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Retired NBME 21 Answers

nbme21/Block 2/Question#24 (reveal difficulty score)
A 65-year-old man dies in a motor vehicle ...
Squamous cell carcinoma 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖

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 +13  upvote downvote
submitted by tinydoc(276)
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stfnaicr dowul be a omre aiehprlpre gedwe aehps

acsseb nldowut be eivsanvi to eth noudrnirgsu area i .knith

uusasmqo elcl si rmeo lyelrcant aedclto

sawt'n 0%01 usre utb atsth het stbe wansre gutloshh stuidp ot vgie 0 mposmsty nda sujt a uti,epcr gninoth klie an alatuc cilnical scaernoi

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tsl19  uqosmuaS lecl is arlynletc oldetca dna ash itnoacvait, hcihw oyu acn ese ni hte c.pi mrilSia ot tish o:ne Hdatptu.ehUtLpwhb0daT/h:8h..6NtLN./e/teslummGGLMU/ +8
zevvyt  I laos ti'ndd sohceo acnfrit zcu i think het ungl owldu evha a erd fatnrci. +1

 +8  upvote downvote
submitted by hungrybox(1277)
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olyocl,sripaMcac suoausmq lcle nraiaccom nsdet to be o-htefiwf in o,crol gsinair ,fomr nad netidngxe iont a uhocrsbn.

rocSue: apideaRdio

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privatejoker  lLo ma I the yonl eon that ikedpc ailnMgant mo?Lmhapy I gtotuhh I eeedbmrmre tatSra nioigetnnm thta aesesatstm rea het tosm cmomno rmof fo crcnae to eb dufon ni the l?gun I tdne to ipck eth mso"t moc"nom trsoepaentin hwen nigve os lleitt ntaioimronf to wrko with +2
blueberrymuffinbabey  tub atseetamss lpytylaic ptreesn itwh lmulpite seolsin so I nkhti ta stael in masxe whne tsi' hwgniso uyo a tsaoiryl enlio,s itnhk a rimpyra mr.tuo +6

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by lnsetick(107)
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I to’nd hnkti it wsa aiacv;rty I itnkh ahtt swa ustj eth on.chusbr I nitkh assbesesc endt ot eb rlmla,es adn otn’wudl teaffc eht uuonnsigrrd achpyanrem cmhu. I wsna’t prsue cendtinfo ni npcgiik oqamsusu lecl ,rocniacma utb I idd nowk ahtt muusqoas llec oimnaccar ndste ot be a ll-oynteaccaledrt nglu u.otrm

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fallabella4  qumsuoSa lcel manrccoai fo het ugashspeo etssrepn sieltf as an eidsar qluaep twih tsruenlaico +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by bharatpillai(40)
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am i eht nlyo one how soech to?mshameileo ntdid thta ookl liek a auplelr leuqap storriploye ot eo?nyna

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brotherimodu  hsT'ta awht I ohgutht .too +
madamestep  mSea e.reh Wshat' a oogd yaw ot gsidutihnsi hpooylgr?om +

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by bbr(58)
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cs:ebsAs udY'o ees a hoel bmeer(emr eth iurdi/fal lvlee no x ay?)r

matsHaamor: gBenni noplesma of nomrla steius (duo'y ese moer Lugn usi,tes trhwveea isht etwih usftf st..ii.. nia't nmaolr dre unlg .tue)iss aIc:t frn No dwge?e

Miglaannt mpyoam:hl dik( hwo to elru ot)u

:otiMloesameh elrPaul plauseq s(iht is hita)yapea-mcnrlrn

uSmsauqo ellc ro:mciaanC og.inb aentlCrly cea.lodt

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by joanmadd(10)
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I konw ahtt slalm cell macraicno 'wtsan na nooipt ni ihst iqse,tnuo tub wdoul rtehe be nay sisopebl ayw ot intgdsuhsii allms clel omfr suqmusao llec no tish fsicpeic grsos oolhtaygp?

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by mattfoley_govtcheese(7)
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My eccoih rof umsoqaSu leCl inmCaocra asw uegddi by the aetnlcr niaolcot fo het rmo.tu To e,m ttah dtin’d look elki het tivyac ’yodu etg tihw sscaesb btu a hgeu r.oumt

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submitted by mdsu(0)
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gLnu sesbcas icp ewF:ss/37e/icsos/cr_emg:ia(4oinig4gos.86)2.tpiLhdnpi0ku7wtjmlab_3/.km

Soumsauq lcle miaoaccnr; eCrtlan - aHlir aCitavmsi n-taso

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by medstudent(18)
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FA 0022 .p 648

SCC: Hailr assm iirangs fmro sbhunorc; iictaontav, isra,cgeett m.ccihelaeayrp

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 -2  upvote downvote
submitted by samsam3711(31)
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gelsohEpaa sqsmauou cell ncerasc are erom ocnmmo ni eksosmr

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