I ktnih ttah teh rswane si ton yclopir ns,isetso hwich erstnpes hwti EJLIRCTPOE biolisnu-on viignomt -w64sk llcyacsials( rifst bnor ybba by).o
ies@br - I think it is eht amse ecptcon as hte pyoiclr eic.pnthsr nI oiclryp sistn,ose ti skate a wfe eekws for hte ulsmec to aclutyal rwgo egohnu ot uecas na sutoirobctn, os rapeshp het same ptoccne ppsleai to het LES lucsme- n'atsh hda mtie ot ogwr neghou ot keep ahmtcso octtnnes rmfo ngrittgagruei in a no.nrweb aTht udolw kema sseen hyw ti douwl lsreove orev eitm. utsJ a u.hgotth
stJu to dad to atwh rohset ahve yedaral tobelderaa :poun
Eaghspoale mspsa - igelarrru rddgnisozeia naosctoctrni fo haoeaesgpl ur,uacestlum lodwu eucas ,yaagphids or etmieadmi rrtioatungegi ni ihst nwe bon.r hsiT lwdou ybrlaobp pnapeh ithw eyvre fe.ed
tGu moartialotn uMtdig( tmotnoaiarl) - penessrt hiwt buiosil ogivntim deu ot aoluendd uttoiobsrcn vai ddaL sdanB o.tmonfira
Trahpoeegheaaslco iatsare - lwudo ertneps wthi n,ysiocsa ro,oglidn and cevisexse n.cugohgi Ari luwdo be rtepnes ni eht msota,ch and tc'an sspa a sarigcstano uebt gourhht ot eth .samthoc
submitted by โandro(269)
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nrffiliDetea ssDoniiga fo Nebat/oNlnoraenw iigVnmot
eiBn-gn spraagloesheatog fruelx ( .ie maimutre elorw slaghoapee ncetprsih )itainougrgrte fo fodo styorlh fetra iefdgne .
oN therfru spmomtsy , lthyhea drchnlei ihtw onalrm moetdlnevep
hreitcHy-oprp ilorcyp essonits
gnorueatRgiit - icejpeoltr bonousilin ovgitnmi rlleectoyet abnmscilae ( lasiksaol nad molapaeyhki ) * iypashcl nmaintaieox yam lerave na evlio ssma on laiopptan of aepugirmsit
lpi alt*ycy rsatts morf tneeweb 2dn nad 7ht ewke fo eag
g-Miutd suvlvolu ittao/loMarn n/eDaould ireasta * uislboi notgvimi * almabidno stieinndto * Igignam mya realev snsgi leik hte boeudl bbeulb ings ( lnauodde rseiaat ) cet
toe:N heT lsit si otn seteaxiuvh sa ehtre era yamn rmoe eascus adaeictsos hwit nonbrwe iigtonmvi