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NBME 24 Answers

nbme24/Block 2/Question#7 (reveal difficulty score)
A 75-year-old man with a 10-year history of ...
Hydrostatic pressure in Bowman space 🔍 / 📺 / 🌳 / 📖
tags: renal

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submitted by hvancampen(7)
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rAocgcidn to ,enlmu "the ’monaBws cusepla ecaps tsexer ioyrdatcsth speserru fo sit won ttah shsuep agtnias eht lu.eoulgmsr anIesecdr w’samnBo luascpe csohirtydta rssuerpe lwil cesareed GF,R heliw sdedeecar woBasn’m ueaplsc hiyradcttso sprueser wlil nerseaic G.FR

An mpalxee of ihts si a truree urtiosnotcb ot teh lwof of rnuei htat alaldgryu easscu a fdliu buudilp tiwihn the nphnrose. An urbostnciot wlli canreies the mB’aowsn sleacup rtosdhytica srrepeus and ilwl yotnselqnuec seadreec FG."R


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submitted by guillo12(58)
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hWy he'esrt no inarecse in tyatrodHisc rssuerpe in lureomlagr repia?isacll

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rihan  eneBwet the mgleosrluu adn Bnowas'm espac teerh is a roshitdyatc essrpeur anig .iTedsrht eadigrtn is lnrmolya teh struel of a REGLA lrrmluegao tdcsohratiy esprsuer nda a LWO prssruee in 'asonwmB apsce hhcwi ylanrlmo afvros mirflaarig Dtta.ion ee:hr 1/0eo/iorct-ypmgslt8rps/noy-u//doe/pntuogipapwcnForltuiaoat70tmh2p/lsll.:.hlnG In het asce of -rteolnpas tto,isnbcuro ttoadhryisc srsrpeeu ihbdne het dalcekbo ilwl ersi and eruin lwli fxeurl niot eht prscluaa spcae nda areln tluuseb lih(ew orleulgrma idtchaytrso rrusepes si td)effnueac fvetyileefc iargnceeds eht prssuere ndtgraei wihhc usecred eth iitoltanfr r.ate +6
jurrutia  hWy udwlo na raescein in psresuer in oldob svsesle sueac nrisypsh?oohder hTe blroepm sha ot be in eth nnrepoh fs.ltei +
makingstrides  a@ujtirru I nkthi tath si gineb etrsadetdnmo I idekcp ergrollmau iirplaeclsa gikhnnit of teh rsnaesw rwon.g ehT iercuetr unrcisboott ecuass a pucbka taht daesl a ot a high tdsytachoir suserper in eth bmawno es.cap ohTerfree, nprvneitge t.lfarioitn heT sueac of het laenr ilurefa cat'n eb omfr het raelruglom lilpacsreai casueeb the olkcb n'tis enibg seaudc e;treh it is aecusd by togensmhi psot retuer e(dadlti r)eetru. +

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submitted by mari17(2)
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heT elmlragrou ltatoirfni taer (RGF) pdnseed no het tinpyelar of taoircyhdts adn ciconto ssrrpeeus ni the lrragmoule psiclarilea dna noaBswm' The FGR scersinea tiwh hrgehi rlugmleroa rascdoyitth srreeusp nda rcaesedes hiwt cirngeisna sB'awomn splueca aiysrhtcodt uressepr or ghehir romlulgera rlpaiyacl iotoccn sesreupr. Aetuc alteruer iuorbttocsn cearinses ttsihyrdaco sresrpue rplimoax ot eth so.ctncrtnioi hTis urrpssee eisr si tnstedramti kcba to teh wsaBmn'o asec,p rtsienugl in ecedaersd F.GR

ec:rouS RWUODL

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submitted by famylife(110)
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Nto a lful nesrwa ubt st'i a strta (in teh oectxnt of na )t:cosbunoitr tstb"ciOuron fo runie lowf sturels in na seaercni ni totdyircash espusrers rmalxipo to teh seti fo o.tstuobcirn It si this ibldupu fo euersrps hatt dslea ot teh gcapamyniocn pa,in hte ietsindtno fo hte ogetllnicc mtysse ni het e,kdiyn nad veteleda trutirbulana erpersssu ttah tenitaii rubtaul fystonu.idnc nI the sfitr ydas of s,ruticoonbt teh ltioantadi of the yrolop litomnpac tigcolceln symtes mya eb n.imlaim As eth eanrcieds tsyatorihcd spsrreeu si seexrpdse in hte ruiyrna saepc fo teh u,rmgeioll rfetruh nltiirfoat sersedace or tposs ceo"t.yepllm nao,i('rsHrs ,02e tpCareh 331)

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trichotillomaniac  the kye rhee si hte rmet pdyechioornrht nd.kyei mietyan reeht si ah,tt rehet is a ospt rlane snctoobtrui of soem .osrt heT acft taht he has rpsvriesego nlear elrfuai sjtu rettcbuisno ot hte eiad thta his nysidke avhe nees edmaga oeebfr dna aer ton bela ot aitndwsht hte ereuspsr mrfo het akcb up sa .llew I ogt prpiedt up no iths. The mtoaptnri htngi ot onte si ahtt erdnryoHosiphs dna ntaoiild = abkc pu = eieanrdsc in emuvol srureeps s(ydhc)oattri +6

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submitted by an1(114)
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giksnA uatob hte CS,EUA tno eth opser.nes eTh auesc orf a daditle rreetu is eirsanecd RGF.

4 ulesva ear eernccodsid P (saiercesn hpus otni erteur dirieo)P citn is(rsencae psuh onit ca)wbnπso m csne(aseir pllu otni anisw)mob π ereicnas(s ullp onit edcionirt of rue)etr

fI reruet is ti,aeldd hte nsobmaw auclesp si GNISUPH tou eomr fdiul t—;&g irndsacee GFR h(ihg P)c nda lpngiul lses o(lw c)π

Got thsi ogrwn eaceubs I gthhout yhte ewtadn to nkwo twah eht eernosps ouldw

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an1  to dda ot temnmoc ^: ,B ,C D tnd’o tafecf FGR. E uldwo ecirsean FRG ubt si kelyiuln to be eth usaec eeh.r +

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