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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#37 (reveal difficulty score)
A 17-year-old boy is evaluated for ...
Craniopharyngioma ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—sbryant6(205)
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iropahnaaroyCinmg thwi lticnCsicofaai nad eCllortoseh rssylaCt (rlt-moooi lif.)du tnnmaRe of eRashkt' uh.ocp Not to be nsufoced hitw ttiiarypu mde.oana

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dubywow  l,Aos yarohiinngpcaamor is omts onmomc nearsraoiptutl dihcdloho mo.rut ahTt swa teh gbi elcu rfo m.e +2
skonys  I wsa sfeduonc auecsbe mgaiianhscnro'aypr ahev a bodlmai gae iitnoiutbrsd ithw osmt gocnrcuir in epolep -154 sry. Tshi gyu is 17 adn etnsgeinpr rfo a unnoiiloatcstt rowght adn pytberu yaeld hwich npotsi to cli,aopnmrota hte tsom oomncm ninegb auiriptyt uortm. eH lsoa etdson' veha aorilmeptb hpnmieiao iwhch si THE reeitngspn nigs of phagrmronaanycioi. iaConahsrgomaipnyr rae eht most momocn to be dilicfeac but torsomilapacn nac asol eb c.cfaielid dIk I jtus thikn tsi' a baegrag Q rewtnti yb mose waetys mulse yug agnkccil ni ish fiofec lkie h",aha uyo haev udeidst awht ew dlto yuo ot tuyds os sehre a cien nhcrwe stuj ot kmea eth uve"rc +1

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submitted by โˆ—aesalmon(95)
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aCn yonena explian hyw ihts is ont a rupytiati om?adane Is it tusj a alkc of hreto mm?tposys

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benzjonez  I hitkn hatt they juts ndaewt you to eoctni eht n.taccf*lii*ia*sco* erP F,A ncslac"fiaicoti era coommn ni aiarngiopmh,ysnaoc"r areshew I n'dto tnkhi doy'u cetexp to ese iftcaoasinlicc ni a .pmootrlaanic +21
epr94  aols eht tinopo si taarpiomnocl not braod ttruipiay fniiacstaoccli nda eh steodn owhs any iecspcif sgnis fo ghih oinrpcatl +
madojo  It ssya ehs cgnoim in rof ousaitoincnlt lyade in twrgoh dan u,rtpeby i otok hsit ot amen that eh dha low ,LH FSH ude ot sedadeecr HGRn ofmr teh tnapo.aocmlri yWh ddi htey vhea to ays rwlnoa-mlo ermsu anpi,dtognoro wyh not utjs yas rna?mol fck u nemb +2
madojo  It syas esh nimcgo in for lsoainuitntco leyad ni whortg and t,reubpy i ktoo hsti to enma that eh ahd owl H,L FSH ued ot ddsearece RGnH ormf teh aotricamn.pol hyW ddi yeth veah ot yas aowo-nrllm mruse tdpongan,roio why otn utsj sya nalomr? kfc u nmbe +1
ac3  m@joado I levbiee iencs rrlespuslaa tosurm anc ceusa a mssa ecteff on tairuyipt algdn to aescrede dniorpoagont esvl.el reeWh sa raolciatnopm useacs a eirs in loiacnprt hihwc woertsgdnueal irodogtpnnoa c.eeotrnis aelesP octercr me fi 'Im ownrg +2
teepot123  af '19 gp 165 +
macroorchidism  hYae the nr-oaollwm rewht em dna hte atcf het i""kd aws .17 stTha saclilyba an l.udat I yaslwa goththu het aagpaornynrnioimCsh nemta elki lhendrci tl1;0& o.y. +

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