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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 0/Question#0 (reveal difficulty score)
An 81-year-old woman is admitted to the ...
Potentiates the action of antithrombin III ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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eSh hsa rianpeH idncedu metoctpyoirhanbo, hicwh cna eb dedecud ued ot eht edeceasr ni pattlele ntcuo artef anmeocdiit tdimsraintnioa adn het fcat ttha she aws gbien etraetd rfo a ivssame EP. npHeari si sdue fro midemieat anlaocoaituting of PE nda to taetr TVD eerucnrrec 0(2FA20 .64p)3

acopmymittS HTI pTey( )2 si ascude yb ldmvteepone of GIg aiodnbeist agasnti aelteltp dboun oftarc .4

ehT easnichmm fo erpahin si ntaoieinptot fo eht atcoin of itrnnm,aotbih cwhhi deaesecsr the ioctna of rhnmobti adn acfrot Xa nad terhoefre asct sa na auaagotltncin

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submitted by โˆ—solidshake(25)
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sloA odog to onwk thta nlyo droiaafcnUtnte aeiHnrp sha the lytbiia ot ()1 nidb ot cartof aX dan erterofeh tpeoiatnte Agcaulinioa-ttno adn (2) ibdn to bi-ninrtohtAm III dna Tnrobmih uhts ngbringi ehmt teorgteh dna htoefrere eitatponet naoicttngAailou-

tarFeaitnodc naiHepr nac nloy od 1()

einoaRngs is deu ot teh ernieecffd fo ezis webente het hpeiarn cluomseel nad atwh hyet nac ndbi to

e(es dlowrU id#Q )2132

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