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Retired NBME 20 Answers

nbme20/Block 4/Question#41 (reveal difficulty score)
A 56-year-old man with a 20-year history of ...
Naloxone ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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 +9  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—waterloo(126)
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if you loko at eht naesrw csche,io hety are all npia possssrprue xecetp rof no.aexlno

aNxnleoo si na poiod titgasanno so bcoiglnk mu cpreortse ldowu dlea to ceinraes in emotrdasi thta nucide pnai.

I ont'd htink you eden to onkw nay emairneetplx daat, ro leryla nhntagyi rebefo eth ltas owt ennc.teses eH si nveig mnteohisg hatt rcedues ipan iidp(oo n,tas)oig nda if ouy gvie imh onenalox ouy wuldo be udignerc hte teecff fo shi odpoi

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 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—usmleuser007(464)
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Rlieef of binceaalttr ainp was odrdecpu ni xis mhnau inpetsta by moliuisntta of oldreestec eltamynrpen litdneapm ni teh rrlntciaeierpuv and reacpeauqlidut gyar .mrteta eTh velle of inmiasttulo euscftfiin to ncueid pnia ferile esmes not ot elatr teh tacue pina heorh.dlst tsedcrIinianmi iitepeetvr sniutailomt rpdocued eenctlora ot bhot psotmdeoiindclru-uta pnia ierefl nda het cneagsial notaci fo onicacrt ionamiecdt; hsit scpeosr oducl eb drveseer yb tneencisab fmro nsimuo.itlta aSt-ioilouuenddrctmp freiel fo ipan swa sdvreeer yb xaenlnoo ni ivef tou of sxi eTehs ulssrte gtgsuse htta itasosytcarf olvtanielia of nsttiperse anip in uhsnma may eb dboainet by oclnetiecr .aoismlinttu

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usmleuser007  seTeh siusotneq seem nufair ot etst ceuaseb etyh rea aebsd no naelepmxteir a.tda sGeus ehyt aer reeht to tilim a eerctpf se.orc +2
xxabi  I tsuj read it as aipsntte aket oispido ot luntb or rlnocto ipa.n So if the oecrteled osde eht eams tginh eacsdre(e ipa),n neth na atagnsiotn fo iiodops oenaln()ox udwlo ringb the inap ba?ck Ikd fi htta irogsanen si nduso but tsaht' teh clgoi I eud,s I 'tnidd veen htikn fo ti as p.xnratelemei +24
xxabi  slAo sit eht ynol one h'tsta na pdiioo tsngiaanto from teh !stli +2
redvelvet  htye rea nrtgiwi eseth isnouqtse ni an eesicdade-bevn mrenan baecseu eth nutqossie ni nicimeed notnca be cepuordd yb a fles tgimiiaoann ro ogl.ic tBu htat deo'nst amne atht we vhae ot wnko irthe xaect eedeivcn klie siht utosn.eiq ew nac esu ruo now asicb gweedlonk nad duajst ti tiwh iglc.o os doiosip have na aiegcsaln cffeet in eht yobd nda eanlnoxo anc trevre i.t +4
champagnesupernova3  nyitnAgh atth edsucre npia yb nbiar ttlniiomaus si ricgsanine geeouodsnn dsipoo ikle oeshndnipr and i.spnhleticea +2
champagnesupernova3  eEalnh*ksipn otn iipahenseclt +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—neovanilla(57)
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The urcx of the tousenqi is ,kanigs if het aitnpet lesef raededcse ianp hi(chw is nvider yb dioiop llmoecesu; htst'a why sopdoii era nteididerasm sa r,paliile)nks neth hwo od oyu ospt het ininiob?thi nA opoiid nnogtaaist alnoen(xo is eth nylo one ttah is an ttsoign)naa

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neovanilla  wognr n:waress b iodnh-nerp - an niherdopn nda TAHC rmeohon r(samili ot CT,AH COPM) ttah nac bndi to eth piidยตo-o cEeonelpkrihp trean - a oesienraurrttmnt iovevldn in eth ircniedt abals aaniggl pwyahta ngao(l iwht G;B)AA ti nac aosl nidb to -iipaoleddto Mirechepsto porern - na odoiip stgiaon u(dse rfo pnai Ofolcri yxo)eened - Arthneo ipoiod aingsto e~msa( necypot as irm)ehnpo +4
kevin  ni,nlhpeake n,ehdinopr oriyphndn are het sboedi enuondosge idpsooi +1

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