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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#14 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman with a history of ...
Streptococcus mitis ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–

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submitted by โˆ—ergogenic22(401)
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epSrt adrnsVii si oral flr,oa easusc uateucsb itaicedrdsno egicftfna yvupsoeril edmadga vs,vlae dan si otnfe osdsaecita iwth eleesqau fo neltad eedopc.rru

A) eorcciocetn nac salo aceus eutbascu astincdredio utb yeth aer gmaam smloeshyi dna lfolwo IU/GG eop urrcB)ed eatb shesyiolm dan ausces c uecta) abte issoylmeh nda csaeus ut) aece hpaal slehoimsy but uynlkile to seacu dcantdrie,ios cseasu iemsitn,gni ti,iots ,opimneanu siiusstni - M(SPO)

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submitted by โˆ—trazobone(97)
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ptSer drViiasn is aolr raofl suasce sbuuaetc oeriidctnasd gfeantcif oelrysipvu egmdada ,alvevs dna is eonft odsacseita twhi qseeuale of adentl uperc.rdoe

A) Ecccoinrtoe anc laso csaeu bcseuaut rdaetsicoidn but yeht era amamg moiechytl dna owflol GGUI/ cdueeprro )B tabe sihlymeso esausc aecut eabt siesmhoyl nda i gto oto yzla to nulrbcasem teh sert i ntod iknth it even eassdersd my niseutoq

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trazobone  terSp tiism is arpt of hte rdivnias ougpr fo ccc,epsrtooti somt mnomcloy doufn ni taotrh, nyxrsh,paoan Gmar + aviecuftlat eboera,na lcaaates )(- nad pahla yohtielcm +2
whk123  ,Aosl eth geaim gvise a lceu asol( reetnps ni FA tpesr enopum ines)tco tath it ngelsbo to srpte mia,lfy tpres puoenm leudr out ubacsee ti si ettoicm-eyhbla so respt tsiim si tlef ichwh lleentyvau is healcyoa-iltphm +2
trazobone  Wtia no strep emupno is oals alhap letcyi.omh I khtin uoy tmnae ot peyt stpha ruusea +
whk123  MO,G wreeh the chke ym noe enil we-nt IE:TD etrps eumonp udlre out saeuebc it si not dctosiaaes hwit thera suesis dna tdealn pecdrreuo inght stenerp ni hte aiers,con tshap easuru druel tuo eeabusc it is yet-hmbotleaic ...os snT kha zrboantoe rfo giignnbr sith ot natoitetn +1

Strep mutans (of Strep Viridans group) causes dental caries "cavities"

+/- dentist(94)

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