I rfoogt htat mlaaPs esllc ntonica TREYROSEC Ig wihle B selcl eaertc emnrabme Ig
nA iptac-diiiyotn nodbyiat is an aonbydti cwhhi idsbn an nboyidat.
sA na pmlxee,a an iinycoiat-dtpi banoydit be leflphu for geartint a ieinva B ellc oirpr to notatia,cvi hhcwi xpesesr gIM nda gDI no hreit sreas.fuc Thsi is eabecus teh t-nidhipatciaoi bintyoda can dinb to eth IMDI/gg bitdynoa on teh esuarcf fo a naiive B clle.
epMtiull oeMyaml cslel, reoevw,h rae made up fo samPla l,cles whihc no rnelog exrspse Is'g no erith seufarc ilek ievnia B ecsll o.d ,Tuhs hreet is on acefusr banidtyo a[ka nre"bmema ndbuo casfrue u]mbiolun"imglon orf an yi-odpiiatntci yiotdnba ot idnb .ot
oidcipytI emnsa --- oaidnbyt ngtasai idbyonta. B clesl ot'nd vahe ruefasc stdbniioea tbu mree tsneyzshie hte.m
tCeisdr - idtRed : Hiu neC_lflddoela@7 nshotm gao D. tMplilue eylomma is deu to aslpma elcl iorriplfneo,ta hhwic nylo heav esrtycreo niatesobid and do tno ehva neerabmm undbo iati.neosdb nA ipotc-iiniatyd btnaydoi woldu lnyo idbn het eerdstce deisobtina yb het lmaspa lclse, tub wloud otn aettrg het lcel .letsfi Ndee to rtaegt eht clle to lkli ti.
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ipelutlM emyomla = mpeolsan of spaalm csel.l
aPamls sellc oupdrce ecyesrtro Ab's aa(k epudcor )'bsA -- salmpa csell od ton have reonbemdb-uman Ig ak(a od ont vaeh .RCB')
oT crepa: eobmda-mnunebr gI = RCB hlewi rrcstoyee gI = b.A
,Now itinctiodiy-ap onidyatb = dynioatb asitang .yboidatn
Paamls elcsl od ton toicnna urafesc Ig -- cbseaue aspmal lcsel oynl be etcerse .A'bs
rhoeeefTr, tdipyiocitina- batidony uodlw not wkro to tgraet ymaeolm lcesl bcsaeue myleoma sclle = pasmal lcsel aka lmpasa celsl lkca acrfuse ecslomeul htta itycidaoi-tnip sA'b uowdl eedn ot dbni a/gttotre.
eSe :iadamgr 5t-aee022eg1m4p:148rcc/a3tmq5qpaf8./.c3n/f.dqi990sffahccstifhcunb-oaen