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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#36 (reveal difficulty score)
Which of the following best explains why the ...
Myeloma cells do not have membrane-bound surface immunoglobulin ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—hello(429)
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ipelutlM emyomla = mpeolsan of spaalm csel.l

aPamls sellc oupdrce ecyesrtro Ab's aa(k epudcor )'bsA -- salmpa csell od ton have reonbemdb-uman Ig ak(a od ont vaeh .RCB')

oT crepa: eobmda-mnunebr gI = RCB hlewi rrcstoyee gI = b.A

,Now itinctiodiy-ap onidyatb = dynioatb asitang .yboidatn

Paamls elcsl od ton toicnna urafesc Ig -- cbseaue aspmal lcsel oynl be etcerse .A'bs

rhoeeefTr, tdipyiocitina- batidony uodlw not wkro to tgraet ymaeolm lcesl bcsaeue myleoma sclle = pasmal lcsel aka lmpasa celsl lkca acrfuse ecslomeul htta itycidaoi-tnip sA'b uowdl eedn ot dbni a/gttotre.

eSe :iadamgr 5t-aee022eg1m4p:148rcc/a3tmq5qpaf8./.c3n/f.dqi990sffahccstifhcunb-oaen

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ali_hassan  rosry htwa are myoelma escll ?aniag +
ankigravity  ,Aosl eht peydioit fo na ynabidot si teh rotipon ahtt sdinb ennaitg esvusr( typoesi โ†’ ,gMI ,AIg D,gI gIG, adn Ig.)E The iipdetyo si oasl hte pnoirot thta csta sa the rertoepc nbnidgi ties orf hte CRB. +

 +7  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—kentuckyfan(47)
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I rfoogt htat mlaaPs esllc ntonica TREYROSEC Ig wihle B selcl eaertc emnrabme Ig

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—readit(18)
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nA iptac-diiiyotn nodbyiat is an aonbydti cwhhi idsbn an nboyidat.

sA na pmlxee,a an iinycoiat-dtpi banoydit be leflphu for geartint a ieinva B ellc oirpr to notatia,cvi hhcwi xpesesr gIM nda gDI no hreit sreas.fuc Thsi is eabecus teh t-nidhipatciaoi bintyoda can dinb to eth IMDI/gg bitdynoa on teh esuarcf fo a naiive B clle.

epMtiull oeMyaml cslel, reoevw,h rae made up fo samPla l,cles whihc no rnelog exrspse Is'g no erith seufarc ilek ievnia B ecsll o.d ,Tuhs hreet is on acefusr banidtyo a[ka nre"bmema ndbuo casfrue u]mbiolun"imglon orf an yi-odpiiatntci yiotdnba ot idnb .ot

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readit  oS:eucr Ftris ida gP 1,50 2091 eiontdi +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—seagull(1933)
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oidcipytI emnsa --- oaidnbyt ngtasai idbyonta. B clesl ot'nd vahe ruefasc stdbniioea tbu mree tsneyzshie hte.m

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hungrybox  ishT is ogrn.w ALPMSA lsecl muaer(t B el,slc the eons uondf in letplmiu ommea)yl rteeesc s,ditenoiab tbu UATMIMRE B sllce eahv eibatsnoid thta t'eanhv tdhesciw lsecass tye I(Mg dna .D)gI +5
hungrybox  To aiyrclf - ammuiert B llesc hvae natiidbsoe tethdaca to rieht meem.rnab +
seagull  I uhdlos eavh diailfrec taht I was kgapnise ubtoa mtarue B elcl.s nTakh ouY +3
sahusema  oS beaesuc MM sha atremu B csle,l souoeengx otbniieads cn'ta cahtta to mA I igntteg htta tig?rh +
cienfuegos  thWa is an -ApodiIitcyitn AiAnbtos? yd snwho ni uefrig ,1 an -itiniycdpotia AI)ntD(-i ibdnaoyt bsidn to hte ydeiiopt of raoehnt t,adiyonb laylsuu na bidyntoa nA ipoeyidt can eb niedefd as eht siefccip iannicotobm fo toediosip npetrse tiiwhn an eanisbodti tlnepmeocm nmrdeitinge inseogr (D.)sCR A ignsel oidpoti,e si a fcecsipi rienog ihiwnt an snaiodiebt vF riengo wihch dbnis ot the raotpape nitai(engc eoppiet nignidb ties) fo a efnfedirt y.donbtai eT,rhofeer nda edooipit cna eb eidscdneor tomasl nonyumssoy with an aneitcngi mdetinentra of na .yinaot dbsactsiihrtby./h-ccwspsl-tpibnanwoe-gdtoep:diotw.-nItti-wnan/tdmoiynat/-yi.h/maw +1
cienfuegos  mshaue@:sa omatls letyxac cer,crot but sit' marnttopi to teon tyhe aer gkilant butao dtpyicioi sdinaebtio syflcpicaiel buesaec yb ieinoindtf teseh idbn het "iityedo"p fo aoetnrh tyidnbao s(ee inoftinide )veabo +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—abhishek021196(119)
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tCeisdr - idtRed : Hiu neC_lflddoela@7 nshotm gao D. tMplilue eylomma is deu to aslpma elcl iorriplfneo,ta hhwic nylo heav esrtycreo niatesobid and do tno ehva neerabmm undbo iati.neosdb nA ipotc-iiniatyd btnaydoi woldu lnyo idbn het eerdstce deisobtina yb het lmaspa lclse, tub wloud otn aettrg het lcel .letsfi Ndee to rtaegt eht clle to lkli ti.

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