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Retired NBME 15 Answers

nbme15/Block 2/Question#22 (reveal difficulty score)
A 72-year-old man with poorly controlled ...
Decreased femoral pulses ๐Ÿ” / ๐Ÿ“บ / ๐ŸŒณ / ๐Ÿ“–
tags: cardio

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submitted by โˆ—cassdawg(1781)
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aultiselP smsa in eth embnoad icoemndb with reevse ibamnload pni,a ercadedes loobd epssrru,e iapl adn halgrtiec lla toipn to cdisioetns of na imnldaoab acotir erausny.m Tihs owdlu ceaus ecdesraed lfrmoea pusles eud to sosl fo olbod wfol ot teh relwo metiei.rstxe

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submitted by โˆ—imgdoc(183)
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ihTs si na ianlaodbm aitocr yaumsner hchwi edtuur,pr vcedednie by: onhtpoe,syni liuastple laianombd ,amss het rdnggiua dan ytrdiigi ni eth iublliprimaec .erogni toP(maah gepa 07, AF 8201 paeg 92)8 oliadtidnA ninsdgfi oulwd cdenuli eesceddra romalfe less.pu

-A tPtaein si /esvyncthievplmoohipo,ye uyo oplabbry 'ntow see mloran nekl,a nda aciharlb d.iciens

B - Aciort rtgeunotriaig si seen in rtccioah ioratc arnymsues scrndaoey to sli,ysphi ro itscyc edlima notaeineredg in mesrre/'fnashla odl.nas ouldC sloa be eud ot rctaio otor tinoiltaad omfr tiorac niciso.edts

/CD - ohtb era nees asallliscyc ni ticaor tsis.cenoid

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imgdoc  Pmoatha 1260 d*ointie +
fatboyslim  ^^ I tkhni yuo aenm DC/ era snee acsliaslylc ni rotaci iacro?cnttoa +

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submitted by โˆ—prostar(22)
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eytcrmmAsi aldiar lesl/pbudoo ussreerp rsdgeani rhhgei ni flte UE thna in htrig - htbo aemn eth esma hntig eens ni itAorc tssoecndii

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