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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman with a history of ...
Streptococcus mitis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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erSpt iadrVins si alor oflr,a ssuace ubsatuce tascidoedrni ftgefinac royspievlu adgmdae ,seavvl adn is fetno eaoctdiass htiw eeaulseq of aenldt eocrrduep.

)A coneitoecrc acn laso escau cbuesatu coritiaddsen but ehyt are gmaam meohlysis and llowfo I/UGG epdrBroc)u e beta shmeloisy nda euascs te)ca uc atbe hemysiosl dan asusec cu)teea lhpaa eimlshosy tbu eyunllik to usaec tsidcnod,aire scsuae nmiiistgn,e i,ttios i,uonmnpae siisntsiu - (O)MPS

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submitted by โˆ—trazobone(97)
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rpetS rVnidais si laro ofarl cussae subceaut oicandesirtd fgaeficnt oiyvpusrle demdaga svae,lv adn si tfone caossdeiat itwh sluaqeee of eltdna .cordpeeur

)A cEicncooter nca oasl seuca tbuceusa tciidrsdaeon tub tehy era agmma colyhimte and ofwlol GGIU/ uopcreedr )B teab hlsioyems sesauc ecuat btea hilmsyose dan i otg oto zyal to clmrueasnb teh rest i odnt kinht it eevn ssdesdear ym onqsutei

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trazobone  rSetp imist is atpr of hte rviaisnd uorgp of oscec,rcttpoi otsm mylonomc nfoud in attohr, y,xahsoanprn hm.tuo marG + uafealtcvti bor,neaea ceaastla ()- and alhpa imyltoehc +2
whk123  A,osl the geami geivs a cuel o(las tensper in FA prste umoepn o)tscine ttah it nelgsbo ot eprst flmia,y eptrs mpeonu rudel tuo eucsaeb it si emtiybelatch-o os stpre iistm is eftl hwhci utlvyelnea is ayoetlh-mipaclh +2
trazobone  iaWt on epsrt nempuo si lsoa plhaa yhmloi.etc I ihnkt yuo namte ot ptey ptahs asruue +
whk123  M,OG heewr teh kceh ym neo elin wnt-e :DTIE esptr eopmun ledru uto seubace ti is nto sdeoaatisc whit athre seuiss dan ntlade ecudreopr ntgih nteepsr ni eth s,inoarec aspht aureus redlu uto cabesue ti si eacl-hiyeotmbt .s..o Tnahks bzotaenro rfo nirnggib htsi to oenianttt +1

Strep mutans (of Strep Viridans group) causes dental caries "cavities"

+/- dentist(94)

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