sdeenfi na pahal hican eado(s=rcny ertrsuuct; eth hepssa atth romf witihn a lseign p)ieyppl.oetd +
tadki38097  aosl uyo ant'c H odnb itwh onbrc,a tsi' not proal heguno +
amy  20F02A 0P5 est:at nirfatomo fo hgnelli(aphorocwc si hte eliptr xilhe suuettrr)c aiv yedrgnho nda d.uidflsie So A si eicctnrro bc rehte aer on eacolnlg leoelscmu tye 2(dn ctstreuur nppesah at plgoelaonrc le)elv +
drdoom  my@a itlepr xlhei is a tqareuynra eutrrustc sc(nei petirl hexil si a phesa atht fmors EEEWBNT prtseeaa ro “ald”ut cgnplgoooacl-rlelne/a )i.spepted mPr,iray eysarcond nda aittryre eutrscusrt aer stieodrpscni fo a glensi loetpeypi.pd cnOe uoy veah 2 or moer petpdipsoley gtrectianin twhi caeh ehtor e,(.g. oileHnobgm emll)ouce you ehva neaayurtrq uttrreu.cs +

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

Hydroxylysines and hydroxyprolines are infrequently found in other animal proteins, although hydroxyproline is abundant in some proteins in the plant cell wall. In collagen, the hydroxyl groups of these amino acids are thought to form interchain hydrogen bonds that help stabilize the triple-stranded helix. Conditions that prevent proline hydroxylation, such as a deficiency of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), have serious consequences. (Emphasis mine)

+1/- drdoom(1206)

From Molecular Biology of the Cell:

The primary feature of a typical collagen molecule is its long, stiff, triple-stranded helical structure, in which three collagen polypeptide chains, called α chains, are wound around one another in a ropelike superhelix (Figure 19-43). Collagens are extremely rich in proline and glycine, both of which are important in the formation of the triple-stranded helix. Proline, because of its ring structure, stabilizes the helical conformation in each α chain, while glycine is regularly spaced at every third residue throughout the central region of the α chain. Being the smallest amino acid (having only a hydrogen atom as a side chain), glycine allows the three helical α chains to pack tightly together to form the final collagen superhelix (see Figure 19-43).

+/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by nmb29(0)
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I mgthi eb ieginkvtrnoh it bu,t H obnd ntrfmoioa fo aa's aeskm het oaedrnycs rsrtuuect of eth onrpeit a(lgcelno in htsi ).eacs ehT lGy ot aAl uuinststitbo esod etrlsu in elss H ndob o,rtmafino tub fo ldduviaini a'sa nto neebwet elolagcn oellcuesm t(ath gmtih eb eorm ofr aeryuqanrt uutrrsc)te

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lpp06  I tihkn het kye si in the wsarne nri,hpasg eth sewnar ngmnnoitie nsdbH-o ssya pistuoiD"rn of nsH-dob wnteebe loecanlg l tcshough"muAoelel llnoceag does orednug Hbnndo-ig to spputro eth ltierp x,hlei htsi is noed ihwint eht esam ngclaole Lnmengolu.lei kic fetidfnre nolgleca emoelsucl socurc vai the lnyeis - dlnyexhrsioyy ksiln eodn in het EMC +1
kevin  iths si the oen ncmomte ahtt nalilfy dhpele me uandsdernt why taht swa rrincc.oet kahnt yuo +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by j123(16)
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Pimarry curtterus = imaon dcai ynnceoqeeasduecSr ettcsurur = cserutrtu rmdefo twhi a inlges omian dcai qunesece e(bta padteel eth,es aaphl ieh,lx T ryette)irac tucterrsu = ellutmip nocedrsya stetrcruus aitnirtgnce etgetohr iue(ptllm taeb detplae etessh ktcasde on opt of heca reoth, ur)etyQer atrnac erturtucs = enptroi cerutsrut emdofr omrf gldinof fo lal iytarrte sruestctur ot mkae ingbnid ,teiss

iScne teh aenanli asw tpu in lepac of eht einGy,lc eht myrrpai rcustretu asw baulen ot frmo an hlpaa xilhe ncise paahl hlixe crrtsseuut need a pcualairrt qeenucse (gyl - -x y) ni droer ot ofrm dyrogehn nsobd to kpee eht hxeil .atlseb

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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what si ecognall ? a dnrsaecoy ertipon eu.ctrrtus

wehn oyu reoevm ,ecgylni eht msto unatnbda imnoa adic , mofr het rpcosuerr culoemel illw yuo gte a oepprr rocaeysdn rcrteutsu ? NO

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unknown001  rngeoi isth +
drdoom  cna uyo blea?aorte waths' rwgno tiwh uryo ?mtneomc +

 -4  upvote downvote
submitted by lilmonkey(63)
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yGl si lr,apo nleiAna si onaprnol nda dibco.rohphy sMeisesn oetnrinavnovsce mtouinat. ehseT sAA heva efrinfted ichalemc sotrrpeepi iwhhc laed ot strupidde neoptri flidgno (odayrnesc escuutrr.t) ailmSir ot lGu - aVl tbttoussniiu in kcileS Clel

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