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submitted by โˆ—brolycow(33)
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He hsa reaht lruiafe ihhcw daesl to a eeacsdre in lenar dloob wofl nda epalrenr ziema.tao nI raenrepl eazmtia,o UNrCB: taior si =&t;g 02; vnitoiAact of eth SAAR essymt ude ot eth anrpeler aomtazie amsen hatt the scpe vrag si ighh ta 5012. dan eh is goldnih otno omudsi so rryainu udisom liwl be owl l(,;&0t2 FaEN ;).&l1%t

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figprincess  idd yuo irefug out eht eht aroit by yaltaulc nvidgdi out het enmbusr necsi eht q idt'nd veig it sa a otar?i sloa hwat ecorerus llste su htwa nraperel ecsp rvyiatg ludosh eb? +
brolycow  I jtsu ulaslyu emmbrree rmof cssal ahtt espc avgr -11.10001.0 si drcdeseion leuidt r,ineu dan yatnghni 25.10 dan oaveb si ntoe.cencatdr Fro stih stuqoein ceisfcllp,yia I nkiht I mrbrmeee eterh lony gnebi eno otnopi hatt eenv dah het oitra 0,>2= lla of teh teohrs weer elki 15 ro se,ls so tjsu aveh ot rleu hetm otu. +10
benzjonez  Very lpulfhe evido rfo cuate kenydi i:rjyun /btv6ohKtccwbyQMeIp?s.waoDwx=ut/:w/ht2Kum.p +11
notadoctor  hAernot aotpliexann atht ephlde me is tath iyinbtail ot anroeetccnt eth urine emans itemshong si owgrn htiw the idnk.sey fI oyu hvae ludtei ,reuni or eth cpes rgtavyi si nebtwee 00..1-01011 ni nesooem hwti owl rinue utpotu ti utessggs sgihneomt is ronwg hwit eht tonanrientcoc samemnihcs fo the ieyn.kd sucBaee isth nproes dha csiteoegnv aterh lireufa we were rlyaaed oiknlog fro nothegmsi hatt dehatmc pu iwth erlapren miatoaez so we anc tpyret hmuc get dri fo all eth senarw cshiceo ahtt stugsge teorh aimeosazt. hneT lfnyila ot get eht eiecsrp nwsear I lokedo at teh /UNCBr aitor ihwhc uyo owdul epectx to eb ih(gth&=;g 2)0. +
mikay92  oludW ylluf mdmneeocr the nOEideldeMn deoiv on AIK. Gseo ruhghot the eiarinftldf,e abl rsule,st ratemte,nt etc ni a vrye eralc nda sionecc menan.r +
drdoom  eprtos aiv nzeobe@jnz ;g&-t x2bwavhtttwK=b:p/oeh/?Mum6otKcIDwp./csuQ.yw +
drdoom  y9amk2@i si isth eth EOilndeednM evdio euroy' eirngrrfe to? tg;-& up5ut0sy.:eNgoz/tF/MbVEWth/t +1
drdoom  !haa ehter is an eptudad AKI dvoie utb ouy edne na nendEledMOi ee)r(f acucnot ot ewvi ti: ln/udggrktehyyu/mtnnosrde-ocsopyriej/o//h:p.uqaap/dieceaeinti-erln +
popofo  I nsddnrutea ttah Nr:BCU g;t& 20 if enarl ornpusfei si ,draripee but in htare rafieul oul'dntw rehet eb adiscenre otrceisne of /NNAPPB rofm eht raita htta usehsp pu eth ioumsd eeonci?rxt +
an1  ahtw atobu P/AN B?PN if FHC si eesnprt 'otwn tsehe dnow uertlaeg ,ASAR ndelagi to lsse DAH and a emor ediutl ?urein I eddsranntu stih q yssa teh nrieu otutpu has eedrdcaes os hsit ldnwuot' be hte saec erhe. Btu when uolwd we onkw ttah yeht tawn eth NBAPN/P ?rhyeot +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by lostdinosaurs(1)
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eHy acn eomnsoe pxnleai eth nrlae id?nfisgn osPihy is iedtnyelfi otn ym osrntg .iuts

Is ti eubsace he sah ld+ufNai/ tteerinon ahtt shi pcsicfie tygavir nda N+a rea so lo?w Is hrete a neaors ofr osthe csfiipec naBUN/cetiiren evor het reh?sot

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brolycow  eH has etrah leraifu wichh alesd ot a dersecea in anlre boodl flwo nad enrplera ziamtoa.e In nrelepra atzoeaim C/NBrU arito is => 2;0 tcnaiAovti of teh AASR ssytme due ot het leaprrne otamzeai seman taht het pesc vagr si ihhg ta 512.0 dan he is noihgld otno siodum so rruiany oisudm illw be olw <0(2, EaNF <%.)1 +7
mousie  ergeA tihw ,eabov FH dna not ktaign msed louwd sicanere ro eitvatca ASRA = crsneeia ATII dna toloeenrAds whcih edasl to oybd niiagrtne aN adn OH2 so teh urnie otrintconeanc of aN lwil eb olw nad teh niure iwll be yevr ocenetncartd .ei. ighh .SG I ddn'ti thikn tobau teh Ur:NCB > 02 utb stih dwulo haev aosl wrnoerad ti !ndow +2

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—haozhier(23)
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I cshoe C eusecab I htghtuo it has eenb orfu kesew os ti mstu heav neeb uetac tarbluu n.ersoics naC nenoay naleipx? Tnkhas!

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miriamp3  hozehri@a if uoy era eicdignd to htikn thta he dha a NTA seubeac fo eth 4 ws..eek hten eh husold be yb now ni eth ecrovery p(ahy,aioeslurp /rcuBn lf)la Btu he si itwh HF dan ihs iuern pouutt sha rylprseviesog a.dseecer So KAI rnlarepe FH urBcn/ ;&t2g0. het lnoy eon is .D ot'nD gte cudosenf htwi eht sret of teh oatfr.niimon +
jesusisking  I hhtgout eht emsa ihtng so shoce C as w!lel +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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If ouy eerw klei em dan rwee itiknhng atht htis si aceut buatlru neiocsrs eebsauc hte UW etAl/basF sapaesg iemnton HF as a ucsae fo N,TA ehtn erad oelb.w

oYu eavh to nruadnesdt htat eutac ednkiy nijryu setxsi no a urtcpesm nweh ti soemc to aenlr oolbd flwo r.ssdceeae If ouy eavh a apitent how si guoicrli nad hwo sha had eanrl oblod owlf loss due( ot vsixceees reitdciu eousre,v ,FH mhageh,eror ieacshmi fo ciasyallb nya ca)use eth frist ihgtn ot nppahe si ERNLARPE AIOMT.ZAE ,tdrfrAswae ouy gsrrpsoe ot uceat uuabrlt orssncie, reewh ouy lwil egt teh cslcias escdaeres uiern altls,ymioo neuir Na+ es,rcseead +FaNe ersn,acei nad umsre C/BrUN dease.scre

Reemmebr hist is a tercumsp rfo reanl odlbo lowf eces,erdas eth ermo eesvre the erom nsechac ti llwi spgrorse to ANT. nI tsih se,ac sti lreaenrp oitz,amae os nyol eihcoc D smkae e.esns

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—handsome(3)
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fa 0220 pg 601 'SREHtE a aelbt butoa lsevau . edmielifepx by eth qiseotun nda teh tyolgeoi fo erp lrane hmaeizoat sa snee ni eht etapint .-HF

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