I ntkhi atth eth nswear is nto pcrylio ,nteosiss cwhhi enstrspe whit TRCJEEILPO insuoibl-on iotgvinm -s46wk ayl(illcscas stifr nbor yabb )b.yo
rebi@s - I kniht ti si teh same oectcnp as the ilpycor c.iesrhtnp nI iclpryo seonist,s ti kaste a efw wkees rfo the ulemcs ot ytulalac worg oneugh ot aucse na uotitonsrb,c so ershppa eth ames ntcoecp epipsla ot hte SLE -mlescu nah'ts had miet to orwg ugnoeh to keep shcmaot tosnncet ofrm ntggitrgaueri ni a neb.norw That lwdou ekma nesse hyw it wduol veelrso evor .time ustJ a hthutog.
utsJ ot add to thwa ehtrso vaeh lyrdeaa bteaodalre np:uo
hsaEoplage psmas - raugielrr izordsngadie sntacctionro of hlaagoesep lc,atsuureum luwdo csaeu yadsha,gip or detmimaei nttiaiggreuor ni hist nwe obn.r Tshi wuold apyobrlb enpaph hwti eevry d.eef
uGt tnolatromia gtd(Mui ianmo)ltrtoa - setprsen htwi isbiolu gmotvini ued ot dudaloen stotnrocubi vai dadL nsdaB rnfom.oait
agoacerlTahhosepe tesaira - duolw rtesenp whti y,iacnsso n,goodril dan seciesvex .gnhcguoi iAr lwdou eb ersetpn in hte osac,hmt nda ant'c asps a ngsiatacosr tbue hotrhgu ot het mhscoa.t
submitted by โandro(269)
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failerDintef onagisiDs fo onwlNnrb/etoNaea oitmVgni
igen-Bn aglsrosoahgapete rlfexu ( .ei emtmuiar lewro asalghopee hscnetirp ) gtuiatognerir of oodf hsyotrl faret egdnfie .
oN retfhur mtosymps , aehlthy ndcihlre itwh arnmlo epvonlmeted
or-Hhetpyirpc olipcry tnissoes
nuetiroitggRa - eileoprtjc oonilibnus gitvmoin ryteceotlle senbimcala ( olakislsa nda kmoyphelaia ) * pyicalhs tieaaionxnm may vreela an iveol msas no oapilnpat fo ueatispgirm
ilyc*t lypa strast morf btewene n2d dan 7ht ewke fo gae
gtiM-ud usvolluv t/ltnaoriaMo /nuDadeol aaiesrt * olibsui itoinvgm * olambiadn nondseitti * gangImi may valeer sgnsi klei the deoulb bubbel nigs ( uleodnda ariesat ) cte
oNet: hTe slit si otn vxshtaeieu sa ehrte ear mnay roem aeussc oiasdeastc twih nnoerwb giomtvini