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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#35 (reveal difficulty score)
A 63-year-old woman comes to the physician ...
Increased resting cardiac output 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +20  upvote downvote
submitted by cellgamesgojan(43)
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AV sFtsaiul utoer-r ldboo omrf the rrlaeait smtyse ot teh seovnu tmy,ses spang-ibsy het rreitleAso = cseeranI PL &-t-g-; ECINERSA V.R All in lla = scerInea C.O

Arcicdgno to ,WUrold het aetlsrerio rea a jraom uesroc fo risnetcesa ... os byaipsnsg teh etiloserar suetslr ni a scdaeere in tTaol Pearhlriep sctsineRea ... sacgniu na esaenric in het aert nda luvome fo obold tguirernn ot hte hra.te I am yttpre uesr tereh is rome ot het lohgpyoisy dneihb ,tshi but I hpoe hits axnlieedp a t.itlle

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big92  yetld"aImiem fnoolgwli n,irctoea roitsuevronae asufitl (VFA) is oseiacdsat whti na easecirn ni aracdci utupto O,(C) vhadeice ldaormineptyn thhruog a tenocriud in issctyme lrsacvua ets,rsaeinc arnsedeic loaimyardc octiri,ntyctal adn an aeisncer ni tersok muvloe )V(S adn trhae vrOe eth lnlofiwog kw,ee liccuiratgn odblo eomuvl nsecsaeri ni cncnjooutni thwi ineasecsr ni rilaat dan nibra cinrrateiut setiep.dp Teehs aotisearnlt ear ceitsasoda whit ayelr areiesncs in etfl ervclarinut )LV( gllinif rerpesus itwh het lipanotte rfo lnttaeusr tamicp no itraal nad lrntrevuiac amerchb mnnoidsesi nda iofnn.c"tu P:DM(I e )555sr 522'Th8 e 4 osla atherno usdyt by tiepEns rofm het s0195 gokilno ta the ectffes fo AVsF' cfftee on OC ni mne MDP:(I 27)101.358 lantpAr,ype teh nearsice in rinsetg CO si a igb lpbomre sbeauec it can deal to tpih-uuoght ccraaid rliafeu VL.()H +32
hungrybox  sJsue igb92 you nwte in on eth cseharre mlao u smtu eb TSPM +6
temmy  9big2 uyo rae gh.itr that is yhw atsegp saedsie segatp eahv ghhi ouputt ciarcda ilrfuea abescue fo eht va tnu.shs +5
kevin  awth si ieescanr" P"L +6
jhan17  dcrcAigno ot Wenh"k iwi an srrtvoinoeaue flustia is rfodem goivlinnv a jmaro aetryr eikl eht aminolbda ,ataor ti can aedl ot a grael cedeesar ni rheplipear tineserasc bauesec ti by spsa aliteroer rwee(h ormja BP is rdmfe)o . hiTs redwelo heprlapire nrstaiseec uessca eth eraht to raceseni ngrseti acraidc upotut to iinaamtn eprrop dbolo folw ot lal s.uties"s +

 +6  upvote downvote
submitted by azibird(279)
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I o'ntd lfee ilke nya of etshe enmmtocs aveh ullyf deessdadr hyw het etantpi lencruyrt ahs nsaeircde gritnes CO dna NOT edeersdac .VS eHre is who a dnierf of einm ienaeldxp t:i

PAM at( enigrst )RH = 32/ BPD + 13/ PBS = 77 Hmmg ni isht antt,pie ihwch si welor nhat lmrona (93 Hmmg fi you sue 8.00)1/2 So PMA is acddesere nda hte nyt/idkesoerh gsonra et'rna tgigetn eth ipoefruns htye edne, ednglai ot AARS navaicoitt and SO.eaB/dem PAM = CO × PRT, os sith udclo eb ued to lwo OC rlveaeit ot TPR (wtha ew uyalsul tx)eepc ro owl PRT vaierlet ot .OC hisT 'ipaentst aergl VA ifatuls ahs pedordp rhe TPR very ol,w cwhhi seamn erh OC mtus ahev eebn reyv hghi orf hte ptsa 51 sraye to comseaetpn g(ihh totuup taehr ae.lfuir ehS sha lnyo 5 dsay of mp,osytsm hhciw snmae ehs si eyrla no in erh FH. niSec ehs hda chus a hghi CO to gbeni iht,w erh prod ni VS hist lryea no dlwuo tilsl elaev erhe tihw an ESDRCNIEA SV meapdocr to a omlnra neptit.a Ussenl erh lsepu si espur h,hig hre hreat tusm be inpumpg a svmseai skoert vemlou to iaminnat a almrno tcolsisy lbodo uerrsspe iwth uhsc a olw PRT (PAM = VS x HR x TR.P) lyenvtaEul, ehr VS amy draecese to eb wlebo lranm,o but nto os arely .on

Fro etome:ts Ncenspol eesraedcd retailar O2 tas acueebs oodbl si oilnfwg frmo yeratr ot ivn,e otn eht eorth way toarod.Nn u redaecsed xemdi evnuos 2O sat euasebc eralatri odbol si gonofdli eht ulcansvbai neiv irght ebfreo mxied O2 ast lowud be eN sudr.temoa aceiersdn VRS ueaebcs of het eglar VA f.tluisa

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by the260guy(18)
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utB 'rsehe my boprelm iwht thsi iequsnt:o it ysas htat hes ash a 5 ady ytsrohi of SBO and eowlsnl .eslg oS oloivysbu hte eathr is iing.alf I pkidec deaecresD rtSoke luemoV fro that an.reso

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nwinkelmann  AV auiflsst rae eno eusca fo htgptouih-u ridaacc isTh spnreo trepnses twih taerh ialfeu,r btu ti si deu to acilrcynolh esneridac gnsiret CO. +2
lukin4answer  wnmlkie@annn yse satth r,hitg eh sah ifnglai h.raet tub tnqesiuo is gsknai hwat si hte dfiinng of isht atiptne, I dtsnrnadeu eht ausec is autlFsi aisugnc hgih ttpuou ua,rlife ubt hety t'dnid kas teh resona fo ish HF, ehyt rea sgknia teh fn.niigd I ehsoco scedraee kSrote uemlOV /: +
happyhib_  ishT was ym gloic and otg to rdcsaeede tsreko mevulo sa l;ewl htey tearn nakgis thaw saceud ish FH ro agtnhiny ti asys hwat si hte somt lyikel iingfdn ni hits pi.nttae If hsi aehtr is lfanigi edu ot LVH rofm tinnostecs cidnesare OC lotwudn he AT IHTS VERY OMENTM TWHI sih ahetr iilganf heav resacddee oektrs v?eu.m.ol +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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CO si casnieedr hwti )1 sedradcee teoafdra2l) adnseecri lpdeoa3 )r caIeenrsd crytiatlcinot

An eveotiaursno auftsil cearets na ilaeattrenv uerot for rlaati bdool tnoi het seunov rilaccuotni ow/ nogig stap hte esiatreolr h(et ojmar aucse of iutaeseh,r sT) by idgno so teh PTR aoe()trlafd sdereecas dan het CO si

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by uslme123(86)
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sF'VA = edrnaiecs raidcca o.t uptUBuT tihs stni' wne fro hist no?reps I wvie isth as a erhta ahtt sha falnyil geubn ot fila -- edsearecd etciefefv rriuaoyctcl lovemu --g&;t aseirdcen .RSV

But i ssgue uyo 'ntac veah B bfoere A -- wtearveh --\

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happyhib_  hsi bp swa himgostne keil 010/35; whit tcdliosai aundor 50 I eguidrf he oudtnlc vaeh cdeirnsae RVS cebsaue ihs iodltiacs lwodu eb ?rghihe +2
trazobone  I ahd itsh mesa nisroegna I lcoeypmelt edosslg veor eht PB ‍🏻️🤦♀ +

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by nuts4med(8)
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neAyon heva an iade yhw het srecedaed larraite 2O tnraatsiuo si trr?coicne ngsimuAs esh has lmpu edema inesc she hsa LE ,edmae tw'nlodu a lwroe 2O sat be tdecepxe ?too

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haliburton  I eieelvb herte wludo be on sdarceee ni O2 tsronatuai uaesbec toengxayde dlboo hi(hg e)ersrups is nshdeut nito todeexnadyge cturci.i sA logn as het lnusg anc peek p,u isth usohld eanerisc vnuseo yooenniatxg on evga.rea +7
hungrybox  ty thbo of uyo fro ih,ts asw ogrndneiw eth msea hgnti +
coxsack  O2 tas wto’n gehnac /bc oe’ruy tno dganid axedongydete blodo to eht earalrti erYou’ just naikgt rraetali odlbo nad ttupnig ti tion uvones dol.ob aSem rasneo ywh >R-L diaacrc stnshu d’ton daeecser O2 sat hwe(il ni ort,tasnc a LR>- stnhu w.uo)ld +5
hungrybox  utsj ieelrzda: teh ighh rsesrepu fo hte tiaealrr tesyms esepk tuo uplwror-sese oesunv lbood in na VA iautfsl opylrabb( oivubos to osmt ppl but ti asw a aekuer etmmon orf me ol)l +2
chandlerbas  ya ouy wnto veah aedcdeser aarrteil O2 ats esuceba nyeiaxgoont of doolb si ufrneipos detimli 1AF(9 4-)56- etfrehreo gyenanoxoit fo eth dbool sephanp thwiin the fsrti dsoce3ns. of rnegeint het uplanymro aapcrylil hatt yuo ocdlu vene alnhed hnavig mroe yneeadotxegd obodl teern +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by step1soon(51)
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aetrH l:efraiu iThs si eth stmo irusseo pcmiotolican fo elrag ruioosenvtera fa.ultiss iSenc your doobl lwfso eomr lqyikuc thrgouh an orsreveuotian sfliaut hnat ti oudwl fi oryu obldo fdleow othrhgu a moanlr rsuoec fo ,rreseati licpalresia dna se,inv yuor atreh pmups rrhdae ot ncepeostam for het ropd ni oldob prurssee ealc(ld tgph-uohtiu ertha )feauir.l vreO et,mi eth eadsncier sitenntiy fo yuro ers'tha muppgin nac eawken oryu treah selm,cu nilagde to thare larfu.ei

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