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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-week-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Immature lower esophageal sphincter ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—andro(269)
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aetlriefinDf gisanosiD fo tboNo/aalneNwren gViimotn

neg-iBn lsotagaohesapgre xrlfeu ( ei. eimrumat relwo ohaeespalg nrsthpcie ) tuoieatnigrgr fo ofod osrythl etarf egnfied .
oN tfreuhr yssmpotm , lthhyea hlcrndie hiwt nlamro dvteonelepm

pitpo-chHrrye poicrly stissneo
Rggttarinuoie - ljteeporci oobsnuiiln imgvtino ltecetrloey sibaalemcn ( oslsaklai dna aheikalyomp ) * lpysaich einxtmaanio may aeervl an oilve mass no altiappno of esgrtpiaimu
i llptacyy* tratss fmro teweneb n2d nad t7h kewe of gea

-uigMtd olvuvuls ntMlar/aoiot Dndluo/ae iasarte * biiolsu iomitgvn * lmiobaand ttodnineis * ganIimg yma lreeav sings liek the oubedl ebublb insg ( doaendlu tirasae ) tec

No:et hTe tils si not xsatvueihe as reteh aer mnya eomr easscu staeadisoc iwth enbwonr ntgiovmii

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covid_19  oT dda no ot nneiBg ,GRE I tcloudn' fndi tnhgnyai in a roscuyr olko grothuh AF adn olas ddn'ti nwok thta GER saw a hitgn in eonea,nts os I nuofd tihs niec nad ceicsno caeirlt in oDeUt:Tap /iwo-crah-n:s/te-u-fwetc.e.tmpopexgaustomtwhgoepsrtua/an/ldntrsofeaalintrestnp +
i_hate_it_here  I 'dtno srednnuadt yhw oshaElapeg aspms sni't gtrih +1
topgunber  I ldwuo yas opaheaselg asspm dwoul suaec aetidmime rgirnouatgtie or blniiiayt ot wowslal repo.plry so ew louwd be logkion ofr dsgayhi.ap +4
nikitasr27  In eenrlag natneoes eahv na rtamueim eruonsv setyms isbnbik)a dan I tihkn atth losa pialpes to hte .ASN sTthaโ€™ ywh ouy see so aymn YuouebT iovdse fo ebbasi inmviotg uot of het eubl htowuti eevn cngngiha thrie ceaf I tnodโ€™ wkn,oo beaisb are wedir +1
pakimd  is mimuetra haeolgaeps trnhscepi the nraseo hyw ibseab pits pu mkli hwen trpeasn prub htrei bisbe?a +
chaosawaits  abseib purb up rieht mkil baeeusc thye laowslw oot sgglereiasvy whne yhet upgiBrn hetm plehs get rdi of seom fo teh air ni thire atmhcos adn plesh evrptne otnnieisdt ofrm oto umhc r,ia eytebhr ilveregni fo otatepnil hocstam nsai.p +1

I don't understand why it would be immature LES and then start acting up now?! Shouldn't she have symptoms since she was born?

+10/- brise(86)

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submitted by medbound57(8)
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I kinth thta hte wnaser si ton oilrpyc tneiss,so whcih psnsetre htiw EIJLOETPRC snulob-inio timnoigv kw-6s4 cyllsiaas(cl sftri robn yabb b.y)o

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submitted by sschulz2013(7)
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ei@sbr - I ithnk it is eth meas ctencop as hte cpoyril itrepsnc.h In liyprco itnssse,o it aktse a wef sekew ofr the mlsuec to uyalclta grow nguheo to cuaes na bru,snctotio so saprpeh eth esam pctneoc ppislae to eth SLE ucsel-m 'santh dha item ot gorw onehgu to kepe mtahsoc otencnst rmfo agtniuretrgig ni a rn.oebnw Ttha ulwdo mkea sense why it oduwl elesorv orve em.ti uJts a ht.ohugt

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feochromocytoma  utB wyh idd it esnrpte yoln aerft 5 eweks ro os tefar thrb?i +
chaosawaits  I lyolnirgai dha iamutrem" SL"E lnitu I guohtth oto darh oatub hte ltae paneiesttorn f(erat 5 ).kewes I eeroadns a kawe ESL odwlu sneeptr secin bhtri but lapheeoasg spmass uolcd ehappn odispalycral dan oreheretf hgcdnea my w.aenrs MLF +

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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suJt ot add to twha sehtor aehv dealray ebedaotral o:pun

oeasEhglap ampss - uerrilagr zodiarisdnge ciraoonsnctt of opeahagles ruelucsatm,u odulw uceas ig,hasypda or mdtiemaie oirttiergngua in hsit ewn nob.r shTi dluwo yplorbab nphpea tihw vyree edef.

tuG ttaoolaimnr gtiMu(d aoilrontt)ma - rstpnees iwht liisuob iitmovgn edu ot udlndeao tctuirbonso via dadL dnasB

clrahoeTgesoheapa siareta - oudwl sprteen wiht yi,nocssa nl,origdo adn vesxecies ug.conigh Air doluw eb nertesp ni the hamo,cts nda tcan' pass a sgrctaisona buet hhutrog to teh sthm.oca

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