rSpte tismi is rtpa of eht rvidansi gourp of ,oettcopcirsc osmt molncomy nfduo in orhat,t aahn,npoyrxs uhotm. mGar + eiavfuctlat ernab,aeo aleastac )-( dna hlaap eotylchmi
,loAs eht maegi eigsv a uecl lo(sa erseptn in FA etpsr eunpmo i)otnsce hatt it lebonsg to sptre ,falyim ptesr muepno duerl tuo scebeau it is tt-beleoicmayh so etprs sitim is letf wihhc lenyvluaet is plahe-mtcyhlaio
aWti on psert npmoue is oals laahp otihcyle.m I nthik you teman ot etyp htpas rueuas
O,GM reehw teh eckh my eno neil e-twn ETI:D retsp emnopu lrued uot eaecusb ti is ton aacsiotsed tihw etarh sisseu and altned reedrucpo ghtin tsnerpe ni the oins,earc psath uaesur rudel otu bceusae it is bhltate-oeycmi so... asn
hkT zetorbnao orf nriiggnb siht ot tttnieano
submitted by โergogenic22(401)
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Sprte niVsidra si aolr ,aorfl eucssa tacusbeu oadtineriscd gtefincfa vyleursopi dadgeam ev,svla nad si tofen eostcaasid htwi auqelese of tdaenl eoper.udrc
A) cecetnrcooi nac soal asuec tebsuauc treodscaiind but yteh aer amagm smyholeis and lwoflo /IGGU cor Bee)prdu aebt molhysesi dan auescs cect u)a teba eismhloys and suseac ueacet) apalh yosilhmse but yeliuknl ot csaeu rcnsdeaii,tod cassue intignsei,m o,tsiti nimep,aonu unitssisi - MPSO)(