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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#44 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man has the sudden onset of ...
Parietal lobe, left ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—meryen13(48)
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heers who I ebemremr rmpesho alTti: leisnso ear no ,oTp os laetpira iesnosl rea leon bw.da awysla emmrrebe eth ivalsu ldefi adn eth deis fo esolin rea the tpeoiops e.issd

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submitted by โˆ—hayayah(1212)
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olewr iuaaqropndnaa:t atlipear nloesi

vs uperp apanauitnqorda = olatmper ilsone

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mcl  asl,o to aifdtnrteefei hherewt ti is het elft ro hirtg airaeltp l,boe llrcae atht listium omfr het etlf sviaul ledfi stih eth ansla deis fo the fetl tainer dan teh rmtalepo dsei of eth hrgit ianre,t ehtn gseo to het ightr isde fo eth ib.rna Tsih[ iwrxpeenb0toirct=5ml/kef)(ce0oeveia=sue]gitm.86c.ihpaeappp=?tgou73/hosjtp/r&u/cr&frdtryho6t/a.etg: is efp.llhu +9
d_holles  So u'eryo ygians that the'esr owt ,csrsseo agkinm it itreialls?pa ci@m +

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submitted by โˆ—h0odtime(54)
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  • R ewLor aonaaaiptndurq = C/L aPealrti nosLMiAC/e vai rDoasl oitpc iiora.dtan

  • If pot tureaqr swa en,go nteh it louwd be /LC poatmrel ilnose avi emyre o.opl

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drzed  eht ldraso ptcoi atoirndia si osla nwnok as 'u"smab o"lpo +1
icedcoffeeislyfe  02F02A gp 425 +1

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submitted by โˆ—kevin(52)
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eDluob ilFp โ€” If .R Leowr tnadanroapiuqa >-- .L eppUr i(rl)tPaae .ilnseo

stuJ reerbemm belDuo ilFp

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