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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
A 58-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Membrane lipid peroxidation ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: pharm pathoma repeat

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 +35  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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I d'otn kile how teyh rae anigks ti,sh tbu I thnki whta they ear teigtgn at si hatt ftrae eht sntet lctaneepm "se(qebsntuu ot eht ttsen cant)eem"lp rehte lwli be ieufonrrpes riynuj ot hte dliocamyra iteuss ihchw uscorc urtoghh fere cilraad yiunrj adn erefhreot rmmebnae ldiip opixadreonti si the tesb wesnar 0AF22(0 p021 nnmtesoi neambmre iipld xinaetridopo sa a emhsasncim fo refe raadilc gedaam nda slits peunrisfeor yjnrui aetfr yitocmthlobr arpteyh sa a .t)epy iaeoEvlsnt ni eth acrciad zseymen I msusae ear eceusba fo teh inryuj ot teh

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zalzale96  Cdraete na utnccao sjtu to pu tveo tihs sewnar +5
cheesetouch  8991 rlnuaoj via oolgge " yicroadMal uinjyr aetrf adiaccr grsruye htwi parlcmoudaonriy asbspy may be reateld ot feer ogeyxn dlured-iaianccd lidip oaiit"xndroep +
peteandplop  Ecevnde"i utgsegss thta iterecva xyngoe epsceis O(S)R may yalp amopittnr roesl in hte gishoptseena ni lidracmayo iaorftninc 2].[ gFinlwool smhi,eiac SRO rae doducper nuigdr irfeonpruse pahes ,[3 .]4 OSR era blceaap fo itncgrea hitw utaeaudrnst pslidi dna fo itaintgiin the efnpgteitsur-laep hcnia iarcseotn of idlip iadtprneooxi ni the "reemsanbm (/imt.4M8lc9p9:7ebc/vts./i2ogPrmwCsc.hina.w2nwhlp//tn/) +1
mittelschmerz  syetHlon the ownirdg tog me no hist eon. atGer sawenr +
acerj  ,Asol ouy can elru tou a few of hte ptnisoo ot pleh iftjsyu s.iht Post MI oyu epctxe ssnceir,o otn .isosptpao eerm,bRem iptsosopa si ,iiscdeu and nisrcseo is MRRUDE! lCel lglnweis si a gnsi fo curllale ujri,yn not elcl agir.kesnh eTh trahe lwli genrduo cagetoivlau ,iersnsco tno facuqivtelei c.ressoin As,lo earpteos nconaiiavtti by cayotpmcsil eref clmacui is kidn of snenosalnic to m.e reeF licaumc si meor yllike to esauc ellc iurnjy iva scaeasps (a orfm of eetsaosrp ntmsgoa ehrto i,hnsg)t which si hyw aclcimu si ylluusa nuodb up isndei hatehyl lcel.s +5
ownersucks  This noqsutie entenrapitos is yxatcle woh tSrata idas in pohmata h2C. aeisR in iccrdaa mneezy lnlgifwoo pnfeorsiuer +
amy  00F22A 0:53 fRsnroiepeu unrji:y rfee rliaadc dna asneecdir Ca xuoncohlacpnyreirtfint-- fo sy leibomeirhfTr is deacerins icylpmctsao eref cuimacl on,is ubt it uinsedc o,irncrhyeopcattn no taorespe .anvcoititani +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—j44n(141)
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D.r aarttS fro het ni,w tshi is a seurnfieorp unyji.r heT llcse dnot avhe PTA os eyth atcn rnu edourcitn saecrtino enwh etyh get 02 .aigan stI klie benig rpkbatun hyet tcan "pya" orf gihnt like etltainhguo ysmste etc so yteh get a libdu up fo erfe dscalari dan reef dasrclia csaue liidp iintdeoaxrop

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—feochromocytoma(36)
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As esthro ehva et,mdnoein shit si oesirsnc of the ditosrcya,ce wchhi ldae ot het inceaser in teh mreiksoarb MCKB- adn oinTponr...

nsgSi fo clel socinres dwlou eb eaullrcl eglwnlsi dan klanige fo teh eo.ntctn ueD to hte ORS noretinaeg omrf het 2O urfroeinpse t;&-g ignuacs noxpoeardiit fo the mebarenm idpsil ;-t&g sosl of elralulc s"rirbea"r t;-&g gelinka

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imgdoc  u'oYer nmixgi up otw ncotspce .heer ihTs ti'ns rseonc,si hrete si on inmltafnimoa gcirncruo reeh. iThs si ilbevreirsre lcle jryniu ayerdcnso ot rfee aalrdci .aagedm ellCralu lsnlwgie si idcoesstaa hwti relrbveesi ecll iyrnju and onu'tlwd uscea igaklne fo lelrclua tn.onetsc +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sennachan8059(1)
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Tsih atnetip has utcea IM slade to caeuavgtloi roicessn fo daccair ;&m.Aa elplcB ear ton uetr esubeca ellc ,rsgenhkia inmtaofor fo actopipto ideosb era ngsi of pps iota.osC si tno etur scbeuae esh dah ocalvgeatiu ceo.Ensrs i si not ruet beuecas pycciotmasl eerf aC slade ot rtoaepse tvnAiotaic otn onaiiavitctn

oS eht aswren is .D SRO omrf nusiorpefer niryuj desal ot benmare pildi dpixiaeorotn and renmeabm aemgda ihhwc samek accdari yzneem aekl nito otcnacrl.uii

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—namesthegame22(13)
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Aols oworNt:tehy

In tonechipneaam serdooev, a istnroatua fo apseh II aeobltimc ytahpsaw lsade ot cxsees eotpheanincam eboetmiadlz yb t-miedYadCPe iaeotrnsc to cty-aleN- qeiinueemnoibznno QPIN(A), ichwh sah otrgsn xgozidiin eorsitprep nad is ledticyr ahctt.xpoeoi t'sI het ecvaiter xgyeon ceseips atth seuca axyoihttoicept mofr aphennitecoma veored.os

Oizidgnix erfe arasldci edgaam ysehptoacet hgouhrt printiodeoxa of dlsipi in lelc brmaesemn, daxtveoii edgmaa to irlunalletcra sr,eonpti dna sardtn sbraek in DNA.

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