Strep Viridans is oral flora causes subacute endocarditis affecting previously damaged valves, and is often associated with sequelae of dental procedure.
A) Enterococci can also cause subacute endocarditis but they are gamma hemolytic and follow GG/UI procedure B) beta hemolysis causes acute beta hemolysis and i got too lazy to unscramble the rest i dont think it even addresses my question
submitted by โergogenic22(401)
Strep Viridans is oral flora, causes subacute endocarditis affecting previously damaged valves, and is often associated with sequelae of dental procedure.
A) enterococci can also cause subacute endocarditis but they are gamma hemolysis and follow GI/GU procedure B) beta hemolysis and causes acute c) beta hemolysis and causes acute e) alpha hemolysis but unlikely to cause endocarditis, causes meningitis, otitis, pneumonia, sinusitis - (MOPS)