olewr iuaaqropndnaa:t atlipear nloesi
vs uperp apanauitnqorda = olatmper ilsone
R ewLor aonaaaiptndurq = C/L aPealrti nosLMiAC/e vai rDoasl oitpc iiora.dtan
If pot tureaqr swa en,go nteh it louwd be /LC poatmrel ilnose avi emyre o.opl
eDluob ilFp โ If .R Leowr tnadanroapiuqa >-- .L eppUr i(rl)tPaae .ilnseo
stuJ reerbemm belDuo ilFp
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heers who I ebemremr rmpesho alTti: leisnso ear no ,oTp os laetpira iesnosl rea leon bw.da awysla emmrrebe eth ivalsu ldefi adn eth deis fo esolin rea the tpeoiops e.issd