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NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 4-month-old female infant is brought to the ...
Hyponatremia ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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hraDerai cssuea ossl of wtra,e Na dna Baic.rb eemrmReb ttha hdeiraar is a easuc of non ianno pag cbtmloaie icsdoais seecbau het slos fo areabcinotb si sopcdneemta by eiinsrgcan eiohClrd So she nac vaeh heopiraclmhyer ro earhtpmayoin due ot tnkiea fo lyno fere wtrea fro 24 .uhors But hse hsa REUESIZS so aiteropyhmna si ostm yilekl

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drzed  I hintk teh aiilnit eahmcreilryohp odluw be ckyliqu leutidd tuo yb teh glrea iutsnmconop of taw,re os ehtso otw cmpnioteg ssecpesro luowd iellyk ielnzrutae eht lcoherin ,ellev ro evne mkea het dhlic hcpiermh.yloco +1

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submitted by โˆ—haliburton(225)
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ihTs si tarwe otiic.oixnant /.t7do8/e7.iwvbmlnt:us5g/hcw97/1nppwnhbi.m.

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thisisfine   rgeAd!e tIs' galno eht ielsn fo toehs ntaaohrm senrrun how llpecoas sos.euiqtn ioNghnt but eratw rof 24 shruo = tegingt ird of oto hmcu ousimd. +2
temmy  aer ew juts igong ot geiron teh arhaerdi ofr 3 ?ayds hwta is sit iinseacgifcn +4
kard  my,Tem eW atni inoggIrn het earaDr,hi ltlcAuay eht tsmo eilkyl ecselorytlte ot egt olts whit ti is tmsgi;ud&o trg&hicod;le puosigtatms;& tiaboar.enbc.. Psul eht aetrW oxitncniitao &;g-t PMYNEHAOIRTA +1
bronchophony  why ton ihelmagcpyo?y +1
saulgoodman  eeaBscu sceulgo is ont an rtlctleeey,o ti deso ton octcnud lietteccyir in .nuoitsol eTh unoqiste is sikagn hch"iW of eht nwfoglilo rllcotyteee o.ri"btaisaenml +4
skonys  hpnnohb@ocyro nmuagsis hes ndtoes' avhe a cecgoosgnluln/segenygoi ,rbop hse wl'udont eb yemgpoicychl tafer 4shr.2 FA91 +1

 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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eTh eky ot htis ntouiesq is htta eht taptine is 4 stnmho old dna gettnig w.atre

brsenwoN lhsudo NTO be ngeigtt lanpi awert nutli afret 6 tsohmn fo gea aebcues it nac aescu mhnyepiaarto -t&;-g zrsesiue

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 +3  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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Wyh is ti tno elyhai?omy?gpc oHapgciemyly acn laso edal to ierzuse

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cuthbertallg0od  mSea ogttuhhs hr,ee nda I iknth oygemiyplach sccruo lreaire ni i/nnkiftdssa tnah ni sduatl kie(l 8 uo)s?hr -- ymbea tusj rome yeklli ot be yhnrmaatpioe seinc aN+ sotl in het hidraar...e +2
fbehzadi  I khnit myslot teh ftac ttha 24 is ont naogn decrue sih eogclus to het tniop of iunsgca a ree.iszu +1
fbehzadi  42 *ouhsr +

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submitted by โˆ—drzed(332)
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seaPprh I hhtrtuuog-dne isht ,eusoistqn tub ti is hyihlg liuynkle ot hvea YE-RPH of intyganh wehn iusmgonnc aerlg aotnsmu of twear, becesau vwheeatr oni is ptneers is nggoi ot etg dule.tid oS in het scea fo rnaolm gap aidcsois from raadei,rh yes etehr aym be na itlanii epihraol,eycmrh tbu het wrate is ongig ot ldtuei ti to.u

eteBwne ymeacigyhlop nad ry,iapoaenthm ti si mero eilylk ot be amartioyphne caeuebs eth ilchd had rssieuez

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—didelphus(70)
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Any deia yhw lrihaephrecymo is'nt na wse?ran The aeriahdr odulw uesac an omarln onina agp rmyecrco)(heihlp imatbloec isaocsi.d

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charcot_bouchard  shit si eth epmobrl teb wu adn nmb.e in wu it uwlod eb ofr reus a hgcota .sueq but in bemn ythe aer ysaullu glinkoo rof ostm bsi.ovuo soal kloo what ehty era skinga t"osm l"elk.yi bayb uwdlo dve lwo Na ofbree cisoi.das Tasth my 2 stnec +29
temmy  rhcroiemlyhpae wlil ont ocanctu orf the euizesr that hobgutr hte anteipt to het ih.aotlps esesirzu icdnrogac ot sifrt dia si decuas yb comypcleahai nad tahaomipyren +1
cry2mucheveryday  herdlnCi ihtw haoidraer who rnkdi lareg oastunm of retaw or eothr phoyniotc ufdils canogitinn yvre wol noccentaostirn fo satl dan hetro otl,uess ro owh ecrivee aivtronsneu fsunosnii of 5%0 uesgloc in tr,awe aym leedvpo mahpoyen.riaat hsiT ruocsc aeebscu tewar si sebodbar rmfo teh utg eihwl eht slso of astl ClN(a) tenui,ncso saincug ent sloess of odiums in seecxs of reawt. The prlacpini reutasef of catreoaypmhni ehadodyritn etah:rer e is a dfteiic of rtaew nad mio,usd utb teh efiidct fo uomsid is erusmrt;re gea mudsoi cattnonncroei is olw ;t(031l& o/sm m;u)lmlre sooliytmal is owl &l52;7t( s)/lOh;emml to dclhi si hiclrage;t unlyeeqf,ritn ehert are eeis uzrs.gYDC/thUC#rdmmaOR%i/RNrO2tEHerQaAErFye2.mSETehOdWIs2ts%%d.td0ASAetroN20R/oEap/h:0dE/h +
cry2mucheveryday  ,slAo ywh si hsti eingb gneiv ?.lra.u.fom yMa be saaltec weif.hic.ycin.ehdc dlsae ot otcosmi a.ea.sddrir.aleh to rapAeeo h)tanyljirmg(tnona' osbnnewr psoupsed to eb ktep no eceivlxsu strbea klmi llti 6 o?nmh?ts +
hello  mreccduyahrv2ey@y ntoD' ared oto cmuh niot t.i hTe fact htta het yabb is nvrigicee flmoura t'isn retalnve to rwniegsan het .Q wBt , nto neerveoy staber sefd.e ltnyal,Adiiod the Q 'tuownld kame hcum sense fi ti isda e"yth anr uto fo srlbe.ia.m".tk +1
hello  arcuvcree@dy2ymyh gBein on falmuor neth het snaretp nnuginr uto fo mloruaf si reom of a ucle for rwtae iixcooa.itntn ihsT is ylylaictp eht enisraoc htat ewrta toitnnoaciix t.epHewors esn,erv I usepspo fi rfo meos ensaor teh ybab was bgien datefrbse adn teh rpasnet hwiesctd ot lecevxiylsu nfagdeweteir a(nd on retho ),osdof ethn rtaew cnxtitniooai dluow sola +

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submitted by โˆ—champagnesupernova3(93)
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iaaehDrr suesca loss of taw,er aN and icrb.Ba eebRmmer ttha rdheaair is a uecsa fo nno ninao gap ecmlbiaot iiscsaod ebacuse eht slso of erboctnaabi si ecnpemtoads by ieinrgncsa eCroihld .rentsporoabi oS esh nca eahv iraelprhmoyhce ro amephtnayiro eud ot antiek of nylo rfee etwra ofr 24 u.orsh utB ehs sha EZSRIUSE os yahmotnepira si sotm ykleli

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submitted by โˆ—umpalumpa(6)
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sTih okidd ahs msot lkiley oetecyrrs aierhard ret(eh era on elucs in eht eosintqu hatt shit si otsmcio rae.ahrd)i ueD ot roteysrce rariaeh,d the tp hsa iueratmcne ayoloeimhvp tihw hl.cheapmeiorry eewH,vro eth erpsnat egiv eth naiftn onyl HO2 rof 24 h,h iwchh saemn ttah aN nda lC gte tlddui.e It is remo lielky htta teh tp sgte rpanomeciyth anth mcorlehhocpyi dneiognsicr htta, fboere ngvgii OH,2 lraecohim was high dan Na saw olw. ehT wlo meNiaa ucssae erlaercb ,eaemd hicwh esadl to s.zreeusi

escGoul nca esyial be ceossdr uot abucese si tno na clyertoleet adn eht usionqet skas ofr oteecllerty ce.gashn

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umpalumpa  onCoeitcrr fo isht sn:ntceee tI" si eomr eliykl that eht pt tsge rcmeyoihtpan ahnt hhmrlioyecpoc nrndgiesico ath,t erfebo ggiivn 2,HO eorachmil saw ighh nda aN wsa oralmn i( ahve istmylnaek rteiwnt aN" swa "wol avbeo, but I awtedn to twrie N"a saw l"oar.nm +

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