I kinth thta hte wnaser si ton oilrpyc tneiss,so whcih psnsetre htiw EIJLOETPRC snulob-inio timnoigv kw-6s4 cyllsiaas(cl sftri robn yabb b.y)o
ei@sbr - I ithnk it is eth meas ctencop as hte cpoyril itrepsnc.h In liyprco itnssse,o it aktse a wef sekew ofr the mlsuec to uyalclta grow nguheo to cuaes na bru,snctotio so saprpeh eth esam pctneoc ppislae to eth SLE ucsel-m 'santh dha item ot gorw onehgu to kepe mtahsoc otencnst rmfo agtniuretrgig ni a rn.oebnw Ttha ulwdo mkea sense why it oduwl elesorv orve em.ti uJts a ht.ohugt
suJt ot add to twha sehtor aehv dealray ebedaotral o:pun
oeasEhglap ampss - uerrilagr zodiarisdnge ciraoonsnctt of opeahagles ruelucsatm,u odulw uceas ig,hasypda or mdtiemaie oirttiergngua in hsit ewn nob.r shTi dluwo yplorbab nphpea tihw vyree edef.
tuG ttaoolaimnr gtiMu(d aoilrontt)ma - rstpnees iwht liisuob iitmovgn edu ot udlndeao tctuirbonso via dadL dnasB rtoomai.nf
clrahoeTgesoheapa siareta - oudwl sprteen wiht yi,nocssa nl,origdo adn vesxecies ug.conigh Air doluw eb nertesp ni the hamo,cts nda tcan' pass a sgrctaisona buet hhutrog to teh sthm.oca
submitted by โandro(269)
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aetlriefinDf gisanosiD fo tboNo/aalneNwren gViimotn
neg-iBn lsotagaohesapgre xrlfeu ( ei. eimrumat relwo ohaeespalg nrsthpcie ) tuoieatnigrgr fo ofod osrythl etarf egnfied .
oN tfreuhr yssmpotm , lthhyea hlcrndie hiwt nlamro dvteonelepm
pitpo-chHrrye poicrly stissneo
Rggttarinuoie - ljteeporci oobsnuiiln imgvtino ltecetrloey sibaalemcn ( oslsaklai dna aheikalyomp ) * lpysaich einxtmaanio may aeervl an oilve mass no altiappno of esgrtpiaimu
i llptacyy* tratss fmro teweneb n2d nad t7h kewe of gea
-uigMtd olvuvuls ntMlar/aoiot Dndluo/ae iasarte * biiolsu iomitgvn * lmiobaand ttodnineis * ganIimg yma lreeav sings liek the oubedl ebublb insg ( doaendlu tirasae ) tec
No:et hTe tils si not xsatvueihe as reteh aer mnya eomr easscu staeadisoc iwth enbwonr ntgiovmii