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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#45 (reveal difficulty score)
A 3-year-old boy is brought to the emergency ...
Synthesis of factor X (Stuart factor) 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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submitted by mcl(671)
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otN user if tshi si hte hitrg ywa to itkhn tbauo it, btu if PT dan PTT era hbto nrdg,ploeo this omts ilklye aesmn trehe si a bleopmr twih the mocmno awahypt k(aa orctaf .X)

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temmy  le.xt.ciay. juts thhguto hte meblorp has to eb weehr thye emet or eehrsmweo rasmili to noh.bhe.cet eht oommnc hatP2 yw(T1Tap a)inprHe 7 T(,P )a9rW 1ar 1inf 01 5 2 nI1 my h,eda obth essid ear igklnoo ofr hte tefcpre 01 +2

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submitted by msw(4)
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eersht a lrwduo onsietqu ikle tish ... ,, narxabvioar nad thore afcrot aX oibstihirn nrpolgo tp dan TTPa btu ythe dnot cfetaf tbrnomhi miet ... while edrtic bhrintom oisirbtinh ognoplr PT PaTT nda orbimnhT miet , alos aaideontcunfrt rheapin nlosprog PaTT nda bnToimrh iTem roilhTalee(lyct ti suolhd ploorng PT oot tub in hte etst the TP atgeern ascnnoit rhipena einuestazrlr ttah nzmiiime iths fteecf ) . rosyr fi hits evreed off uecsor a lilett

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by agurl1000(5)
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dCuol emsonoe paiexln to my hwy it is ctoaFr ?X iLek I arensduntd ttha TPT dan PT aer boht ed.eelvta I peicdk crtaFo X and neth edgnahc it to "yldosihsyr ".o.f baeecsu I utgthho wthi a cForat X nfieei,yccd l'ownutd uyo hvae a gdporlneo himbortn ime?t I ighmt eb mnkiag stih more peatilcd,ocm tbu eo'nsdt aocFtr X plya a lero ni nhtmboir iavtonct,ai so kcla fo ti uowld aled to a ogrpeodnl onbrmhit im?te

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drdoom  a eonsrp whti DXF (craoft x )fdcienycei iwll heav pelo"rdngo tnimhobr t"iem dnisie ethir body (ni )ovi,v y,se tub itrhe NIMEBTRIT_OHM e(ht bla stet) lwli eb mcloyptlee alnomr +1
drdoom  hnew htey nur teh bal tts,e atwh tyhe od is stuj dda a bunch fo nw-ogrlab e?nb)r(oaictmn ATDITVCAE minhtbro ot oryu alapsm dan hten conut het ossnedc tlniu a otcl ms.orf ahtst’ ruoy HTOM_RIM.IBETN ctieno hwo if yuo aveh cukedf pu tFrcoa X, ti 'soedtn amtrte eeaucbs hte bla yug si gdnaid MNA,ORL tffhehalf-obes-ronw/g-l ctavateid hbinromt ot uryo msapla mlspae. +1
drdoom  in ohret r,dwos yb naidgd hte alb no,tmhrbi ew ueinc"vrt"mc yna olesmrpb gieanld pu to AND IUGLDICNN het otciurpdon fo caonftiuln rhot.bnmi cesin( eeyprcftl ocitalnufn hnomtbri si wh’sat ingeb eipspldu by the lba .uyg) HSUT atwh I_RTTMOBHMEIN th(e etst) si yaelrl iskgan i,s I“s ehert niyatnhg inseid isth tinptae hatt si teiernnrifg wiht het nrviceonos fo gneirb-int;ifognrb?”i&f +1
drdoom  S,O ahtw het stet dshluo LRELAY be ldlcae is not BTTNMHIEIORM_ wchi(h is onncsgiuf as )lehl but TMRQIOREFNIOUKNE_G_IBEF_ME_EFITDMNI_ARIR_RBO +1
drdoom  ☺☺~️️ +
drdoom  .sp. I idd a teltil oerm dgnerai dna it essme ikle tibnrmoh is derdvie omfr psmaal nodors t(no adme tcylnieoabrmn ni a shd😁i rsy!)ro +

The thrombin_time evaluates that part of the hemostatic process where soluble fibrinogen is changed into fibrin threads. It measures the time required for a fibrin clot to form following the addition of a standard amount of thrombin to plasma.

(emphasis mine)

+3/- drdoom(1206)

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submitted by usmle11a(102)
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i did tihs ohhgrtu mn:aiiinlote

ca, adn D tisiin;cnr T↑PT nylo

B) hiwhc is llacaytu eth ;2IPP odnievlv ni Gq sganiginl

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