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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 1/Question#4 (reveal difficulty score)
A study is conducted to assess a new prenatal ...
99% ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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yM wya of ibermgmener osmrlauf for tiisyiccfep nad stiyvisntei si that iyfcPtisice ahs slafe iivePots in ti and ytNtiivssei hsa lsefa evNi.teag henT eth htore irevaalb si hte peoiotp.s

So hte orumfla for cfiPycetiis = tuer ategvnie / fase(l Peovitis + utre ti)eagevn

  • In itsh c,ase het teru iaevgnet ttse(de eneviatg dna rea yltcalau mr)olan = 113
  • eFsla iiostepv d(tseet viiseotp ubt era lyctuala orm)nla = 1

ytpcifeciSi = 3(1)1 / 1(31)1+ = 111/341 = 139.092 = .319%92

EONT: eNitegav nda voitpise tdipecrive uavel heva eth emna fo eht baealrvis esdu in het!m

  • geeivtaN pecrdtievi aeulv = etur tgivaeen / ret(u eaginvet + esalf eiangte)v
  • oeisivtP rvteceiipd auvel = uert vesipiot / e(urt oiepvtis + fslae pt)vioesi

20AF02 257p

unscramble the site ⋅ become a member$279

Specificity aka "True negative rate" Sensitivity aka "True positive rate"

mnemonic: sensitive and positive both end in "-sitive"

+1/- dentist(94)

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