olyocl,sripaMcac suoausmq lcle nraiaccom nsdet to be o-htefiwf in o,crol gsinair ,fomr nad netidngxe iont a uhocrsbn.
rocSue: apideaRdio
I to’nd hnkti it wsa aiacv;rty I itnkh ahtt swa ustj eth on.chusbr I nitkh assbesesc endt ot eb rlmla,es adn otn’wudl teaffc eht uuonnsigrrd achpyanrem cmhu. I wsna’t prsue cendtinfo ni npcgiik oqamsusu lecl ,rocniacma utb I idd nowk ahtt muusqoas llec oimnaccar ndste ot be a ll-oynteaccaledrt nglu u.otrm
am i eht nlyo one how soech to?mshameileo ntdid thta ookl liek a auplelr leuqap storriploye ot eo?nyna
cs:ebsAs udY'o ees a hoel bmeer(emr eth iurdi/fal lvlee no x ay?)r
matsHaamor: gBenni noplesma of nomrla steius (duo'y ese moer Lugn usi,tes trhwveea isht etwih usftf st..ii.. nia't nmaolr dre unlg .tue)iss aIc:t frn No dwge?e
Miglaannt mpyoam:hl dik( hwo to elru ot)u
:otiMloesameh elrPaul plauseq s(iht is hita)yapea-mcnrlrn
uSmsauqo ellc ro:mciaanC og.inb aentlCrly cea.lodt
I konw ahtt slalm cell macraicno 'wtsan na nooipt ni ihst iqse,tnuo tub wdoul rtehe be nay sisopebl ayw ot intgdsuhsii allms clel omfr suqmusao llec no tish fsicpeic grsos oolhtaygp?
My eccoih rof umsoqaSu leCl inmCaocra asw uegddi by the aetnlcr niaolcot fo het rmo.tu To e,m ttah dtin’d look elki het tivyac ’yodu etg tihw sscaesb btu a hgeu r.oumt
gLnu sesbcas icp ewF:ss/37e/icsos/cr_emg:ia(4oinig4gos.86)2.tpiLhdnpi0ku7wtjmlab_3/.km
Soumsauq lcle miaoaccnr; eCrtlan - aHlir aCitavmsi n-taso
FA 0022 .p 648
SCC: Hailr assm iirangs fmro sbhunorc; iictaontav, isra,cgeett m.ccihelaeayrp
gelsohEpaa sqsmauou cell ncerasc are erom ocnmmo ni eksosmr
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stfnaicr dowul be a omre aiehprlpre gedwe aehps
acsseb nldowut be eivsanvi to eth noudrnirgsu area i .knith
uusasmqo elcl si rmeo lyelrcant aedclto
sawt'n 0%01 usre utb atsth het stbe wansre gutloshh stuidp ot vgie 0 mposmsty nda sujt a uti,epcr gninoth klie an alatuc cilnical scaernoi