tesb way to phcpaaor it si ot ask ihwhc oen sha a ptraol rcaltcuoini and a ecstymsi linucctirao ( You DNOT edne to onwk eht ouceepdrr to wnarse sthi etsuoiqn.
xlep:ame acnt be esrrpuoi itriegpcsa and irrinfeo tegpiscria cuseabe tshoe are hbto citmysse asol ntca be ipurrsoe catler oif(nrrie neeremctsi nac)bhr dna ieroursp ceemrintse ceeasub tseho era obth tlaorp sytsem
nehw oyu anrrwo it ,odwn neht ist a /0505 ugs.se
Teh txeatcrhiepa lcoavrtpoa tsuhn ofr eht atnrmtete fo atolrp HT is tnbweee teh isepcnl nvei nad tlef anrle i.env
The iitantercpha loaratpcvo ntuhs is bweeten hte prlato neiv nda atiphec seiv.n
ihsT nca be ufodn ni teh 100 ctscopne otmanya tp.p
eey'htr aiknlgt ouatb a psannlreoel nhsut cudrerpoe
loielIcoc nitce(es/)mroiryisf ctneresime toplr)(a, nda ecnslpi ta)(elltfopr/ lrena cmts)isey( rea eht noyl owt sceysotitrpmo snuth sop.niot fO hiwhc npcesil dan etlf nearl is het STEB otpino of the otw utjs baesd on eirth imyxioptr to eth pogaeehlas cseai.rv
suJt to add nahreot peeci htta i tnkih may eb hwtor ng.iniroecds
ncEpodsoy is swgonih acisgtr rveasci fciipy.slelca In the eassc I'ev nreutocdne srtigca asricve due ot tparol NHT, ti reatels to het nctenoonic ewenbte het pnsicel itracinlouc adn the ppoeriglcsioth/ agrctis esnvi a(smiilr thap i tknih fro aiartelr )ul.nirctacoi
eounnqeCty,ls sairctg cvsiaer acn eb eeartdt yb irgetaln teh nclisep al)ptr(o riaicctnuol ot a msysecit oluincc.tiar In tish ec,sa eth asrnew saw .l .renla
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ok i htnik i veah a reohty ni rsgared ofr s:thi
eth helow rdeuocerp is dnoe ot reeedacs eth ltrpoa .HTN wihch emsna het hnsut dsoluh eb rlaotp ot csimesty nagvoidi hte reiv.l
a) pecathi sistcem)(y to fni hcnriep ( eytmsics ) ; o nB) oilclceoi ot(lapr ) to nif scernitme prt()loa ; on c) pnclies rt)pla(o eflt nrael itm;sc(sey) y)esd irpoeurs srecgpiati t)e(cyssim to rrfnoiei egcaipsitr ieystmc)s( ; )Neo psriruoe lcreta apt)o(rl to eosrirpu remsctnei ( )lpator ; NO