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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-week-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Immature lower esophageal sphincter ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—andro(269)
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failerDintef onagisiDs fo onwlNnrb/etoNaea oitmVgni

igen-Bn aglsrosoahgapete rlfexu ( .ei emtmuiar lewro asalghopee hscnetirp ) gtuiatognerir of oodf hsyotrl faret egdnfie .
oN retfhur mtosymps , aehlthy ndcihlre itwh arnmlo epvonlmeted

or-Hhetpyirpc olipcry tnissoes
nuetiroitggRa - eileoprtjc oonilibnus gitvmoin ryteceotlle senbimcala ( olakislsa nda kmoyphelaia ) * pyicalhs tieaaionxnm may vreela an iveol msas no oapilnpat fo ueatispgirm
ilyc*t lypa strast morf btewene n2d dan 7ht ewke fo gae

gtiM-ud usvolluv t/ltnaoriaMo /nuDadeol aaiesrt * olibsui itoinvgm * olambiadn nondseitti * gangImi may valeer sgnsi klei the deoulb bubbel nigs ( uleodnda ariesat ) cte

oNet: hTe slit si otn vxshtaeieu sa ehrte ear mnay roem aeussc oiasdeastc twih nnoerwb giomtvini

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covid_19  To dad on to nigeBn ,GRE I ct'ulndo nifd iaynhntg in a sorcyur loko uhrhotg FA nad saol ddtni' wonk htat REG asw a htngi in esneton,a so I fduno sthi ncie dna censoci cetialr ni Up:aDtoeT /eowrpuwtox:r-nsoants/luaa/gpoatitnc/ttee-amc.sesw-ehrdfe.p-tnonfluteihptgmsra +
i_hate_it_here  I 'tnod dunedsrnat ywh shlaaopEge smaps stin' htgri +1
topgunber  I luodw asy lagapsehoe saspm luwod saeuc etiedaimm teartogiugrin ro yiabinilt to woslawl eylp.pror so ew wodul be lgoikno orf dyspagai.h +4
nikitasr27  In graeenl aneestno have an teuimamr nvorsue sesytm ge(.. a)ibknibs nad I nkhti ahtt slao splapei ot het .SNA asTtโ€™h why ouy ees os nmay oeYTbuu vsiedo of beaibs viointmg otu of the elub uhoitwt neve ginncgah rehit caef rnes.esopix I nโ€™odt ow,kno baseib rea dirwe +1
pakimd  is miameurt saoplheega ehstincpr teh eosarn ywh bsiaeb spti pu milk ehnw tnpasre brpu itehr esaibb? +
chaosawaits  baesbi urbp up herit imlk auesbec they lasolww oto gisegrsaelvy henw they .fdee gipBunr mthe eslph tge dri fo emos of het ira in htire csmaoht nda shple retnevp neodttniis rmfo oto mcuh ,ria bthreey iigeernvl fo iotlnpeat sahoctm +1

I don't understand why it would be immature LES and then start acting up now?! Shouldn't she have symptoms since she was born?

+10/- brise(86)

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submitted by medbound57(8)
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I ntkhi atth eth nswear is nto pcrylio ,nteosiss cwhhi enstrspe whit TRCJEEILPO insuoibl-on iotgvinm -s46wk ayl(illcscas stifr nbor yabb )b.yo

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submitted by sschulz2013(7)
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rebi@s - I kniht ti si teh same oectcnp as the ilpycor c.iesrhtnp nI iclpryo seonist,s ti kaste a efw wkees rfo the ulemcs ot ytulalac worg oneugh ot aucse na uotitonsrb,c so ershppa eth ames ntcoecp epipsla ot hte SLE -mlescu nah'ts had miet to orwg ugnoeh to keep shcmaot tosnncet ofrm ntggitrgaueri ni a neb.norw That lwdou ekma nesse hyw it wduol veelrso evor .time ustJ a hthutog.

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feochromocytoma  Btu ywh idd ti pternse oynl eaftr 5 wekse ro so erfat rbit?h +
chaosawaits  I rgnalliyoi ahd "aturemmi "LSE tnliu I huhtgot oot darh uoatb het aelt nastirnoepet (ftear 5 ).wkees I osnaedre a ekaw LES oluwd estrnep isnce hrtbi tbu lpahesoega ssmsap ocdlu pehpna yroapisllcda dna reehoetfr genadhc ym sw.aern LMF +

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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utsJ ot add to thwa ehtrso vaeh lyrdeaa bteaodalre np:uo

hsaEoplage psmas - raugielrr izordsngadie sntacctionro of hlaagoesep lc,atsuureum luwdo csaeu yadsha,gip or detmimaei nttiaiggreuor ni hist nwe obn.r Tshi wuold apyobrlb enpaph hwti eevry d.eef

uGt tnolatromia gtd(Mui ianmo)ltrtoa - setprsen htwi isbiolu gmotvini ued ot dudaloen stotnrocubi vai dadL nsdaB rnfom.oait

agoacerlTahhosepe tesaira - duolw rtesenp whti y,iacnsso n,goodril dan seciesvex .gnhcguoi iAr lwdou eb ersetpn in hte osac,hmt nda ant'c asps a ngsiatacosr tbue hotrhgu ot het mhscoa.t

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