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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 3/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 5-year-old boy who has homocystinuria ...
The line on the graph labeled ‘B’ 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by sahusema(173)
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SGUY! uYo ylarel veah ot oklo at teh ixas ehT toueinsq yssa eth s.p't nethiynoatcsi nshetsya itciavyt )-xi(yas is ANLMOR hitw an DSCIAENRE maonut fo orlaipyxd oeaphthps -i(x)s.xa -aYxsi si the asme as R,LAOMN axxs-i ssfthi to the ghrti iswongh ACSREDINE oylarpxid atheopsph

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skonys  mIma tjus teka hte L on htis noe if ti cmseo u.p I asw leba to aownrr it ndow ot B ;&pam C ceeabsu fi eyht rae eanrcigisn yrp ophs nad at emso tnoip hte onthctyiaes enaysths avcityit si a~~olrnm hnet it mstu siecretnt the mnrloa lopt rbblpayo at teh Y secacs ofr aesrson I od'nt onwk it usjt eself hi.rtg D oesndt eeticrsnt ta ll.a A tisetncers ta elniessyalt /01 yacvttii deki( if atth kaems seens utb it ustj delook ssu.) So etnh I was wenbete B adn C nda hbt at taht otpni I hnikt ryou bets ebt is ot 5050/ it adn vome on wtih your efil snsleu you natw ot od mred or gnesthimo nad eden to etg it oetcrcr btu htaw do I ?wkno I og ot dntale lhoocs. +
umpalumpa  I dasgriee thwi ssmeaauh eTh xsi-ax has yxlpo/d1rai htoeh,aspp hwhci mnsea taht going to the tihgr no the ,axs-ix slv fo ydpoxyrla sptahephso aer rlewo (adn het =rvisnee x/plyida1or ,shhoeappt gsoe g.hrie)h +
sahusema  umplmuaap@ 'its bene a olng mtei esicn I opetsd hti,s utb ewnh uyo do hits 1↑,X/-() uoy apoahrcp 0 meingan uyo eidsl hte grpah ot teh htigr +1

 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by amirmullick3(76)
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eTh iLnwreeeav urBk otlP is yalmni ietdperetnr by its X dna Y etp nrcheseti.T osqeuint seastt ahtt ggivni 6B isreeascn eht viatycti to nmrola elsvle, hihcw maens teh tvayitic usohld eb eht saem sa teh lo .eanHrcm,ne irteh Y ittpencer ldsohu eb eth s,mae os ew ear eentebw shiccoe B and .C A nda D do tno veah the ames Y tnerpetci sa lmHie.a nhrorg ntscnrctaieoon of 6B descua ctyitaiv to eeocbm ,nmralo nad os xmVa will ton be igaghcnn and we acn cnceal A nad .A D ahs a rlwoe maVx and D ash a hmcu rheihg hxTaemV. cfeedirefn eenwbet B nad C is ni heitr .mK vignoM to eth etfl on hte X axis ekams hte Km oelwr nda sllet uyo htta fintyfai is sh horige yuo owlud ont eend erom 6B. tBu in uor esca fyainitf of het yzemne for 6B is ylelar ,lwo hiwch si hyw we eden a ont rome .B6

nI smymu,ar ew wnat eht msea maVx nad a higrhe .KWme nwta eht m"loan"r yacittiv (maes amxv as rmlon)a and we ened hhgeri snoatum of B6 for sceucss s ioiftanfy fo eht ezemny orf 6B si oypbabrl veyr wl.o

cCehio B ahs a )K/-(1m auvle olrsce ot 0 hwhci eamsn mK si eolwr nda ftnfiiay of hte nemzye fro tis tburteass si peusr liow .hsT msaek esens as viiggn rhhegi tsmoaun of teh vto"etcie"imp seaubttrs B6 is nei.hgpl

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apurva  sThi eaixoalptnn is !wr!no! gX iasx is ont 1km/ ni hte tos,unieq ti is a/ryldxp1io teaop.hsph /1k(m uohsld eb /tch)noesm1yieo loAs het tnquesoi is isnkag aoutb alrlcoesit cainttioav of yteisoacnth tyhsasen ued ot dondaiit fo iodprlyax h.paehptos hcWhi sname the Km shoudl rscdeeae ftniifa(y nasescire ertfa atdnioid of nieyoionCid)xgr dpn.sire eht x iaxs ot be y/1diopxlra at,hpseoph wno paylp eilsmp cgloi fo ,mtash ircasnee lrdoipxay ehsaohtpp = bngrniig inle ermo sleco ot roez (subecae ti is odx1lr/ip-ya hh.ppt)eosa +13
apurva  Had het X xais eb m/,k1 het swnare odulsh eb C +1
pinkdinosaur  Km si rvsieyenl aeltrde to het nifaytif fo hyez eentm fro tis Tt lescor to 0 on eth axXi,-s hte hrehig eth mFA. K 0022 gp 230 +

 +12  upvote downvote
submitted by lamhtu(139)
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nNegeid ihgrhe" tscori"cetannno fo the B6 ofr eeymzn tiycavit is nahtore ayw of nysiag Km is hhergi inesc oerm si urideqer for 1/2 avmx .ayitcivt eesIdrcan mK luvesa ueltrs ni /Km1 giben lrsalme (erlocs to 0 on eht -)as,xxi hicwh is ndeotrmtedsa in nwrase ccoeih .B

A nmroa""l emyzen vttaiyic ni eht repsncee of rhgihe B6 crtastneononci seamn tath mxVa is ont ngngch,ia btu mK si.

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d_holles  In throe rraNwd,los mo emyzen iyaivttc = aVxA idndgm mero B6 to a muetdta mzeeyn lwil vmerpio ti ackb to onalmr mV(ax astsy cna,sotnt os Km llwi dedesaerc deu to ↑ aiitfyfn fo eht zy.em)en +3
jatsyuk38  ^^ SHIT is teh sbte nxieaptlano +
drdoom  s3ujt@8aky eht mmecnto or het mbm?tsuoenc +
drdoom  o,h ubdoel ctera = ummpbu,bp = het encmmot )(la@hutm +

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by trazobone(97)
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emSo of ehets aaileostnnxp laeylr ongid eth t.mos fI eth nyemze si abel to iaecesnr ot mnarlo tiicvyta htiw a hhigre level of teh rststeuab, taht ansem ’were ni a cpeiimetvto bhiotinri .auittison Cvetoiiempt ayawls coersss no eht hp,rag os we cna neiematli A dan D.

owN we lyazaen Km. eW wnta mlsla ’smK fro pttoen ezm.eyns zSei deso nto asaylw atemrt 😉. Etxcpe in siht aecs ew odtn’ twan ttha ,poetcyn ew ntaw ot olko rof a y/ler(1la igb )mK, uvel(a tath is sleocr ot ze,or) bc ew tanw a ewak gib Km ot eb beal to wvrepoero eht iivpottecme ntihiorbi. gaornCpim hte iinmngrae 2 cc,ehios B sha a Km elauv srelco to erzo so e’sterh yuor s.wenra

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by navevan3(2)
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rFo shit is,equnot I swa nhiginkt atht ehty edaks uoy moaecpr ot a a“no”lrm soer,np so eht xVma ltuo’wnd gahecn isnec yeht ttase htat shi vtyctiia rntersu ot a aolnmr .elelv ylnO het a-isxx uolwd nices ti ulwod be ta rnaseeidc ostatocnneirnc ni mpnor.oscia

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by an_improved_me(91)
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oS i ufnod siht qutsenio .scidril.ouu. teh enpsnaoilxta vpiddero ddi tno rlaley crlae it up ofr m,e ubt i khnti i ndeatndsru ti wno ae(leps ecrrtco em if 'im ornw.g)

rstiF dan ,froeosmt 'Im otn even uesr fi hsit is ultyr a i-lreerweuvnakbe ,oplt ncise eth -Xaxis si tno .1Km/

tB,u orem ,leeyalgrn I rteid ot nensdaurtd hwat phaepedn ta htbo rxtsmeee of LP][P dan cVoytile.

:P skPLA lsefry:ou hrewe on eht rghap si [P]PL th?igesh ,Wlle fi eht saXi-x si uaelq to PP/1L, PPL dlouw be at sti hehtgsi at teh avuel sotlcse to 0 no teh .xixsa- (kithn: hwat si 1 iedddvi by a iboni?ll EYRV SLECO TO RE)Z.O Tihs would cserodnpor to a ipnto oagnl the a-ysix fro eht zeesymn itivtyac. In oethr os,rdw PLP is ta sti hteshgi crnotnoeicant at eth pghsar Ycpnet-erit.

rmmeeReb twha we loas :dsia nehw eht tadtemu nyemze si nudaro stlo of ,PLP ti ylbsaalic usntnocif ekil a mln .nzeeym shTi ns,aem ttah eth Vamx of eth utdetam eezynm is tnveilqeua ot teh maVx fo eth nmalro myzeen. e,erhTreof Teh x1/amV of tbho mezsyen era .une.vtaeil.q at hte yehitcp rnTes!t-i si b!ig If uyo gte shti far, thne uyo nca teiemlnia A() dan D)(, scine eshet hsgpra aehv rfeneditf ecnpYsretit- (itrenfedf )-semVax rfo erith retsecviep smy.neez

nvigMo ...on

yeiloVct )V:( Whn e V is ta tis hieghst (.ei. m),axV eth vleau of V1/ dwulo be ta sit :naAgi( nihkt fo ti itlparcca:yl hwta is 1 dieddvi yb 1 lnolibi? )!~0 erhrTfeo,e het lvuae fo /V1 si at sit wslote newh the a-siyx is laequ ot 0. ,eorefTehr eTh aVxm of ihts rccsou enwh the axs-yi is lesoc ot roe...z esrHe eth tnhig teesh yenmsze qirerue rnfefidte vlseel of PLP to rpeeota ta .-mVxa Reebm,rem het Vmx-a of the UMTDTEA ezmeyn wlil pnhaep ta a hcum RHEHIG [PPL.] Or vesnyec,olr eth ax-Vm fo eht MRNLAO zenemy llwi nepahp ta a mcuh REOLW ...[P]PL

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an_improved_me  ,Mneinga when we kloo ta eth epc-Xierntt (wehn V si thesig,)h eth eattdmu mzenye liwl ureeirq reom .PPL oeMr PPL means a elor""w uelva no hte sa-ixx es(rclo to ozre) vareietl to het rnoalm emzeny. +1
an_improved_me  utnigPt ti ALL erttoghe: -yreentt pic lwli be het saem rof thob tmn/tdrulaeoam ezieecxt-mnptenr llwi be eclors to 0 ofr hte ttmedua zey,emn rtelivae ot teh mnloar eemzy.n h eT only wanser ttha ahs hbot eortccr issaeoptirnhl si .B)( I tkinh i entsp 5 iuesnmt on sith qsienotu iytrng to eurgif it uto. I bbrayplo odluw eahv edened 01 emunits to tlacylau egt er.hte oulplHfey wno I anc gte it kiuerqc if tigsmonhe like hist wshos up on eht elra tn.gih +2

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by minhphuongpnt07(5)
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be wraea ahtt teh xasx-i rfo sthi stuenioq si ton "K"m (6ivtB is not teh a attresbhust't .i/[B61]tV ot i,fipmsy csauebe the Vxma is ngoan asty eht ms,ae yuo stuj eend to eancirse vBti][6 ot tge teh aems xmVa k(aa fthsi ot ihtgr no the xi.xs-a) D'ont eb lfdeoo udnoar yb het oeustnqi wer.rti

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poisonivy  tshi sakem esnes to e,m X ntnoca be K!!m abseeuc if it swa Km hten niel B ldouw eb igswnoh a cpv"metiieot nrbhi"oiti c,feetf hhcwi nontac eb teh ceas nseci htey ettsa ttha teh yeemzn ittcaiyv csaersein to rlnamo aeftr 6B nriaitnosimtda os it savrof the ontaeirc iasendt of eeserscad i.t I otg shit noe orgnw fo ocsrue, too citykr fro !me +

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submitted by empem28(1)
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dbNyoo sah awnsered shti uoiqnets hgthoru het lnse fo a nelnirga eivobctje utieq tey so r'ehse ym 2 setn:c mK is RDSEEIACN cb hsit tpieant sah na znemye thwi an oevrlla ERWOL inaftify nc(a eb coecdterr to nrmoal fetar na cnrseaei in tuebst)rsa hichw is crtriihceasatc fo OMCVPIEIETT otbiii,hnni hwhci is wyh teh niel fo teh pt. is oen of voitticeepm bniihitoin on a BL optl

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submitted by stapes2big(16)
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Teh ntoseuqi is salalybic engtist pu a siaiotutn riislam to ttha of a pittvoceemi nbtirioi.h yThe ysa that ehrigh orctcsonnntiae of drpyaxoli tehoappsh inascrsee het cvtytiai of eth mneezy ot monalr .sllvee ,liylrSima hwen oyu evah a mpioeitevct hobiriitn dan seenacir eth ineoacrttocnn of etabtsurs, the zynmee can echiaev the mase Vxam as if ouhiwtt the t.hniiirbo

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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meemebRr )1 tiepieovcmt siniiohtrb ~ inels srCso at rys-etc2ne )it opictnoitvme-eN irtnisboih ~ on eiln socrs

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 -5  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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ngLo rwanes ae,ahd tub reab itwh m.e

TN:IH v slook kdni of ekil ,y hsreawe k skloo orem leik .x

eynt-ieptrc = Vxm/a1

  • amxV is the rpupe mitil on who tafs a enicator si aaeldzcty yb ymsen.ez

petxncrei-t = 1/mK

  • Km si a nrinkga of hwo gdoo an yneezm is at dnnbgii tis satet.rsbu An eynmez ihtw a kngniar fo 1 is trbete at ibidnng sit uaetsstrb tanh an eznyem ihwt a annkrig of 5. (eLwor Km = trebet eezymn)

Ntoe ttah Vmx,a as a meaeurs fo p,mfrrencoae cna be eeatrdl torguhh aymn ihngts. ae,Mhwnlie Km is a tse tccihrearsacit of eht e,zemny nad ntcaon eb eldret.a

In ihts plmeea,x het neymez opraerenmfc Vma)x( is eserdacin by aeincgsinr eth ivnimta occrafot os htta ti rseheca a na""orml viyat.cit erwevHo, teh emzyen si lstil nhnltyerei hsyitt ude to a egoatcinnl fedt,ec os het mK tsyas the

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mnemonia  .seomweA +
ht3  twai inle B woshs het axmv se'otdn enacgh nad htat the mk si ttgiegn glrera mney(ez si llsti ithtsy os raergl )mk so k/-m1 dwluo be a lemsalr nbmuer dna ulodw harpaopc 0 +1
lamhtu  uoY say Km acnton eb raeledt dan its ntiyasg hte saem, ubt het raswne fo hte aghpr emdssnertaot a eirghh mK Naede.uve nl gi heh"rig tcna"ointnsreoc fo het 6B for zynmee ivytatci si tenroah yaw fo aginsy Km is rhhieg nsiec erom si riredqeu ofr /21 maxv vtiatyci +18
sbryant6  aYhe hsti ntilnpxaoae si .rngow +
kcyanide101  ytlnoesH, hits entuisqo si irunbgb em teh rngwo .w..ya. If we og by eht Lnie rvweea rkbu l,tpo ethn ""C si hte otecrrc wnersa, eecubsa B"" si ihwgons etiotvmcpie .hn.ti.o.rbii heT emezyn ehre si pmevtcieyoilt avgi.ntcti a onSeoem edens ot alpienx tshi etrebt s,elpea oems fo su aipd on itsh ufmro ot tge a nelgifmanu eoiaaxpnltn dna nto nicottoibnurs mfro lfeowl test rat..klosl..e +

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