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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Synthesis of factor X (Stuart factor) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by mcl(671)
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tNo rseu if stih si the tghir awy ot thnik butoa i,t ubt if PT and PTT ear hobt nd,goerlop shit somt yiklle saenm teehr si a poebmlr wthi teh mcomno wytaahp aa(k ocrfat .X)

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temmy  xcta..lei.y ujts ttgohuh hte merlbop ahs to eb herew ythe etem ro omrseeehw almirsi ot ..betenohch het ocmnmo TTw2Ppyaht(1a )areHinp 7 T,P( Wn1 i9 1arf) ra 01 5 2 nI1 my daeh, hobt diess aer gooknli fro hte feretpc 01 +2

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submitted by msw(4)
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hsetre a woludr siqnteou leik shti ... ,, xvonarraabi nda ohtre rcatfo aX nhrsiiobti gprooln tp nad PTTa tub yteh tdno aceftf btnomrih tiem ... elhwi edctir onrhtimb tiiobnhrsi orogpnl TP aTTP nad ohnbmiTr ietm , lsoa caearfitudnnot nrehipa onlorsgp PaTT nad ihrmnobT mTei ol(clrtihyTaele ti lhduos lngoorp TP oto utb ni eht etst hte PT nteegra nanitsoc ahierpn nrrizuelseat thta mmniieiz tsih tecffe ) . ysrro if this dereve off sourec a illett

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submitted by agurl1000(5)
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duolC eoosenm nxeapli to my wyh ti si trcFao X? kLie I unrtnddaes ahtt PTT dna TP rea bhot tdva.leee I kedcip aFcrot X nda nhte cagdenh it ot orhsyisdly" of.." asueebc I ogththu whti a oFtcar X fcieeyni,dc wuodtnl' uyo aveh a ondpogler bnoirhtm em?ti I igmht eb mkngia ihts rmoe lipc,amedotc btu net'ods roFtac X ypal a oerl ni tmnobirh ott,ivincaa os klca fo ti uwldo dale ot a rplegnodo itbomhrn ?mtei

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drdoom  a seropn thwi XFD ocr(tfa x )yfniecceid wlil veha poeor"dgnl notrmibh iem"t dinsei ihetr bdoy (ni iv)ov, sye, ubt rehit MTRIIEOBHMN_T he(t lba s)ett lwil be lemlctpeoy ornaml +1
drdoom  when ehyt run teh bla ,tset ahtw htye do is sjtu dda a bcnhu of lawnogbr- cob(r?m)etnain TCIETDAVA nmibroth ot oury maaslp adn tenh oncut teh oecsnsd ulitn a lcot so.frm hats’t your _ONMMRIIH.TEBT coient who if you heva dfcuke up aroctF ,X ti 'onsdte taetrm eucsbea het lba ugy is gaindd ALMR,ON osfnerga--hlfht/web-olf idcetavat tbirmnho ot yuro palsam lm.eaps +1
drdoom  ni horet rodsw, by dagdin teh bla btn,hirmo we ec"t"mnruvic any losmepbr dgiealn pu ot NAD DNIIULCNG the ropnoictdu fo utcfianoln nob.trmih isnce( efpcylrte cnnitlaufo trnhoibm is hstw’a iegnb ilspupde by the alb .u)gy HUST athw BNITTHR_EIMMO (the )tets si leraly kngsia i,s s“I rheet ntayhgni iinsed stih tieantp tath is tnifnergire tiwh teh osvencirno fo o?”-erin;ngibri&fbtinfg +1
drdoom  O,S what the sett hdluos LRYELA be ldcael si nto EOITMRNHITMB_ c(whih si ionncgsuf as e)llh ubt R_T_MONDEKTII_I_BFMRFNEIOMERINF_RQGIO_UABEER +1
drdoom  ~️☺☺️ +
drdoom  p..s I did a telitl omer adinrge nad ti smees leik honritbm is deedrvi rofm slmpaa sndoro ot(n meda mltnobarnciey ni a h😁isd !)sorry +

The thrombin_time evaluates that part of the hemostatic process where soluble fibrinogen is changed into fibrin threads. It measures the time required for a fibrin clot to form following the addition of a standard amount of thrombin to plasma.

(emphasis mine)

+3/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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i idd isth ruhoght eitnmliaoni:

ca, nda D ;iiscrtnni ↑TPT nyol

B) hwcih si ulaalcyt hte I;PP2 idnlvvoe ni qG ngnliagis

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