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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#46 (reveal difficulty score)
An 8-year-old girl is brought to the ...
“Your daughter’s development is normal.” 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by yo(89)
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edrnu 8 ryesa old orf igsrl si a bad gin,s 8 is .yoka nudre 9 fro bsyo si a bad

jsut hawct uot ofr ayn 6 aeyr ldo ro sghentomi lkie thta. webare of that nHRG eetihr aectlryln ro emso smeo orhte souic.fsrte- r dia 0192 pg 236

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hungrybox  oy fwt i gto ym irfst cdki hria in ht6 aergd twf ear ehyt niefegd heste idsk +48
lola915  AF 02 73.gp6 senfiDe cuocorisPe rtebuPy lt&as8; : /yo in l;Fea& metl9s o/y in Mleas +1
euphoria  nI cuinaCsaa is sles anht 7 .easry +

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submitted by usmleuser007(464)
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trccPei uompssyomSo peryutb sisgn and tsmmypso ldiuecn eeedtlmnpvo of het wlinflogo eerofb gea 8 in gsril dan eefrbo ega 9 in .yosb

aserBt othrgw adn trfsi opderi in nlgeragrd slEi tetsilsce nda i,pens afical rhia adn epgeiennd eicov in yuisbc obP or mdrarneu i ahdiarRp A drlhAogutncte w ydob droo

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