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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#48 (reveal difficulty score)
The breakdown of dipeptides and tripeptides ...
Intestinal mucosa 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: GI

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 +381  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh scmaeints fo hsti sqtieonu amed me tvoim .olobd

enO ady a ntpteia illw olok em in eht eeys and ksa, re"hWe are irtsiteepd konber ?won"d I wlli lmsie ta temh nad ,asy "the aetstiinnl usocam adn otn eht men"ud.odu ehlTly' imlse kbac dan l'lI akwl awya nad tnkih of tish tonemm as I pumj mrof teh id.wonw

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sympathetikey  oTo lr.ea +5
mcl  how od i evuopt plmtuile ismte +22
trichotillomaniac  I mdae na actuonc solyle so I uocld uvtepo tshi. +40
dragon3  ty rfo eth echulkc +8
cinnapie  tiialnalcorchim@ot eSma +5
thedeadly96  DX mdea ym day! +2
hardly43  PRI deglen el@agusl +2
seagull  A ldgene envre ide +4

 +56  upvote downvote
submitted by drdoom(1206)
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hTe eudlanod enuml dna( rctnaicpea ssroeteap like HITPRCMSYYN)O si teh iest hewer nccrpatiea nysezem e(edson)istpap”e“d caelev grael ptieydsplpeo iotn meslral stib ireps.psipti,d=dpdt(eeeti) tI is ta eht SUBRH ERDRBO erewh eth aeslmstl sdnik of peepsdit d)pidspperiptieteie(s,dt era rnoebk dnow noti eirth amino dacsi, ichwh nlilayf nca be asdpotorce-rtn with aN+ tino het ntiteialsn l.ecl

I nhikt butao ti hits :way

  • chsmtoa aidc usaterden nda osnp“e u”p tiosrenp tiht(wou ipscfice a)ece;alvg
  • riapctncea eyszmne ethn evalce dnareeutd etppldyepsoi tnio alrelsm bs;it
  • brshu oerrdb eeznmys allynif ekbra ownd tinesti itpespde tino sblabaerbo oiman csiad.
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regularstudent  'Istn hte bsruh obrerd sltli trpa fo the naltenisti ?ulnem tnoD' eth noaim sacid eernt niot eht esinlttain ecll (the letntsnaii" )mso"ac?u +1
drdoom  andrele@gurttsu N,o eth elmnu si ellirltya hte —vyhetacit ypemt ea.psc +2
jj375  iSltl enonyda boaut shit oqnsiut,e utb erhe si a stceaihmc ni case it sphel onnyae e:les i9of.dpllim/8pteione0jpas:yol/dhtimgtiabyich/ +2
drdoom  7j53@j ebst eccshiatm v’ei ense os .raf +2

 +4  upvote downvote
submitted by am4140(8)
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neO of teh csroDto in irnaTnig devois altkde batou sboaopnrit fo nu,nretist nad cpeflslyciia deontmnei htta edesipdpti dna epteirisptd era ersrocdttpona thwi yrnhdoge onit eth anttienlsI amolcus clesl eihlw insgel AAs era dretnacostorp ithw +aN. So ton yonl od dietipedps adn sptietriped meka it ntoi eht satnlintei auoscm ebreof egnbi onkber nw,od yeht aatluycl etg in strfea naht eingls AAs o.d

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weirdmed51  sKu!do oT you +1

 +2  upvote downvote
submitted by nerdstewiegriffin(45)
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M:e I ma rsroy to say but aseubec fo eht nncsqceoeeus fo oyur DM we lwil ehav ot tueamtpa uyro aPt lge:iten ,okay btu I aveh noe esuqinot :Me Pn? ytit:eeas is scfterou ekornb dnwo ni lniatnitse umenl or niailetsnt csMa:mo ?ue .:na... itPet. ..M. e:.. I inthk sit ttasinlnie nueml

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by weirdmed51(30)
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ishT eiquonts erbko em mreo tnah het spd.ietep

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 +1  upvote downvote
submitted by medstruggle(20)
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yhW si addeuonl nmule ?errcctino I tghtohu canaticerp ymnesez rcmyh(syt,pnio adpbtxicspre)oyae uwodl be claodet rhee.

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colonelred_  iaeEnkoterns ievcast ystnopngrei nad is lecadot esolrc to hte ititsalenn smocaul sbr“hu( .)or”ebdr +2
drdoom  heYa, dnee@crooll is tigh.r udrt:mgsg@eel eht nludedoa umeln dan( het ciptacrean a/ortssepe/ you ioent)nm is eth site ewrhe crianpceat eeznmys “ad”npde(osetpsi)e eavecl elagr teepipplodys iton relalsm .sitb tI si ta teh HSBRU DOEBRR ewrhe eth alslstem kisnd of peedspti ded(tppsi,ie t)rsedetpiip rae nekbor donw ntoi itehr aniom ,idsac hhicw ailfyln nac eb rr-dnasttepooc twih aN+ into eht inatnesilt cl.le I hnitk tbuao it tihs wya: htomcas idca adtuensre nad “snoep ”up tsprnoie w(ihuott nay icfpseic ceaga)evl; acraetpicn eyemsnz nthe velace dendtareu epytlipseopd tnoi relmlsa ;btis ubhrs bdrreo ysmzene lfyilan ebrak dnow inyt ppeedtsi into laobbsebra onmai dia.cs +4
drdoom  Ncei iachscet,m peld@lpewed +1

 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by xs34_23(0)
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eesrth a iankz adcr ni hte GI ckde omrf osatnzco shwgnio uaimnll ides ipdeHi/te+dp dan /periH+epttdi esr.rr-ttsonapco ehnT iisedn eht aetlnnitsi cas,omu eht di and tisdiptpere rea ekbnor dwon ntoi amoin icads ehrwe a blsaa sdie rrteospratn upts tmhe oint the lodob amsetr

eHrse a lnik niowsgh h:tta


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 +0  upvote downvote
submitted by jbrito718(48)
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-iD and -Tri tpsdpeei cna tneer iotn eteeyctrson aiv peTP1 nsartoerstrp dna eb korbne down ot aiomn cisda inthwi teh cn.oretesyet eHnec ywh teh unelm si ont eth bset nrweas

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 -1  upvote downvote
submitted by seagull(1933)
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eTh isetnacms of isht ntueosiq maed me movit .lbodo

At tlesa oen ayd a pttenia liwl look em in eht seye and kas " reewh aer sdptertiei krbnoe dnwo .a"t I wlil mlsie at mthe dna say eht" snlniiatet ocsmau dan otn hte ond.mud"eu l'yTlhe eimsl cabk dan htne l'li htne i'll kwla yawa adn hitnk fo hits nmmote sa I mjpu ormf eth .indoww

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weirdmed51  ouY got 331 tevo for htsi re,da dene omer? +1

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