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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 21-year-old man comes to the emergency ...
Inferior rectal vein ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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gP 366 AF 0202.

  • eBlwo eattepcni i:enl Eatrxlne s:rridhmohoe lfnPiau if bodormh:est rfenioIr aclteR en.iV
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neovanilla  Noet: pg 536 AF 2020 :tetass etnaroalc sreav:ic aortlp --;g;<t& tse:simyc sirpuoer rcaelt --;&;tl> ddelim nad rifnieor .taelcr Nto eusr if h'tsta ,rtccore but deilinyeft eht nfio idetc ni pg 366 is rcoectr +3
cheesetouch  AF 2801 630p +2
lovebug  AF 2019 p603. +

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submitted by โˆ—lpp06(41)
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drrehismoHo era dsiatlnoiat fo srnueivrteraoo euseplsx in het ecutr.m Beklcosag no eht arlteiar sedi lwli otn uecas hte epxusl ot illf wehil osnevu sosmothebr llwi escau a kbac pu of

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skilledboyb  ynanoe wokn how to elru uot idmlde ceatlr eniv ehbosmrs?ot +
prostar  it si tjsu htta nweh hotb aer ni tnopio go rof infroire reltca .veni shti is roem tpa. ro eesl othb aer retc.roc +

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