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Retired NBME 17 Answers

nbme17/Block 1/Question#8 (reveal difficulty score)
A 6-week-old girl is brought to the physician ...
Immature lower esophageal sphincter ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—andro(269)
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nrffiliDetea ssDoniiga fo Nebat/oNlnoraenw iigVnmot

eiBn-gn spraagloesheatog fruelx ( .ie maimutre elorw slaghoapee ncetprsih )itainougrgrte fo fodo styorlh fetra iefdgne .
oN therfru spmomtsy , lthyhea drchnlei ihtw onalrm moetdlnevep

hreitcHy-oprp ilorcyp essonits
gnorueatRgiit - icejpeoltr bonousilin ovgitnmi rlleectoyet abnmscilae ( lasiksaol nad molapaeyhki ) * iypashcl nmaintaieox yam lerave na evlio ssma on laiopptan of aepugirmsit
lpi alt*ycy rsatts morf tneeweb 2dn nad 7ht ewke fo eag

g-Miutd suvlvolu ittao/loMarn n/eDaould ireasta * uislboi notgvimi * almabidno stieinndto * Igignam mya realev snsgi leik hte boeudl bbeulb ings ( lnauodde rseiaat ) cet

toe:N heT lsit si otn seteaxiuvh sa ehtre era yamn rmoe eascus adaeictsos hwit nonbrwe iigtonmvi

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covid_19  oT dad on to Beinng ,EGR I codnl'ut indf inyngath in a ryrousc look hrtguho AF adn sola 'dditn wkno htta REG was a tnhig ni antos,een os I dfuno stih ceni adn cisoenc lteacir ni Up:taTDoe sueafoswtott/owt-srnpao-ttfhedgr.priotsc/.s-pax-w/tlpcie:negamehaemtnu/urlnean +
i_hate_it_here  I t'ndo ndsadneurt hyw olgaaEhpse pasms is'tn gtihr +1
topgunber  I luwod ysa egoahsleap pmssa wdulo uscae damiiemet rtaoigtgiunre ro iaiilnytb ot allswwo y.eprporl so ew doulw be inlokog fro aisgadhy.p +4
nikitasr27  nI neagerl soaeentn have an mtrimaue erovnus ysmets e(.g. ibkis)abn nad I iknht atth osla spieapl to eht SAN. Thaโ€™st hyw uyo ese so ynma uuoYebT veiosd fo ibsbae nmiviotg tou of het ulbe tthoiwu evne nhcgagni itrhe ecfa psirseeo.nx I ndotโ€™ kn,owo beasib aer weidr +1
pakimd  si eammrtui hasapgolee ecnirpsth the arseon ywh abibes tspi up lmki hnew taerspn upbr eithr abs?ieb +
chaosawaits  aisbeb rbpu up tiher ilmk esaceub thye swowlla too riygseaslveg ewhn yhte edfe. rgiuBnp mhet hpels teg rdi of osme fo teh rai in rtihe omtsahc and ehlps tvrpeen snitteoind ormf too uhmc i,ra tyerbeh rleivgeni fo pltaoient acmthso snia.p +1

I don't understand why it would be immature LES and then start acting up now?! Shouldn't she have symptoms since she was born?

+10/- brise(86)

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submitted by medbound57(8)
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I ktnih ttah teh rswane si ton yclopir ns,isetso hwich erstnpes hwti EJLIRCTPOE biolisnu-on viignomt -w64sk llcyacsials( rifst bnor ybba by).o

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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by sschulz2013(7)
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ies@br - I think it is eht amse ecptcon as hte pyoiclr eic.pnthsr nI oiclryp sistn,ose ti skate a wfe eekws for hte ulsmec to aclutyal rwgo egohnu ot uecas na sutoirobctn, os rapeshp het same ptoccne ppsleai to het LES lucsme- n'atsh hda mtie ot ogwr neghou ot keep ahmtcso octtnnes rmfo ngrittgagruei in a no.nrweb aTht udolw kema sseen hyw ti douwl lsreove orev eitm. utsJ a u.hgotth

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feochromocytoma  tBu why idd ti pesnter lnyo eraft 5 wskee or os ferta tibh?r +
chaosawaits  I lgliioryan dah umtima"re SE"L ituln I tuohhgt too dhar ubaot teh etla eniorsteatnp ftrae( 5 )kwsee. I ordeeans a weak ESL lduwo srpeent sceni tihrb btu gapseelaoh sasspm olcud enppha cllsorypiaad adn fthoerere dgnecha ym ra.wnse FLM +

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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stJu to dad to atwh rohset ahve yedaral tobelderaa :poun

Eaghspoale mspsa - igelarrru rddgnisozeia naosctoctrni fo haoeaesgpl ur,uacestlum lodwu eucas ,yaagphids or etmieadmi rrtioatungegi ni ihst nwe bon.r hsiT lwdou ybrlaobp pnapeh ithw eyvre fe.ed

tGu moartialotn uMtdig( tmotnoaiarl) - penessrt hiwt buiosil ogivntim deu ot aoluendd uttoiobsrcn vai ddaL sdanB o.tmonfira

Trahpoeegheaaslco iatsare - lwudo ertneps wthi n,ysiocsa ro,oglidn and cevisexse n.cugohgi Ari luwdo be rtepnes ni eht msota,ch and tc'an sspa a sarigcstano uebt gourhht ot eth .samthoc

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