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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Synthesis of factor X (Stuart factor) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +15  upvote downvote
submitted by mcl(671)
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Nto esur if this is het gihtr ayw to kihtn boaut i,t utb fi TP dna TTP rae otbh nlgeopr,od itsh osmt lilyke names terhe is a rmbpole tihw eth omcnmo awapthy (aak actfro )X.

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temmy  yia.tx..cle jtsu hhottug het proelbm sah ot eb reweh yhte mete or mehsoerew liimars to teh mcomon w2pyPTaha(t T1 ep)nHair 7 TP(, W)19rf r1a a ni 1 0 5 2 In1 ym dea,h tboh esids rae knologi orf het ecetprf 10 +2

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by msw(4)
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rhtese a udwlor tiosnuqe leik sith ... ,, abrionrvaax dan etroh cotfra Xa rbtiinsiho lgoropn pt adn aPTT tub yhte dtno fctafe mitrnhbo meit ... liehw icdrte binrtomh noiihsbrit lonrgpo TP TTPa nad nrThboim iemt , lsoa fndetonairatuc hnraiep rooglnsp TTaP nda Tnihormb Tmie yleTli(lcaerhto ti husold roopnlg TP oot btu ni eth etts eht TP tergaen itsnanco rpiahen atznerueirsl thta nmzmeiii tihs cftfee ) . rsory if hits evdeer off cosrue a lelitt

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by agurl1000(5)
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doluC neooesm lnpxaei ot ym ywh ti si cFtaor X? iLek I sdnrtuenad atht PTT dan PT are bhot eev.atdel I kdciep rotcaF X dan tehn eahgncd it ot olsrdiysh"y " seacueb I tguohht whti a tcaFor X iyfccdi,ene ndtwu'lo uoy heva a odperlngo rihnbtmo ?itme I hgmti eb akmgin isth omre mpaiedo,ctlc but n'soetd Fcrota X aypl a erlo in tnohmbir ocntai,viat os kalc fo ti uldwo laed to a oenlgprod mnihbrot meit?

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drdoom  a oenpsr wthi XDF aft(rco x icy)eednfci liwl heav oropgd"nel brnitohm "etmi deiins tihre boyd (ni iv,o)v sy,e tbu iterh NBIMETOH_IRMT t(eh alb t)ets lilw eb pmellecoty ranmlo +1
drdoom  ehwn eyth nru eht lba tt,es awht thye od si ujts dda a nbchu of olanw-brg n)?eia(ncrotmb TTVAIACDE imhnbrot to oruy mplaas nad htne ounct teh sndseoc itnul a otcl m.rsfo t’tahs royu ITNIRTMO_BME.H iotnce ohw fi uyo heva dceukf pu atForc ,X ti tdnoes' eamrtt ebsueac the lba yug si ddnagi ORMNLA, hw-negoetoa-/hbllffs-rf dectitava mnbhriot to yuro pasalm +1
drdoom  in ethor s,dwor yb diandg het bla ,otirmhnb ew euct"c"vnrim yna pslboerm aeidlgn up ot DNA DLINUCNGI het nroduicpot of tlonunicfa obn.mhtir (censi letfeypcr nalocufnti mrhnoitb is ’twhas ebngi sipedlpu yb eht bla g.u)y HSUT thaw TMBMOIETHN_IR h(et t)ste is eallry akinsg is, s“I ereht nintyagh iseind ihst ipenatt that si rnfirgtenie thwi teh sencirovno fo -ignfif;b?orgiir”ntne&b +1
drdoom  O,S tahw teh estt hodslu ARYLLE eb daclle is tno _ETHMIMNIRTBO w(hcih si oscufnign sa el)hl utb MRN_TUIOBENFF__RRBOEFRMIANE_QG_DEMI_IITIKROE +1
drdoom  ☺~☺️️ +
drdoom  p.s. I ddi a ttleil remo aignrde dan it esmes eikl tmorihbn si reedidv mfro ampsal ondsor (otn edma teiyablrnnomc in a ids😁h r!soy)r +

The thrombin_time evaluates that part of the hemostatic process where soluble fibrinogen is changed into fibrin threads. It measures the time required for a fibrin clot to form following the addition of a standard amount of thrombin to plasma.

(emphasis mine)

+3/- drdoom(1206)

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by usmle11a(102)
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i ddi iths gruhtho anteoiln:mii

ca, and D snn;rtiiic ↑TPT ynol

)B chihw si ylataucl het IPP;2 nvoeivdl in Gq inliagnsg

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