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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#34 (reveal difficulty score)
A 39-year-old woman with rheumatoid arthritis ...
Membranous glomerulonephritis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—mcl(671)
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bmoaMnesru ptgrelrosuieiohlpm a(ak bnusomamer ph,tnyhroeap p 584 AF 9012) aym roccu dnsyarcoe to sgrud schu sa iacmiplilneen. msoIcfrecnulnmeeou swsho nalarugr seiosdtp edu to uniemm oelmcxp tiedoins.po lliW also ees ufsfdei clrlyaiap adn GBM c,tknniiehg and ESM liwl whos ikpes adn medo apaapnreec eud to lebteushialip sptediso.

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 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by deannosancuck(6)
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mnbeasouMr inueerllsiGmpohrto is rhptNoice; LYON NPIERAUOIRT is in eht etietvgn

It tcn'a be NPMG besaecu MGNP si thNpriiec ithw sloisebp Nerhpioct

rhteO eshicco rea ednlaimtei yb anRel Biyops

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hungrybox  ergade rgaua"rnl odsep"ist ueslr tou DCM teh( oyln rhote othipcenr om)ynrsed aeuescb MCD is IF )-( +4
cooldudeboy1  uldoc eooemsn ienaplx why teh rehot icceosh era eludr uot yb iosb?py +
arlenieeweenie  oucyoebl@d1do PGNS osed evha a unrrglaa cemenolmscuionurfe, but ehter si on voriusep slleisn ro uaairhtme mnditneoe os yuo nca rlue htat t.ou reapGoustod is sclaallcyis enrail IF cenis rhety'e seitidaonb taangsi het .MGB gIA hetonpyrhap is asnaimelg IF os ti uolwd esdotpi mreo ni eht ldiem.d Miilamn hcnaeg w'tuldon oswh ignhtayn on IF +3
qball  I oknw itrFs Aid tsstae NMGP as a pceinhitr sesdaie btu I nihtk ti can repstne sa enctphiir ro htcnoripe .msnydroe cmccic.otn/e6lncmt:-ei/hpelc5ae0iidp/t2eiae4samr0.dl/s. fO ,socuer hte narel spbyio selph egiv it awya btu I 'tuwdoln be so cuqki sa ot rleu tuo MNGP +1
taediggity  yTlaolt gerea w/ uyo .alQ.l.b I thhtugo GNMP ot,o tbu I hnkit nlenciaPmliie askem it Mubnormeas pohpyrNathe +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by stefanmil(2)
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hWy ew aveh oedpitss ni het lemorulrga .bmmaeenr tI spedspuo ot be eblaeupsitilh - pksei adn doem - ngslaaun,oirt t?rhig

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lovebug  slf@iatmen Yp.a eu'ory I nitkh kp"eiS nda eo"dm @ n .aMdE feuDsfi aiprcayll nda BGM nektnciigh ni @ L.M +1

 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—sahusema(173)
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It uossdn a tol iekl PGNS, btu GNPS is ihicpnert dna ew wuodl ese dnoperuocn mruahtaie htiw lanimmi iut.prneairo

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