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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
45-year-old man with poorly controlled type 2 ...
Enterococcus faecalis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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riFts etsp ot rppaoahc stih rolbpme is ot teealnimi isaiLter oconseeogynmt ti( si a rmag tvepsiio O)DR adn both tlccylspahaooc pcsiese hp(taS si wylaas talaesca ,)peitovsi iwhch laeevs us whti ospoctrScetcu naonupemei dna ntoouccrcEes cea.ialfs

eptSr panneueoim is na aphla lihyetmco pestr ehlwi octscerencou is iapllctyy gmaam oh,mycilet os esigne sa erteh is no lhmsesioy on oodbl aarg nnmea(gi mamag lo,imtecy)h oncscoucrtEe si the crortce e.wrsna RVE ocmn(invcay srtsenait necceo)tuscro rea alos an tnrtipaom csaue fo omcliaosno tncofinsei hsuc sa rofm ish veousn e.etarhct

erHe is a gdoo horlfwlti/mgoa hract ofr mgra eopiitsv fiitce!nidtaino

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Gamma-hemolytic designation for Enterococcus (group D strep) just means no hemolysis.

+2/- dentist(94)

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