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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#43 (reveal difficulty score)
A 78-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Embolectomy ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—visualninjacontender(18)
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ruIylauregrrl rgulearIr htrhym = iAbfb iAf g&-;-t tssais fo dlboo ni eht Herat --t&g;- uTbrshmo mnotroiaf suThobmr liwl zoielbem ot het y)i(ellk eth poalptiel reryta gnedali ot taeuc limb iiamhces

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194orbust  hyw lwudo an elmetomcyob eb evdfrao rove iegorcdolpl? +3
194orbust  oh ..' bc rogcleplodi 'nowt stub a ,olct ujts pvtresne mthe romf .nrogmif +20
chandlerbas  salo het wya i ees it is eth iohemm ahs os umhc pnai as iaicedtnd by eundds" osnte fo erseve "anip so oyu wnta eihmontsg saft dna eeteif.cvf suyregr t!ime arbg ym slc!epal srgud udloc eb iaecdtndi but renta na niootp nvee hnte hanrepi setak 02 to 06 tisneum ot kwor so +4
leemax  lol +
leemax  oll +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—zevvyt(45)
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to e,m hist si a esscpro fo aetmilnioni qsnuoe.ti

mFocoaitsy nad onetsban ot'nd kame .nsese

Cedpoolgilr dan sparnii ikdna kmea ,nsese extcEp tmetanrTe fo VTD si nto tarp of hreti lclancii .use dgerpo(Cillo 492 dan aprsiin 475 fo AF 21)0.9

So erwe' felt w mcboeloEym.t

P.S moTyticrlosbh dan reDtci aotrcF Xa ihbsinoitr rae desu fro VDT

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personalpurposes  aYhe I ntod tnhki is ginog ofr a TDV ,huthgo hte titpean si rpeegnstin wthi locoen"ss dan apslse"ne ni erh LE whit eesbcan of .suepsl" shTi si acallsybi nmgyliip na liaerrat onccusoli nda tuhs an oseumlb ni het AARTLEIR sem.yst In a TDV ew can say rlietraa lpuysp is omlran so ew dluwo lfee a mrwa exrmtetiy thwi mronal nroneaitp.est riteEh awy I sgseu ta eht dne fo eht day you lodcu ebiolemz hte TVD tcol .oot +3
yhm17  And the imoentn of lrugirleray rluraeirg shyhmrt eucls oyu in ttah a clot swa fdmero ni hte thare dna demziobel to the lewro itymeextr teer.rasi +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—an_improved_me(91)
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ynaiitlIl i was uctks ebenetw loybemetcme dna toicof,msay nlmayi ubeaces het pt did emes to veha emso oysmmtps of aoertpmmcnt sorym:end ,pani slpssueel, rlp,oal ipghenrsi docl ebre(ermm )s6P os i hhtuotg byeam cyfsoioamt dlocu eb an

ovre,wHe tyoocsafim is imnohgtse atth duowl sulalyu cucor ude ot velcausnouarr roocmsm,epi hcwih yolmmnco nephasp orfm oS i tewn hwti na emous,bl sncei hte tp adh guilyerrlra legiurarr mthy,rh siogiednrpp to oretmsuubhlob/sm rgm,fion thiw eetulnav cicl.ounos

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abk93  gys,uI mtihg eb .gwr.on. b tu I dton' nihkt ibaf VEER esgvi esri to .s.T'.VD heet r rea eesth gtinsh ecllda lpla,asiecri tehy rea esarlml hnat desrctie BCR etaidesmr diwe ni be.ll..cari a faib ruicogdpn a tocl atth is dmupep uot of het tlfe or rihgt rathe wlil nto dinw pu in eht esvnou tcriaucin.l..o no'tw ppa.ehn ma I gno?wr +1
amsizar714  you hgrti anm +

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