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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 4/Question#40 (reveal difficulty score)
A 25-year-old woman is brought to the ...
Pulmonary capillary leakage 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: jhkjh

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 +19  upvote downvote
submitted by neonem(629)
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ihsT atipetn ints' lihaeptovgy,itnn heet'ry nlYegPRttH,Einvia ecneh eth PCO2 l&t; 40 mm .gH

e'tsL wkal it wa:bsdarck yThe ear naihlyteetpngvir ot emapcteons fro hte toiaebclm isoacids uesdca by ewdrsaepdi h.xopiya ivnaHgetnteplyri lwoals uyo to lwbo ffo roem O2C.

hyW era tehy oxhic?py eTh orepns is ipohyxc ude to inonmlaiftam and eauct torpiyesarr rsisdste rsneymdo mrfo het punnem.oai llA eth oenskitcy mofr het itnmflyamaor cllse ecaus cdisnaere nyopruaml laycparil aael,kge hcwih boskcl up eth rlvealoa nereabmm so atht 2O tanc' egt hohgtru ot teh .doblo

yWh do they have oacbleitm soiscdia in hte fsitr pa?lec oN xgoeny t-&;g- on lreetcno pnarottsr nicah dna on ACT g&-;t- tccila .ociiadss

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diabetes  no uapmnioen it is ITU +3
makinallkindzofgainz  heT cnifnteio rfom the TUI depasr to reh unslg +
makinallkindzofgainz  tsih is nielatsysle e,pssrosiu neo fo het ledigna csaues fo ssseip +1
cmun777  UTI -gt&; Ssespi g;t-& ASRD (eauxevdit oyppghhasiotoyl d/t escidaern pymnolrau svac ltemeipayrb)i +22
peqmd  pueiosrss +
snripper  aolm I aerd it as epurp esrtayprior ctrta eno,infctsi .too +4
thisshouldbefree  esh ash an idreeansc -aA .tagrined +

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by diabetes(31)
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tU)(UI g=;&t= sisesp ttgCIAN;&R=S=DAR=;E&=ESg oalrlvae iryclapla lmrietpibeya =gt;&= xhieampoy g=&;t= terpivtnylhaonie na=p;=&phiatcogy

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avocadotoast  iThs is cceotr.r eTh tnaptei esotd'n ehav ,pinemuona tub esisps from hre I.TU spisSe is a wonnk cusea fo .DARS SADR acn eb due to yeuxrmopt-nalra sstuie gadema that dseal ot the eeerlsa fo laminrmtaofy tsdm,eraio oarevlla adgaem, rlmuonyap dem,ea dan nlhayie nearmmbe heT hanylei nmmebraes miprai gas exenagch dan dale ot hax.oiyp +2

 +5  upvote downvote
submitted by dbg(197)
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idD oanyne lsee woernd HWTA M"PULARNYO T"PSOYMMS si het sqntoieu irnfreger ?o?t eTerh si telrylali not a nsegli tsmymop dnmeniote ni het hewol tigetnv.e No kscrae"cl dhrae orev ohtb lnug i"dsfle rae tno stm.osmpy yheT aer sisng fundo by eth nphiiscy.a

ouelsSiry obtnuidg the whoel NMBE badro tets etirrws rtihg ow.n Do yeth aeqytdalue sievre teirh work? Tshi si not the rstfi celhctina aksemti I riaeezl no het wne

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nbmehelp  .uYp oLgkion back sti aercl htwa htye reew gitnyr ot gte a,t ubt htsi ldnifyeeti etrhw em off wenh I swa katign eth stte cb I pkte rdgeieran eht ustqnioe lkoniog rfo a pcceifis tymmsop hte pt dha thta eyht tdanwe em ot plnxaei. +3
ergogenic22  I egera wthi you atth hte treswir ear chawk ubt isht etiuqnso leclayr ssya udfe"isf lrcsacek rae ardhe vreo otbh nulg dfsile" +3
ergogenic22  i aetk ahtt akcb i dnndausetr wtah u'roye ngiysa +7
peqmd  I hnitk hatw are iungsac her loparmnyu insgs"" tghim be emor aeacucrt u oe.iqntse/t/ddolmwccs1#tnapesps.8mtltsianc:/o-iya6t5w.8mhs1ywvg/osriw-me +2
an_improved_me  I teg reehw ouy rnega is ncigom .rfm.o eThy exetcp the stsntdue ot ipck up eth tosm rnimo tlasedi sa ythe yam eb aernelvt to na emrxeylte gvaue adn itsdeu sqoeitusn and esansrw, utb dt'on hldo esveelsmth to eth amse tddsaan.r +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by am4140(8)
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I see epelop ear hangiv lbpemor wtih eht pu“naoylrm msytpmo” rtpa, ubt they way I huttgoh batou ti :is what smpt?yom

eShs’ ccaytipehn cbeeusa the 2CO si wo,l cihhw Im’ usre seh locud vahe idnotec oefreb hes depsas ut.o gheEtyrnvi eels si a g.sin oS awth sakem a pientat tpnecaiyhc? ,lWle ryuo slgun nlfliig up wtih rcpa can do it, chiwh it sysa ni het sonuietq isnce she ash dfefius atlreibla naitert.ilsf

So whta uaecss uory nuslg ot hvae tlatfnri?ies ,Wlel esh ahs a niyekd fticneion a’stht dtrenu tion ipctes coksh twhi gmra gntvieea eei,braatmc os sti’ igong ot eb all eth ymaatilfnrom eatmisodr we opucerd ni nepeorss ot all of ttah rabelitac LSP in the mbtsdoerlao icungsa oranlpymu alcprayil alageke dan ASRD.

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by ankistruggles(18)
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oHw do you knwo hre ypnuomlar pmsoytsm era eud to uylpoamnr parayilcl gkeleaa nda ton lihvnoaetpn?tyoi Is yomlraunp laprcaily elkaaeg juts oanhrte ywa of gyansi lrmnoaupy maed?e

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sattanki  Hplyneovtitaoin in on ywa sdlea to nlyurpmao .damee +
fenestrated  oettapiilHnovyn uowld aednsceri eht PC2O +1

 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by sattanki(82)
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eTh pt si nvhiag a eevesr esac of anpe/seinsmuoips (,?SARD) sa ha’tts wyh her 2OP si wlo ta 46. oS in iaopemnnu tereh is neisrdcae aplyciarl aakelge nedailg ot lnmryuapo deea.m

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by famylife(110)
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oFmr F:AAP

etAu"c ropyetsirar risdsste yonrdsem is a iamoaenitnfts fo ctaue jinyur to hte l,ung ommoclny isgrleutn mfor ,speiss tmuara, dna revees alnoyurmp .sitninoecf l,acilyiCln ti is adazerhcticre by e,apydsn onpofrud ahmipoeyx, esedearcd nlug ol,cmpaenic dna fudefsi eabaitllr sletaiitnrf on hcest grdpyr..ioa.ah

In SA,RD het idnjuer lgun si deleiveb ot go hrhtugo hrete :sespah evtduaex,i ,rlrifotepeaiv adn bitfco,ir tbu teh sucroe of ahec ehasp adn eth aellvor issaeed peroossgnri is ir.aabvel nI teh eaivtduxe ea,hps gdaema to the aolrveal upheilitme adn lasaucvr tlemhuoinde cudserpo aeklgea of ,wetra io,ntrpe nda ofiymmarltna and rde obldo elcls itno hte ittstiierumn nad lrlavoae lmn.ue eTseh nhgcesa rae ddniuce by a xlmecpo enytalirp fo oayrrflaptmomin dna ymain-fmaaotlintr adets."omri


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by unknown001(9)
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teyh ondneemit ldoob tre.uucl oblod lecuutr= sissep = dsar &tg; rxc istrflienat

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submitted by jbrito718(48)
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Tsih si stiepc shcok ldiegan ot aumlprnyo eedma aak ts”ms.m“yop The elakega si ecasud by PSL agedlni to L,-I1 ,-L6I -lpTaFahN hhiwc sercianes aulvrasc letpiyeambri! heT tseqnuio nda nrwsaes rites to crkit oyu inot ikinhtng s’ti emgtionhs slee utb you nwko she ahd agrm nge noitcfiens nda het transpntoeei is ujst qeuseela of pitsce s!koch

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